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Students, architecture, social impact: Politecnico brings sport to prisons

The Advanced School of Architecture (ASA) is an “additional” training course, which the most deserving students can follow in combination with the Master's Degree Courses in Architecture. It is an excellence program dedicated to just 20 students , Italian and international, selected on the basis of their design talent. Its goal is to strengthen and develop the figure of the architect-designer , through activities that put the student in direct contact with the professional reality and with the complexity of the processes currently in progress in the various European and non-European realities.

In the first Master Class of the 2021-2022 edition, under the direction of Paolo Cascone and Maddalena Laddaga (CODESIGNLAB and University of Westminster) and thanks to the collaboration with the project ACTS (A Chance Through Sport) directed by prof. Andrea Di Franco (DASTU), the students designed and built the prototype of a small modular gym, designed to be installed in one of the open areas of the Bollate prison .

palestra bollate
Courtesy from Prof. Pierre Croset


It can really make a difference here ”, said one of the female prisoners' representatives. “If you have nothing to pursue, you get stuck in the routine and can't move forward. It is important both for our mental health and for our individual growth path. It's a kind of springboard ".

This is the first project of this kind involving a community of prisoners in Italy . From design to actual construction, the students worked side by side with architects Cascone and Laddaga, experts in the field of parametric design, linking the social approach to that of ecological construction and digital production. Each module of the structure is designed to create a space both for individual exercise and in connection with others, free-body or with the use of tools. The use of digital environmental simulations guided the choice of materials. In fact, the students were able to experience firsthand the advanced digital manufacturing potential of LABORA Laboratories and MaBa.SAPERLab of Politecnico di Milano.


"This is a completely exceptional teaching experience", comments prof. Pierre-Alain Croset, director of the Advanced School of Architecture (ASA). "Which illustrates in an exemplary way the mission of the ASA to enhance the design skills of future architects thanks to a strong synergy between academia and professional reality. The intention is to offer students a very concrete design experience - I would also say "physical" and "tactile": the students responded to this challenge by demonstrating exceptional passion and commitment , certainly also stimulated by the awareness of living something that goes beyond the traditional school experience, because it can end in the Bollate prison with a real space of sure social utility ".

The prototype was dismantled and is now in the Bollate prison depot, waiting to be rebuilt with the inmates in the spring. To complete it with the right covering materials and with the tools necessary for physical exercise, the goal is around 15 thousand euros: we need the help of the Alumni !

"This is a completely exceptional teaching experience", comments prof. Pierre-Alain Croset, director of the Advanced School of Architecture (ASA). "Which illustrates in an exemplary way the mission of the ASA to enhance the design skills of future architects thanks to a strong synergy between academia and professional reality. The intention is to offer students a very concrete design experience - I would also say "physical" and "tactile": the students responded to this challenge by demonstrating exceptional passion and commitment , certainly also stimulated by the awareness of living something that goes beyond the traditional school experience, because it can end in the Bollate prison with a real space of sure social utility ".

Investing in research and innovation: the opinions of Politecnico di Milano

More than 1,000 Alumni attended the 10th edition of the Politecnico di Milano Alumni Convention, the first physical-digital hybrid edition of the traditional event dedicated to the Alumni community, which was held on Saturday, November 13 at Politecnico di Milano in the new Aula Magna dedicated to Alumnus Pesenti.

Scientific research and technological innovation were the themes of this important edition: sharing the opinion of Politecnico di Milano together with the Rector prof. Ferruccio Resta , there was the pro-Rector and research delegate prof. Donatella Sciuto , the president and delegate of the Rector for Alumni prof. Enrico Zio , prof. Ingrid Paoletti ( Rector's delegate for Expo2020 Dubai ), Andrea Sianesi (president of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano ) and Cristiana Bolchini (from the scientific committee of Center of Technology Foresight of Politecnico di Milano ).

What does it mean to conduct scientific research? What are the main topics on which it is important to do research today? How is it possible to create a fertile ecosystem to stimulate the spark of technological innovation ? We tried to answer together with experts, professors and alumni. Watch the video of the 2021 Convention at this link


Ferruccio Resta


Investing in the quality of researchers and updating laboratories, this is the challenge of Milano Politecnico. Since 2017, PhDs have grown by 35%, explained Donatella Sciuto, while as per the Horizon2020 program, which has just closed, the Politecnico has been a protagonist with over 400 research projects and a turnover of 200 million euros: first university in Italy , with a higher success rate than the European average. "One of the next challenges for the Politecnico will be to create critical mass: create a large accumulation point for companies, start-ups and spin offs", according to Resta, who illustrated the opportunities to be seized thanks to the PNRR and discussed those offered by Expo2020 Dubai with Paoletti and Sianesi (info at this link: ) . A look to the future comes from the Technolofy Foresight center, which warns: “Technology, we are tempted to overestimate its short-term impacts and underestimate its long-term ones,” according to Bolchini.


Also on stage 3 exceptional Alumni: Nicola Monti (CEO Edison), Luigi Rebuffi (Secretary General, European Cyber ​​Security Organization) and Emanuela Trentin (CEO Siram Veolia), who continue on the path opened by the top management of the University sharing scenarios , the strategies and visions that guide the choices of companies and institutions . “Companies do research because it is vital to remain competitive on the market. We must be careful to intercept trends, and universities are a very precious observatory "opens Trentin, supported by Monti who adds:" On sustainability, companies today have clear, shared and universal objectives. But they need to be ambitious: research is fundamental because it allows technologies that are still embryonic to mature and those that are ready to scale up ”. Rebuffi makes a clarification, taking as an example the world of cybersecurity: “Things that only a few months ago seemed like science fiction, in a year will be ready to go on the market. We need investments for the training of people and for research, to guide us in the possible scenarios ".


The Alumni Convention reaches its 10th edition in 2021, an event that brings together every year professionals of Politecnico from the world of architecture, design and engineering. Through the dialogue with the Alumni, recognized among the most influential players in the Italian industrial and cultural world, Politecnico opens with the Convention a space for sharing and reflection on the innovation path of the Italian system, on the opportunities to be seized and on our role as a community. in a international context.

Over 7,000 Alumni have participated over the years in this event, which occupies important spaces on a media and "geographic" level, moving to locations in the heart of Milan, also due to the influence of the exceptional speakers who have trod the scenes: we remember among the many Stefano Boeri, Francesco Starace, Giampaolo Dallara, Elena Bottinelli, Renato Mazzoncini, Paola Antonelli, Patricia Viel, Mauro Porcini and many others. Find all about past speakers

The Convention is organized by Alumni Politecnico di Milano, a community of over 200,000 professionals who, through the success of their ideas and works, have a positive impact on the world. Main ambassadors of Politecnico di Milano, they are committed to support for the University and the achievement of its strategic objectives , in particular those linked to internationalization, to the consolidation of research partnerships, to innovation teaching and financial support dedicated to students and researchers of excellence.

Find out how to contribute

Investing in research and innovation: the opinions of Politecnico di Milano

More than 1,000 Alumni attended the 10th edition of the Politecnico di Milano Alumni Convention, the first physical-digital hybrid edition of the traditional event dedicated to the Alumni community, which was held on Saturday, November 13 at Politecnico di Milano in the new Aula Magna dedicated to Alumnus Pesenti.

Scientific research and technological innovation were the themes of this important edition: sharing the opinion of Politecnico di Milano together with the Rector prof. Ferruccio Resta , there was the pro-Rector and research delegate prof. Donatella Sciuto , the president and delegate of the Rector for Alumni prof. Enrico Zio , prof. Ingrid Paoletti ( Rector's delegate for Expo2020 Dubai ), Andrea Sianesi (president of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano ) and Cristiana Bolchini (from the scientific committee of Center of Technology Foresight of Politecnico di Milano ).

What does it mean to conduct scientific research? What are the main topics on which it is important to do research today? How is it possible to create a fertile ecosystem to stimulate the spark of technological innovation ? We tried to answer together with experts, professors and alumni. Watch the video of the 2021 Convention at this link


Ferruccio Resta


Investing in the quality of researchers and updating laboratories, this is the challenge of Milano Politecnico. Since 2017, PhDs have grown by 35%, explained Donatella Sciuto, while as per the Horizon2020 program, which has just closed, the Politecnico has been a protagonist with over 400 research projects and a turnover of 200 million euros: first university in Italy , with a higher success rate than the European average. "One of the next challenges for the Politecnico will be to create critical mass: create a large accumulation point for companies, start-ups and spin offs", according to Resta, who illustrated the opportunities to be seized thanks to the PNRR and discussed those offered by Expo2020 Dubai with Paoletti and Sianesi (info at this link: ) . A look to the future comes from the Technolofy Foresight center, which warns: “Technology, we are tempted to overestimate its short-term impacts and underestimate its long-term ones,” according to Bolchini.


Also on stage 3 exceptional Alumni: Nicola Monti (CEO Edison), Luigi Rebuffi (Secretary General, European Cyber ​​Security Organization) and Emanuela Trentin (CEO Siram Veolia), who continue on the path opened by the top management of the University sharing scenarios , the strategies and visions that guide the choices of companies and institutions . “Companies do research because it is vital to remain competitive on the market. We must be careful to intercept trends, and universities are a very precious observatory "opens Trentin, supported by Monti who adds:" On sustainability, companies today have clear, shared and universal objectives. But they need to be ambitious: research is fundamental because it allows technologies that are still embryonic to mature and those that are ready to scale up ”. Rebuffi makes a clarification, taking as an example the world of cybersecurity: “Things that only a few months ago seemed like science fiction, in a year will be ready to go on the market. We need investments for the training of people and for research, to guide us in the possible scenarios ".


The Alumni Convention reaches its 10th edition in 2021, an event that brings together every year professionals of Politecnico from the world of architecture, design and engineering. Through the dialogue with the Alumni, recognized among the most influential players in the Italian industrial and cultural world, Politecnico opens with the Convention a space for sharing and reflection on the innovation path of the Italian system, on the opportunities to be seized and on our role as a community. in a international context.

Over 7,000 Alumni have participated over the years in this event, which occupies important spaces on a media and "geographic" level, moving to locations in the heart of Milan, also due to the influence of the exceptional speakers who have trod the scenes: we remember among the many Stefano Boeri, Francesco Starace, Giampaolo Dallara, Elena Bottinelli, Renato Mazzoncini, Paola Antonelli, Patricia Viel, Mauro Porcini and many others. Find all about past speakers

The Convention is organized by Alumni Politecnico di Milano, a community of over 200,000 professionals who, through the success of their ideas and works, have a positive impact on the world. Main ambassadors of Politecnico di Milano, they are committed to support for the University and the achievement of its strategic objectives , in particular those linked to internationalization, to the consolidation of research partnerships, to innovation teaching and financial support dedicated to students and researchers of excellence.

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An exhibition at the Alfa Romeo Museum for Dynamis PRC, the racing department of Politecnico

From the 22 October 2021, the Alfa Romeo Museum dedicates an exhibition to the Dynamis PRC team, the "racing department" of Politecnico di Milano (find here all the information) .

La mostra esplora e racconta questa realtà sportiva che, in meno di un ventennio, si è sviluppata ed è cresciuta fino a raggiungere risultati molto importanti a livello internazionale. 

Credits: Dynamis PRC

The team, initially made up of 12 students has reached 100 members today , was created in 2004 and in 17 years of activity has played 31 races in 7 different countries.


Every year Dynamis PRC designs and manufactures a formula-style racing prototype, including open wheels, carbon fiber monocoque and a huge aerodynamic study, with the aim of participating in the Formula Student championship, held on various national and international circuits. 

During each race the teams compete for a week, during which various static (economic and design choices) and dynamic (where the performance of the prototype is tested) events take place. 

Credits: Dynamis PRC

In the early years there were many challenges that the Dynamis PRC teams had to face, but with perseverance and commitment they managed to improve more and more. Until the 2019 season, the team participated in the competition with combustion prototypes, while from 2020 it brought the first fully electric prototype to the race, experiencing an exciting and satisfying season. 

Dynamis PRC is financed by the sponsors and by the resources of Politecnico. If you wish to contribute click here

Credits home/header: Dynamis PRC

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Alumna Tiziana Monterisi wins Fortune's Italia Prize

Tiziana Monterisi , Alumna in 2004 in Architecture won the MPW2021 - Fortune Italia award, assigned to the MPW International Convention (Most Powerful Women) by Fortune Italia, now in its second edition and dedicated to "Italian excellence between talent, innovation and courage".

Monterisi was awarded the prize for having distinguished herself for her ability to face the difficult challenges and necessary changes imposed by the pandemic, thanks to her activity that has made natural construction and bio-architecture the main characteristics of its construction sites, with the total abolition of chemical materials.

Credits: FORTUNE Italia

"Recycling, - as reported by FORTUNE ITALIA - the minimum waste reduction combined with planning ideas are the innovative result that prompted the Board in assigning the award."

The Alumna is CEO & Co-founder of Ricehouse a company focused on the transformation of rice production waste into building and construction materials. The company uses all natural materials that usually end up in waste for the creation of building infrastructures.

“I am an ecological native - says Monterisi - and I have always tried to find sustainability in the building world. Thanks to creativity, but above all thanks to professional competence and courage, I was able to make an impact in this not very innovative and very traditional world. It takes a lot of passion, but above all a lot of courage and perseverance ".

tiziana monterisi


Ever since his studies at the Politecnico di Milano Monterisi has always conceived architecture as a social work , at the service of people and nature. With the creation of Ricehouse, Alumna has realized its vocation for sustainable construction by designing a system based on rice cultivation waste, which can be transformed into a series of materials with which it is possible to build an entire building in the name of circular economy.

Credits: Lorenzo Daverio

"If we want to save the climate and the environment, we need to move to new models that guarantee a sustainable future, based on materials with zero environmental impact and technologies for the production of renewable energy, exploiting what nature and agriculture make available to us ”, declares Monterisi to Corriere della Sera .

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Scholarships and mentoring opportunities given to the best graduates

The best students of Politecnico have an extra opportunity to build their future thanks to a unique path in Italy. The oportunity is the Circle of Donors: from 2016 until now, 30 Alumni have donated a total of 343,500 euros to finance prestigious scholarships, able to compete with those offered by the best international universities , which attract the most promising young people.

Scholarships dedicated to young talents, chosen for academic merits, who receive € 10,000 a year for the two years of the master's degree and, above all, can access a network of contacts experts: a team of Alumni in top positions, donors, who in addition to financial support make time, advice and mentoring available to young people in view of the important choices and opportunities that follow graduation from the Politecnico.

President Enrico Zio, Circle winners and Alumni donors in February 2020


Contributing to a more sustainable world, breathing an international atmosphere, feeling part of a community of people who make a difference: this is what the girls and boys of the Circle have told us over the years. They are chosen every year among the best undergraduates of the bachelor who decide to stay at the Politecnico also at the master's level.

A club of 110 cum laude , serious and focused on the goal: in addition to the academic average, to access the Circle you must respect a very strict schedule and graduate with full marks in the first session .

Alessandro Atanassov, 22, studies Computer Science & Engineering and "when he grows up" wants to be a computer engineer. Among his interests, to work on the software of spacecraft . “At Politecnico I started by learning to write very simple C programs that printed me Hello world , and within three years I came to recreate a board game, turning it into an online video game. Now in the master's I will work on even more complex and advanced projects. I have chosen a path that will give me access to a large number of job opportunities: you can find information technology everywhere".

Paolo Battellani is also 22 years old and has just started his master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. After graduation, he tells us, the idea is to stay in the IT sector: "being a fairly large sector, I still don't have clear ideas. I would like to provide support for environmental issues ”.


“I think the time has come to reflect and prepare to make important choices in your life, where having someone as a guide and motivator can prove to be fundamental”, comments Alessandro. "The Circle of Donors project is a unique opportunity to receive financial support and advice from those who have achieved brilliant career successes " according to Paolo Morreale, 2020, who is studying Building and Architectural Engineering.

Among the 18 fellows adopted by the Circle since 2016, the first two were Giulia Realmonte, Alumna in Energy Engineering, and Alessio Durante, Alumnus in Electrical Engineering. Both completed their studies in 2018.

"It is very nice to feel part of this community of Alumni and to receive advice from those who have accumulated experience through the choices and mistakes made in the past", commented Giulia on the eve of graduation, and Alessio: "The Circle is a unique opportunity in Italy. No other university values its best students in this way ".

With a donation of € 2,000 (repeated for 5 years), you financially and mentally support the best students of the Politecnico. Visit the website.

Bivacco Roj home

Alumnus Massimo Roj designs a high-tech cabin at an altitude of 3400 meters

On the Rutor glacier, winds blow at 290 kilometers per hour and temperatures drop to 40 degrees below zero. Building a cabin here is a real architectural challenge that Massimo Roj , graduated from Politecnico in architecture in 1986, dedicated to Edoardo Camardella, his friend and mountain guide, who in 2019 lost his life on Mont Blanc.

Architecture that becomes memory, courage, emotion and strength: this, and much more, is the meaning of the cabin project dedicated to our friend Edoardo Camardella, a young mountain guide and ski instructor who died 2 years ago, victim of an avalanche on Mont Blanc - writes Roj on his Linkedin profile - The cabin will be placed on the Rutor Glacier in La Thuile (AO), at 3400 meters high, and will be visible in La Thuile this winter before being transported to the top in June 2022.
A demanding and challenging project, in which we have put heart and soul and that we have carried forward thanks to the contribution of great companies in engineering and construction , which like us have believed in the importance of this work. "

Bivacco Roj
Credits: Progetto CMR

The steel cabin, built by Progetto CMR under the guidance of Roj, will be mounted in November on the stage in the La Thuile cable car square at the beginning of the ski season where it will remain on display for throughout the winter, before its actual installation at high altitude, scheduled for May-June 2022.

It is a self-sufficient last generation structure in terms of energy, with photovoltaic panels inserted into the external steel sheets, which protect the insulation with the wood facing inwards. one of the highest weather stations in Europe will also be built here, powered by a group of batteries that will operate the camera that will communicate directly with the Aosta base.

Bivacco Roj
Credits: Progetto CMR


The cabin is a state-of-the-art structure that needed studies, surveys and measurements to be built, which are essential to make these technologies work at such a high altitude.

Bivacco Roj
Credits: Progetto CMR

Politecnico di Milano also contributed to these design studies, making available the Wind Tunnel for measurements on static and thermal engineering and resistance to extreme technological phenomena .

“It was necessary to understand how to have a light but resistant structure and how to mount the panels without the risk of them being uprooted by the wind, giving shelter to those who frequent the mountains in a modern structure” Roj comments on Corriere della Sera.

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Double silver for Politecnico Alumna Federica Fragapane

The award ceremony of the Hublot Design Prize 2021, held on 17 October, concluded the first edition of the prestigious award to be held live since back in 2019. In London’s Serpentine Galleries, 160 international experts and gallery owners met to present works by emerging and established artists from all over the world.

One of the award winners was our very own Federica Fragapane, Communication Design Alumna 2014, for her data visualization work representing the complexity of data in organic and poetic forms, “engaging and experimental visual works that attract and involve the beholder”, according to La Repubblica.

Credits: Federica Fragapane

Fragapane received one of the two Pierre Keller Awards up for grabs, sharing the podium with German designer Eva Feldkamp. First place went to Mohammed Iman Fayaz, 30 years old, illustrator, designer and contemporary artist from Brooklyn, New York.

This year in its sixth edition, the Hublot Design prize is the most important and conspicuous accolade in the design sector, conceived to support young talents and promoted by watchmaker Hublot. Hailed by many designers as an excellent career accelerator and springboard, the award not only recognises a single design but the artist’s entire pathway of research and experimentation, as Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of Hublot states: “to pass from the shadow to the light, from object to famous piece, from promising newcomer to household name, triggering factors are required and one of these is the Hublot Design Prize”.

“As a proud Alumna of the Politecnico di Milano, I am delighted to personally notify you that my work has been selected to receive the Pierre Keller Award in London, Fragapane wrote to the editors of Alumni. “I had the honour of presenting my designs to a judging panel composed of Marva Griffin Wilshire, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Alice Rawsthorn and the Formafantasma studio”.

Credits: Federica Fragapane

The Hublot Design Prize awards are assigned by an independent judging panel that proposes the candidates and by a quality committee, this year formed by none other than Marva Griffin Wilshire, creator and curator of SaloneSatellite, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, artistic director of the Serpentine Gallery in London which hosts the event every year, British critic Alice Rawsthorn and the duo of Italian designers Formafantasma, who won the award in 2018.

2021 is the year of the silver medal for Fragapane, who also took home second place in June at the European Design Awards. She won this first silver for her column “Dati visivi” (Visual data), published weekly in “La Lettura”, the cultural supplement of the Italian newspaper “Corriere della Sera”, which speaks about her here.