Alumna Elena Bottinelli wins the Belisario Award in the Management category

Women at the center of the Post-Covid reinassance: that is the message of the 33rd edition of the Marisa Bellisario Award "Women making a difference"

The Examining Commission of the Marisa Bellisario Prize has chosen among the winners of this 33rd edition, Alumna Elena Bottinelli , awarded for the Management category .

Bottinelli, CEO of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and the IRCCS Galeazzi of Milan , graduated in Electronic Engineering with a specialization in Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano in 1991. Before joining the San Donato Group, she has worked ten years in leading multinational companies in the medical and orthopedic devices sector.

elena bottinelli

She is one of the founding members of Leads - Women Leaders in Healthcare - aiming at promoting female leadership in the health sector and promote the overcoming of gender inequalities , aiming for equality in top positions of public and private organizations. In 2019 the famous business magazine "Forbes" adds Elena Bottinelli in the ranking of the 100 most successful Italian women

In 2017 Elena Bottinelli participated in the 6th edition of the Convention Alumni Politecnico di Milano (the video at this link) , underlining the importance of the health system (which just this last year has been instrumental in tackling the unexpected crisis we have found ourselves facing). "The first objective of cities is to make citizens feel good", she commented, speaking of a future in which technology, from wearables to machine learning, will play an increasingly important role in prevention and health control, facilitating medicine. remote customized and a system of clinics distributed throughout the territory. “The future is within reach. We must not fear technology, but know it and use it ethically: it will teach us to make more informed choices ”.

elena bottinelli

The Bellisario Award is an award established in memory of Marisa Bellisario, pioneer of technology in Italy. Since 1989, every year it has been awarded to women who distinguish themselves in the profession, management, science, economy, social, culture and information, entertainment and sport, both nationally and internationally.

“This 33rd Edition - declares Lella Golfo, President of the Marisa Bellisario Foundation - comes after a long and tiring period. These months have been complicated for everyone, especially for women. We are now at a turning point. The right battles, those for women's employment and for gender equality, have finally been put back at the center of the political agendas".

The award ceremony "Women who make a difference" will be held on 1 July and will be hosted by Laura Chimenti, and will be broadcast on 17 July in the late evening on Rai1.