Two new “Circle” Scholarships to support the best students of Politecnico Di Milano

Since 2016, 29 Alumni donors have adopted 14 students to support them during their graduate studies with a Scholarship of 20.000 euros and a tailored mentoring program

Circle of Donors is the program of Politecnico di Milano dedicated to donors who would like to support the best graduate students by financing Scholarships coupled with a personal mentoring program.

The project, which began in 2016, has so far involved 29 donors for a total of 290.500 euros in scholarships. The Scholarships are financed by Alumni that are willing to share with students their experience and advice for their professional future.

Selected students receive 10.000 per year in both year of their graduate studies and are given the chance to be mentored by the donors. There are chosen based on their merit among the best graduates of the undergraduate degree course continuing their education at Polimi. 16 students were chosen since 2016, all graduated with the highest honors: the first two were Giulia Realmonte, Alumna of Energy Engineering, e Alessio Durante, Alumnus of Electrical Engineering. Both completed their studies at Politecnico in 2018 con a Circle Scholarship. “It’s great to be a part of this community of Alumni and to receive advice by those who have experience and can help you avoiding the same mistakes” said Giulia on the eve of graduation and Alessio: “The Circle program is a unique opportunity in Italy. No other university enhances its best students in such a way”.

Other winners were: Serena Farina, Electronics Engineerig, Alberto Lucchini, Automation and Control Engineering, Andrea Sassella, Automation and Control Engineering, Lorenzo Amadori, Mechanical Engineering, Daniele Loda, Electronic Engineering, Riccardo Galvani, Biomedical Engineering, Andrea Ticozzi, Automation and Control Engineering, Jacopo Gargano, Computer Science and Engineering, Marina Nikolic, Computer Engineering, Tommaso Marchesi, Civil Engineering, Paolo Cattaneo, Physics Engineering and Massimo Terzi Automation and Control Engineering.

A few weeks ago two more students joined the group of the winners by winning the call “AlumniPolimi per meriti accademici” 2020: Gabriele Zanoletti, Electronic Engineering, and Paolo Morreale, Architecture Planning. “For my future I would like to be involved in something that will bring me enthusiasm, an ambitious and elegant project”, said Gabriele and Paolo adds: “I have chosen Politecnico to study in a prestigious school of architecture and to live in an international environment such as Milan. This will allow me realize my dreams and become a good architect”.

Do you wish to launch a campaign to establish a scholarship? Visit our section on the website dedicated to the donation options of Politecnico di Milano. Visit the website