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Two researchers from the Politecnico winners of the prestigious Amelia Earhart Fellowship

Since 1961, the year of the first orbital flight, about 600 people have gone into space. According to data from March 2022,75 of them were women (source nasa.gov).

See the list of female astronauts in history

You needn't travel so far though: even on Earth aerospace professions are mostly dominated by men. Worldwide, women in this industry account for about 25% of the workforce.. Academia, companies, institutions and foundations around the world are increasingly addressing this subject, providing fertile ground for players to work together towards the goal of greater gender balance, including through scholarships and doctorate degrees dedicated to women pursuing this path (we also talk about this here and here).

This is the case of female researchers Eleonora Andreis and Mariachiara Gallia, PhD students from the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at the Politecnico di Milano, who in 2022 won two prestigious Amelia Earhart Fellowships, awarded annually by Zonta International a 30 giovani donne che perseguono un dottorato di ricerca in campo aerospaziale o astrofisico in tutto il mondo. Abbiamo parlato con le due ricercatrici politecniche premiate quest’anno e ci siamo fatti raccontare su cosa stanno lavorando.

eleonora andreis
Eleonora Andreis

Eleonora Andreis, 25 years old, Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering and Master's degree in Space Engineering, with an Erasmus placement at the University of Liège in Belgium.

"My PhD research topic concerns the development of algorithms for the autonomous navigation of miniaturised satellites in deep space, within the context of the EXTREMA project (winner of an ERC- Consolidator Grant in 2019). I work within the DART GROUP supervised by Professor Francesco Topputo.”

Andreis's project consists of developing algorithms that enable a miniaturised satellite to autonomously locate itself in interplanetary space; the satellite observes the external environment using onboard cameras and is able to derive its position by triangulating the information it extracts, in a process which Andreis explains is “similar to what sailors did in ancient times by observing stars in the sky”.

Her project focuses on small, low-cost satellites, which promise to be major players in space research in the coming years. Since navigating a miniaturised satellite from Earth incurs a similar cost to flying a standard satellite, Andreis is mainly working on making the satellite autonomous in its navigation operations. At the same time, she is developing small, inexpensive navigation technologies and methodologies, testing them on hardware that mirror the onboard set-up.

"Another innovative aspect of my project lies within the context in which the navigation algorithms are applied, namely deep space. Nowadays, research in the field of autonomous optical navigation is more focused on other case studies, in particular those in which the satellite is in low or medium orbit around the body it is observing, which may be a celestial body or another satellite, for example, while few research groups are actively working on its interplanetary application.”

“Actually, I hadn't planned on doing a PhD whilst at university”, concludes Andreis. "It was a decision made during my final year, whilst I was working on my master's thesis. The topics I was working on in my thesis really intrigued me and around the same time PhD positions had opened up on very similar research topics within the context of a highly important project (EXTREMA), so I took the plunge. After finishing my PhD, my plan is to stay in research."

Mariachiara Gallia, 26 years old, Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering and Master's degree in Aeronautical Engineering. During her Master's degree, she completed an Erasmus placement at the University of Southampton.

“Ever since I was a child I have always had a passion for maths and physics. I have always been a very curious person and particularly fascinated by aircraft and how they work. However, after graduating at the liceo scientifico (high school), I had chosen to enrol in the Faculty of Mathematics, driven by the passion I had cultivated during the liceo. After a few months, I realised that the maths I had studied in high school had actually nothing to do with what I was doing. So I decided to transfer to a faculty that was more practical and could be applied to real-life. I enrolled into Aerospace Engineering and immediately realised that this was the field that I wanted to work in; in particular, I was very passionate about aeronautics and aircraft aerodynamics."

Gallia is working on the numerical simulation of ice accretion and ice protection systems on fixed and rotary wing aircraft, by developing the PoliMIce simulation framework. "I work with Prof. Guardone's research group with Dr. Barbara Re, Dr. Giulio Gori, Dr. Camilla Conti and my PhD colleagues: Tommaso Bellosta, Andrea Rausa, Alessandro Donizetti, Luca Abergo, Francesco Caccia and Yang Peng. The main objective of my research project is to develop a framework that can help in the design and optimisation of anti-icing systems.

Part of my project consists of studying the physics of the problem, i.e. the aerodynamics of the aircraft, the trajectory of the cloud particles impacting the aircraft, and in particular the energy and mass exchanges regulating ice formation and melting (when the anti-icing system is activated). The second part consists of the application of optimisation methods to the design of an anti-icing system. In particular, the innovative factor concerns the optimisation that is carried out in a robust manner, i.e. considering uncertainties in the design parameters in order to obtain a more reliable and safe system even outside deterministic design conditions."

Like Andreis, Gallia was also convinced at first that she wanted to enter the world of work after university. "I became passionate about research thanks to the calming, yet stimulating environment I found whilst writing my thesis with Prof. Guardone and his research group. So, after my thesis, I decided to go down this path, which for now, despite the expected ups and downs, is bringing me a lot of satisfaction. The Politecnico is recognised overseas as a centre of excellence, offering many opportunities to carry out research, as well as possibilities for collaborating with European and non-European institutions, allowing students to work in an international environment and constantly feel connected to the wider world. Finally, thanks to our relationships with companies in the industry, it is possible to see the results of the research we carry out applied “in the real world”. After my PhD, I would definitely like to continue working in research, maybe even in academia, in Italy or abroad, depending on the upcoming opportunities that arise.”

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Politecnico and the NHOA group for a new JRP

The NHOA Group (NHOA.PA, ex Engie EPS) and Politecnico di Milano sign agreement to create a Joint Research Platform (JRP) with the aim of developing more innovation, research and training in the energy sector to enable the global transition to clean energy and sustainable mobility.

The scientific collaboration agreement consolidates the long-standing partnership between NHOA Group and Politecnico di Milano and stems from the mutual desire to develop joint training, research, and innovation initiatives. The main objective is to address cutting-edge research topics in energy storage, e-mobility and distributed energy resources.


The collaboration covers the following areas:
•    power conversion systems’ innovative control and design to sustain weaker electrical grids;
•    New battery technologies’ development focusing on EV second-life batteries;
•    cutting-edge EV charging solutions coupled with storage of renewable energy;
•   energy management systems and cloud computing unlocking distributed energy resources.

Sustainability, global transition, clean energy, and sustainable mobility are not slogans. They are actual commitments and leading priorities in research, economic and political agendas. An obligation to Politecnico di Milano, the first technical university in Italy and one of the top institutions in Europe.

commented Ferruccio Resta, Rector of Politecnico di Milano.

Among the many initiatives, NHOA Energy, Atlante and Free2move eSolutions - the three Global Business Lines of NHOA Group - invest in the growth of next generations, supporting PhDs and young researchers.

NHOA Energy also contributes to the Polytechnic Equal Opportunities ( POP – Pari Opportunità Politecniche ) program with the Girls@Polimi, initiative, which provides for the donation of a full-cycle scholarship to encourage final year high school students to enroll in STEM disciplines.

NHOA Group JRC activities will include 8 new PhD scholarships to support the different research initiatives and in 2023 the creation of a JRC lab in which students, researchers, and professors from Politecnico di Milano and NHOA Group R&D engineers will work together to develop new products for NHOA Energy, Atlante and Free2move eSolutions.

Collaboration with the NHOA Group gives rise to a Joint Research Platform that not only stems from a solid foundation, but also reflects a long-term vision and mutual approach that is paradigmatic in dealing with complex and highly demanding global scenarios.

Resta concluded.

alserio home

The Milan of tomorrow: a gallery of Politecnico works  

The Premio Architettura e Urbanistica Urban File 2021 selected the most significant and virtuous recent works in the city of Milan: 7 of the 8 winning projects are works by Politecnico Alumni. We interviewed some of them to learn about how the city is changing and will continue to change. The interviewees are Paolo Asti, Pasquale Mariani Orlandi, Sonia Calzoni and Sebastiano Pasculli   

Chapter 1: Alserio 10, the curve of time  

  • PROJECT: Regeneration of existing residential buildings and tourist accommodation  
  • FIRM: Asti Architetti  
  • ALUMNUS: Paolo Asti  
  • PLACE: The Isola district in Milan   

Paolo Asti (Credits: A. Cherchi)

At the end of the 1980s, at number 10 Via Alserio in Milan, a team of editors from the prestigious publishing house Selezione dal Reader's Digest were hard at work drawing up the World Atlas. Every day, they worked on the oceans and epochs, the sciences and Earths in their own round world of the building at number 10: a building designed by Melchiorre Bega in 1968, who gave the building curves instead of corners, so that it seemed to rotate around the district.

“Unlike the usual city architecture, which is placed right at the edge of the street, this building is placed in the middle of the block and is visible from 360°,” begins Alumnus Paolo Asti, founder of Asti Architetti, who led the building redevelopment project. Today, Alserio 10 is a residential complex, with 70 spacious apartments, each with its own balcony. “We have taken and emphasised the legacy of the curved aspect featured in the original design by creating balconies that chase one another like waves around the whole building,” explains Asti. - The curved line is easy on the eye. It gives you a sense of flowing, growing and transformation. Greenery is an integral component of the façade because people love being surrounded; this green filter is a kind of portal between inside and outside. Nature also influenced our choice of materials: we used a lot of wood or imitation wood materials and, on the ground floor, we used aluminium with a bronze effect. The most pressing issue of our time relates precisely to land: I see no need for further land consumption but rather a better utilisation of it.”  

The Isola district, where Alserio 10 stands , best represents the transition from past to future in urban planning:

“Here, the historic Milan of old shops, which have disappeared elsewhere, coexists with the large real estate industry. Milan is a polycentric city, which, given its characteristically dynamic nature, is not restricted to a single city centre, but rather has been able to create many centres.”

This duality of time dominates Paolo Asti's work, who is currently engaged in the redevelopment of the Velasca Tower. Talking about this latest project, Asti says: “Citizens need this iconic piece of 1960s Milan back in the city. The restoration has to make the building functional again by making it seem like nothing has changed from 1956 to 2022. I often stop myself from changing perfect buildings designed by those who have come before me, even if ravaged by time. Because time devastates everything - people and buildings alike.”  

MAP is one of the many initiatives created by Alumni Politecnico di Milano. If you want to receive two issues of the magazine in paper format, consider donating..

dynamis home

On the start line: students that build racing cars 

«You won’t get many credits for the time you don’t spend preparing for exams, but in return it’s a huge leap in quality. It forces you to get your hands dirty, to understand and to imagine.” The speaker was the engineer Giampaolo Dallara , who in 1972 founded the Italian racing constructor that bears his name in Varano de’ Melegari. Dallara is an Aeronautical Engineering alumnus, a motorsport enthusiast and one of the main sponsors of Formula SAE in Italy. He was addressing students in the Politecnico’s DynamiΣ PRC team: more than 100 students that design and construct a Formula 1 style prototype racecar each year.

foto di Tommaso Chemello, Alumnus ingegneria meccanica e membro del team DynamiΣ


DynamiΣ PRC’s cars compete in the Formula SAE championship (in Europe it is called Formula Student), one of the biggest competitions for open-wheeled racecars which hosts over 15 global events and involves students from more than 600 universities across the world. The drivers are also students and therefore, for safety reasons, the events are time trials rather than wheel to wheel races (with a few exceptions).

Students compete in three categories: internal combustion vehicles, electric vehicles and driverless vehicles. Each event is held in a different country and divided into two sessions: the first, which is static, assesses the technical side of the vehicle, the financial aspects and the ability to create a comprehensive marketing strategy. Dynamic tests are then carried out on the track: Acceleration, Skidpad (handling), Autocross (fastest lap time) and Endurance and Efficiency (prototype reliability). In Italy the competitions are held at the circuit in Varano de’ Melegari, within walking distance of Dallara Automobili (the initiative’s main sponsor). Each year, Dallara goes around the garages on the Friday before the competition, when the teams have finished testing and are making the last tweaks to their cars.

Watching the students discussing how to fit a chassis or imagining how to build a wing is a tonic, giving me enthusiasm to put back into my business,” remarked Dallara. “ And then there’s the confirmation of how young people are truly a strength of our country, of how dedicated they are despite the sacrifices: because they are often forced to reschedule their exams in order to do this work.  

Given the demands of taking part in these competitions, it is no wonder that they can get in the way of the students’ studies: for example, Alberto Testa, a Space Engineering student and the current technical director of DynamiΣ, told us that he commits around 70 or 80 hours a week to the team. “It’s inevitable that exams take a bit of a back seat.”

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foto di Tommaso Chemello, Alumnus ingegneria meccanica e membro del team DynamiΣ


Moreno Palmieri graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2018 and today works in R&D at Ferrari. During his studies, he was part of the DynamiΣ team: a team that won a great deal but did not exactly start off on the right foot.

“In 2014, we experimented with a carbon fibre chassis for the first time. But, not having much money, we made do with flat carbon fibre panels glued together. It was a little heavier than a carbon fibre chassis moulded using industrial techniques, but it cost a lot less. We were wet behind the ears and we made an error in the design: the internal inserts for attaching the internal components of the car were too small. During preliminary testing at the Vizzola circuit everything had gone well, but the tarmac at the Varano circuit performs much better. During the brake test, we had so much grip that the forces exerted on the suspension brackets of the chassis were much stronger than predicted, to the extent that one of the inserts was torn off. It was a disaster! We were dejected. But the competition officials, staff from Dallara, came by the garage for their usual look around and they encouraged us to find a solution. We worked on the repairs through the night, fixing the chassis with sheets of steel. Once we had finished, the car weighed 10kg more: it would have lost a little performance, but at least we could compete. The following morning, we showed up at the brake test again. This time the chassis held but the suspension brackets broke, having already been damaged during the first test. We pulled another all-nighter for the repairs because the competition was the next day: it was our last chance. We found a makeshift solution, but the car could not withstand the third brake test and we had to withdraw. However, what we took away from this story was a great opportunity. The engineers at Dallara had noticed us because of our tenacity, because we hadn’t given up in the face of such a big problem, we had tried everything. A few months later, Mr Dallara came to meet us at the Poli and he offered to support us in building the chassis with the proper tools and equipment. He put us in contact with Bercella, a company in the sector, which also taught us a lot about professional manufacturing.”

foto di Tommaso Chemello, Alumnus ingegneria meccanica e membro del team DynamiΣ

Since then, DynamiΣ has made up for the failure of 2014 many times, finishing on the podium at all of the subsequent editions. “The students often surprise me with examples of great creativity and imagination” explains Dallara, remembering countless visits to the garages. “New technologies are screened in advance, whereas sometimes the more conventional parts, like a suspension attachment, feature a certain ingenuity. But I’m also surprised by the speed with which they learn. The teams turn up for the first time without any experience, a long way behind the leading teams. But over a year or two they bridge the gap and start to become competitive.”


Alberto Testa has been part of the team since 2019, the year in which the Poli ranked Poli ranked fourth in the world and first in Italy, competing in the Internal Combustion category. “After this success, we decided to take on a new challenge.or rather, two. In 2020 we constructed our first electric prototype and this year we will add an autonomous driving system to the car in order to compete in the electric vehicle class, both with a driver and in the driverless category.

Filippo Piovani is also a student of Aeronautical Engineering: “my last year, in theory,” he said. It is his third season in DynamiΣ. We found him in the workshop where the members of the team were gathered around the new prototype working in tandem on many things at the same time: finishing and assembling parts, checking and double-checking calculations, treating the mould of the inverter container in the spray booth. They would stay there until midnight, with special permission from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (staying open just for them). “One of the challenges of the inverter container is shielding it from electromagnetic interference caused by high voltage electronics,” explained Filippo. “It risks distorting the low voltage signals that control the operation of the car. Last year we had an electric car for the first time and there were moments when the control sensors for critical parameters were providing incorrect information because of this problem, transmitting the error to the computer that runs the car. This year we have added molecules of nickel to the carbon fibre, which should increase the level of shielding and solve the problem. At least in theory, we need to test it to find out.

After the fire-up, track testing will take place until mid-July. The championship begins on 12 July and will continue throughout the summer: the Poli will be in Varano from 17 to 19 July, in Hungary from 7 to 13 August and in Germany from 15 to 21 August. We asked Filippo what their expectations were:

"To win, no matter what. And we’re looking to improve on last year. The target is to achieve with electric what we did in 2019 with the internal combustion model: fourth in the world.”

«“That’s how the Poli team does things,” remarks Dallara, laughing. “They don’t just want to take part; they are used to winning. But they are not the only ones. The Formula Student championship is becoming more competitive every year. The Poli has won a lot, but the others have the drive to win too. It is no longer good enough to improve a little: sporting contests are not about reaching a defined level or beating a record, they are about being better than your opponent. This means that the limit is unknown until you meet on the track.".    

MAP is one of the many initiatives created by Alumni Politecnico di Milano. If you want to receive two issues of the magazine in paper format, consider donating..

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Archimedes Bridge

Dall’archivio MAP #3

THE E39 IS A ROAD IN NORWAY that is not of the standards to which we are accustomed. For long stretches, it is not even a road. Seven ferries transport road vehicles along a route which takes about 21 hours to climb the 1100 kilometres from the western coast.

The Norwegian administration’s goal is to reduce the duration of the journey to 11 hours, through infrastructure immersed in the landscape: floating bridges and underwater tunnels, innovations and old techniques such as Archimedes’ bridge, a design which can now be realised thanks to the latest technologies.

ponte di archimede
Credits: Statens Vegvesen

Behind these infrastructural works, which will change a nation and more, is an Italian: the Alumna Arianna Minoretti, a civil engineer from the Politecnico di Milano.

“The Norwegian state was looking for someone who was interested in working on this big project on the E39, so I sent in my application”,

she recounts.

Looking back now, it still seems so strange to me. “My current boss called me to ask if I could attend an interview in a week’s time. The interview lasted two hours and at the he told me: “Look, this will be my last interview because I think you are the person we are looking for. I will send you a financial proposal and if you agree you can move here and start in January”.

There are economic interests (50% of exports are located on the west coast) and social interests behind the design of this major projectI know what it means to have the need to live close to health services, having had major allergic problems”, continues Minoretti. “Every time I arrive in a new place I ask where the closest hospital is. In some places along the Norwegian coast I have been told that it took up to three hours by car (sometimes you need the helicopter).I am convinced that the E39 project is also a social project. Just think of those living outside of the main cities in Norway; reaching their workplaces, schools, hospitals can be complicated – the most important infrastructure to which people should have access. 

MAP is one of the many initiatives created by Alumni Politecnico di Milano. If you like this initiative and the other ones dedicated to the Alumni community consider donating.


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How does one become an inventor?

The word “inventor” s a little archaic; nowadays nobody (or almost nobody) would say that they are a professional inventor. The media calls them start-uppers or entrepreneurs; at the Poli they are called engineers, designers, architects, researchers, scientists and, usually, they can be found in the laboratory, not in front of a board of directors. For one scientist, discovering his entrepreneurial side was not so automatic.  

Scientific research is the basis on which it is possible to look into the distance and invest in the future”, remarks Donatella Sciuto, a Vice Rector of the Politecnico di Milano. “It is essential for interpreting and accelerating the major processes of technological development and to reduce social problems. Through research, university plays a key role in activating the processes of change and growth in different regions and, with them, new entrepreneurial activities≫.  

inventori sciuto
Donatella Sciuto, Prorettrice Vicaria del Politecnico di Milano | Credits: s2p

But to do this, we need tools to transform research into innovation, which are not actually the same thing. And, since there is no innovation without research, to bring inventions out from the laboratory, an idea is not enough. You need what in technical jargon is called technology transfer: cut needed to transform an idea or an academic result into a product that can be sold on the market.. One of the objectives, for both Italy and Europe, is to become independent and avoid being in the role of technology importers, and to tackle the major social challenges that await us. And the Politecnico is also playing its part in this.  

From laboratory to business  

At the Politecnico, there are several tools that serve to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL), or the level of a project’s technological maturityand assess it from the perspective of its social-economic impact. One of these tools is Switch2Product (S2P), the innovative programme, organised by the University in partnership with PoliHub and Deloitte’s Innovation Workshops, which puts researchers and investors in contact to develop a proof- of-concept. Then there is PoliHub, the Politecnico di Milano’s Innovation Park & Startup Accelerator, which follows researchers until they achieve TRL 5 (the phase in which they demonstrate that the technology also works outside of the controlled conditions of the academic laboratory) and in the product/market fit. At that point, researchers are ready to create a start-up, receiving a sum of between 500 thousand and one million euros from investors.  

ADAPTA Studio and AGADE, two of the Poli’s spin-offs, are just two examples of the businesses that passed through S2P and the PoliHub incubator and accelerator programme. The former originated in the Department of Mathematics, and the latter emerged from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

MAP is one of the many initiatives created by Alumni Politecnico di Milano. If you want to receive two issues of the magazine in paper format, consider donating..

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Walking the halls of the Poli and stumbling across works of art 

We are sure that you will have unexpectedly come across a work of art while running from one lecture to the next. The Poli’s collection comprises many works created by great artists and designers: works that represent the university's history, its values and its DNA. An open-air museum with a symbolic entrance in the heart of the Leonardo Campus, in Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 (we told you about it in MAP 9, Made in Polimi), that can be visited virtually at www.museovirtuale.polimi.it.  

made in polimi
Made in Polimi

We spoke to Professor Federico Bucci, the Rector’s Delegate for Cultural Policies:

“Made in Polimi is a physical museum dedicated to the memory of the Politecnico. It is a “shop window” into a widespread museum collection that spans many of spaces across our campuses which has also been compiled online. The site showcases our collections of historical technical instruments and bequests left by artists such as Giò Pomodoro and Salvatore Sebaste. It is a wonderful thing when we receive a donation from an artist or a private collection, as was the case with De Chirico’s Ettore e Andromaca (“Hector and Andromache”) which was recently donated by a generous anonymous donor and installed in the Biblioteca Centrale Leonardo.”

We spoke about Ettore e Andromaca in MAP 10We asked Bucci about the value of these donations: "A work that comes from a private collection is made available to everyone and enjoyed by students in particular, who pass by it every day.  The students are therefore immersed in a cultural climate of the highest calibre, absorbing it, being stimulated and motivated.”    

arte De Chirico

he Virtual Museum, like the physical museum which spans across the Politecnico’s spaces, is a work in progress, never finished, always evolving. “Not only do new works arrive, but there are many artefacts of great value that are still stored and protected in cupboards, that need to be assessed and exhibited in the correct way, telling the story of the pioneers that came before us, offering the hahahahshhsdjfsjfjbdbfjdajbfjd narrative background to examples of the Politecnico’s DNA created by the great artists hat have donated them over the decades. As an art historian, I really believe in this project which is not merely about preservation: it is an invitation to interpret memories in perspective, as our forefathers did, like Francesco Brioschi and Giuseppe Colombo, who worked on history in order to design the future. Entrusting a valuable work to future generations is an invitation to create something new", concluded Bucci. 


You can browse hundreds of works and historical objects in the Virtual Museum. Today we are inviting you to visit three of these virtual rooms (because there is not enough space for all of them here; although you can find them online).

The iconic CRC 102A, the valve calculator produced by the Computer Research Corporation. It was the core around which the School of Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano developed, both in the field of research and that of teaching. It was made available to the community and partner industries and remained in operation until 1963.

I like to imagine a young (Luigi) Dadda, returning from the United States at barely 25 years old, as he disembarked from the ship with a large box containing Europe’s first calculator", remarked Bucci.   

The Museum of Corrosion, a collection dedicated to Professor Pietro Pedeferri, a 1963 Alumnus of Chemical Engineering and full professor from 1983, first of “Electrochemistry” and later of “Corrosion and Protection of Materials” who subsequently became the Head of the Department of Chemistry of Materials. It consists of a selection of approximately 140 case studies that demonstrate the behaviour of metals subjected to different types of corrosion.  

arte pedeferri
Credits: Museo virtuale

The Giò Pomodoro collectionomprises 19 sculptures and two paintings. The works, entrusted to the university by Archivio Gio’ Pomodoro, are displayed in a permanent exhibition across the buildings and departments of the Bovisa Campus. In 2018, for the artistic project titled “The external dimension of sculpture”, the Politecnico di Milano received the Mecenati del XXI Secolo (Art Patrons of the 21st Century) award, "at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels “for having transformed the campus into an open-air museum with permanent and temporary exhibitions”. 

arte giò pomodoro
Credits: Marco Introini
duomo home

How can Milan’s Duomo be adapted, according to the Poli 

“If it were simple, it would not have been called the Politecnico”, says the Alumnus Stefano Della Torre , laughing, while maintaining a certain seriousness and a certain pride in the background. A professor in the Politecnico’s Faculty of Architecture, Della Torre is responsible for the university’s consultancy work with the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, a partnership which involves around a dozen women and men from all departments of the Politecnico with the objective of rationalising and implementing the conservation and restoration of Milan’s cathedral. The Duomois a unique monument in and of itself. Not only for its sentimental value to the people of Milan, and perhaps even less for its purely architectural value. It is in the Duomo’s intrinsic nature to be special,

“The Duomo has always been a place of experimentation”, explains Della Torre, “and so this ideal continuity between artistic experimentation and our experiments in the field of conservation is interesting”. 

Credits: Steffen Schmitz

For the Politecnico, today the Duomo is also a building-site laboratorya place where our students and researchers can do research in the field and encounter real problems using state-of-the-art technologies, in a context that is impossible to reproduce in a laboratory on campus. 

The Politecnico, shoulder to shoulder with the Veneranda Fabbrica (“the oldest business in Italy”, comments Della Torre), is taking care of Northern Italy’s most iconic church on a day-to-day basis.As the professor remarks, “it is an incredible work” due to the Duomo’s dimensions and the risks – the damage – to which it is subject every day in a city like Milan “The logic behind our intervention is to apply the most modern approach to conservation, called planned conservation, to the Duomo. This means not simply intervening “on the spot” when there is a problem, but coordinating and planning all the activities”. 

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Polytechnic scientists for global challenges

The Politecnico di Milano has obtained from the European Commission important funding for two research projects: one for the fight against breast cancer and the other for the fight against climate change.  

This takes the form of two ERC Advanced Grant, funding awarded by the European Research Council to researchers well-established in their field, in order to carry out innovative and high-risk projects. The selection for this type of funding is very competitive: this year, out of 1735 projects submitted, only 14.6% obtained the funds.  


Daniele Ielminii, professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, will leadANIMATE (ANalogue In-Memory computing with Advanced device Technology), a project that aims to develop a new computing concept to reduce energy consumption in machine learning. It is a critical issue for stopping climate change: we do not think about it when we use a computer, but the energy cost of the actions we perform on the internet, starting with the everyday things, is very high. Data centres, which currently meet most of the world's AI needs, now consume about 1% of global energy demand, but growth is expected to reach up to 7% by 2030. Apparently simple operations, such as searching for a consumer product or service (for example when we book holidays or choose a film on a streaming site) are based on data-intensive algorithms and have a significant impact on the production of greenhouse gases.  

daniele ielmini
Daniele Ielmini

Professor Ielmini’s preliminary ANIMATE research has shown that computational energy requirements can be reduced by closed-loop in-memory computing (CL-IMC). This system is capable of solving linear algebra problems in a single computational step. Thanks to the reduction in calculation time, CL-IMC requires 5,000 times less energy than digital computers with the same precision in terms of number of bits. Ielmini's project will develop the device and circuit technology, system architectures and set of applications to fully validate the CL-IMC concept.  


Manuela Raimondi, professor in the ‘Giulio Natta’ Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering, combines mechanobiology, bioengineering, oncology, genetics, microtechnology, biophysics and pharmacology to develop a new method for the treatment of breast cancer.  

manuela raimondi
Manuela Raimondi

In fact, in this type of illness, the aggressiveness is related to the fibrotic stiffening of the tumour tissue: fibrosis progressively prevents drugs from reaching cancer cells. With BEACONSANDEGG – Mechanobiology of cancer progression, Raimondi intends to develop a method capable of circumventing this problem. Starting from the modelling of microtumours at various levels of fibrosis and from human breast cancer cells adhered to 3D polymer micro-supports, the microtumours will be implanted in vivo into the respiratory membrane of embryonated avian eggs, in order to elicit a fibrotic foreign body reaction in microtumours. This study model will be validated with anticancer drugs whose clinical outcome is known to depend on the level of tumour fibrosis. It will also provide a standardisable and ethical platform to promote the clinical translation of new therapeutic products in oncology. This is a key issue for professor Raimondi: some of the research and modelling tools she has developed over the last ten years have precisely this goal: to reduce or replace the pre-clinical experimental phases in vivo, for example, with the use of 3D supports for cell cultures and microfluidic chambers for tissue and organoid culture. 


A bit of context for this good news: the Politecnico is at the top of the world rankings of universities also thanks to the frontier scientific research that it carries out in its laboratories. The protagonists of this Italian record are the many scientists and researchers of the Politecnico (ERC and beyond): about 3500..  

Some of these are 'ERC researchers', with ERC standing for European Research Council. ERC is a European Commission tool that supports pioneering and frontier research. It is said that these researchers are among "the brightest minds in Europe", scientists who could be on the trail of new and unpredictable scientific and technological discoveries.  

In total, to date, 52 ERC projects at the Politecnico. They vary according to the size and duration of the funding: between Euro 150 thousand and 12 million.  

  • Starting Grant, for emerging researchers, with 2-7 years of experience gained after obtaining the PhD 
  • Consolidator Grant, for young people who already have ten years of research behind them 
  • Advanced Grant, dedicated to outstanding and established scientists, able to open up new directions in their respective research fields and in other sectors 
  • Synergy Grant, , which promotes substantial advances in the frontier of knowledge and encourages new lines of research 
  • Proof of Concept, a minor funding, dedicated to researchers who already have an ERC project underway or have recently completed it. It aims to ensure the link between basic research and the market 
Read the story of TOMATTO, the Politecnico’s Synergy Grant

ERC promotes a so-called 'investigator driven' or 'bottom-up' approach, i.e., the free initiative of the best European scientists who follow excellent, innovative and high-risk research projects, key elements for achieving the sustainable growth objectives that the Union has set 


. Sara Bagherifard, with ArcHIDep project, and Massimo Tavoni, with EUNICE project, get two ERC Consolidator Grants. Tavoni, professor of Climate Change Economics at the Department of Management Engineering and Director of RFF-CMCC, European Institute on Economics and the Environment, has the goal of reducing the uncertainties involved in confronting climate change. His research covers energy and climate economics, and in particular, the modelling of international climate policies. With EUNICE, he tackles the problem of uncertainties in climate stabilization paths and in current climate-energy-economy models and converts the scenarios outlined by these models into indications that help define resilient, solid and reliable policies to combat climate change. 

Bagherifard, senior researcher at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, deals with numerical and experimental approaches to design, manufacture and characterize multifunctional materials. With the ArcHIDep project, she intends to deploy a revolutionary solid state deposition system in order to obtain heterogeneous materials with architecture structured on three levels of scale: micro, meso and macro. ArcHIDep will make it possible to develop a framework, which does not currently exist, for designing and building components which are capable of overcoming the limitations associated with the current inability to combine conflicting properties. 


Once again we find Daniele Ielmini with SHANNON, acronym for Secure hardware with advanced nonvolatile memories. It aims to develop a new type of encryption circuit based on the concept of non-cloneable physical function. The encryption keys are generated through random memory states that are completely invisible to an external inspection, thanks to a new algorithm and a new cell structure, making this solution very interesting for the security of Internet of Things systems. 

Paola Saccomandi, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, works on the development, technological validation and market analysis of a device for the laser removal of tumours, much less invasive than the instruments we have today. The project is called LEILA: closed-loop and multisensing delivery tool for controlled laser ablation of tumors.  

With the TCOtronics, acronym for transparent conductive oxide nanocrystalline films for electronics and optoelectronics via low-cost solution processing, Francesco Scotognella (Department of Physics) aims to manufacture thin layers based on nanoparticles of metal oxides, which can be used as optical filters or transparent electrodes for solar cells and light emitting diodes. An important goal is also the use of non-toxic and abundant elements on the planet.  

Francesco Topputo (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology) aims to develop an autonomous navigation sensor for satellites in deep space. Thanks to the SENSEproject: a sensor for autonomous navigation in deep space, satellites themselves will be able to estimate their position without the need to communicate with ground stations. This will make it possible to cut navigation costs for space exploration, making space accessible to universities, research centres and small businesses.  

What you are reading is an article from the latest issue of the Magazine of the Alumni of the Politecnico di Milano. (read it here). MAP is one of the many initiatives created by Alumni Politecnico di Milano. If you want to receive two issues of the magazine in paper format, consider donating..

Credits home: Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Hydrogen Joint Research Platform home

Green Deal, Poli and businesses researching how to use “clean” hydrogen together 

Founded in late 2021 by universities and businesses, the activities of the Hydrogen Joint Research Platform, have begun. The Hydrogen JRP, which was commissioned by the Politecnico di Milano, has the aim of promoting the research and innovation of the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source, developing scenarios and strategies for the production and consumption of carbon-free energy. The platform is designed to facilitate technology transfer through the partnership of public and private bodies and to create a system of scientific research, innovation and the industrial world as parts of a supply chain. Alongside the university and the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Edison, Eni, Snam, A2A and NextChem are also currently members of the Hydrogen JRP. The goal is to create a genuine hydrogen supply chain in Italy, expanding participation to the greatest number of stakeholders. 

Hydrogen Joint Research Platform

It is not entirely new: researchers at the Politecnico have been working on this line of research for years, but today the agenda is more important than ever: from the production of “clean” hydrogen to solutions for its storage and shipping, to residential, industrial and transport applications. In a recent interview, the Rector of the Politecnico di Milano Ferruccio Resta explained how forecasts indicate that in 2050, the year by which Europe has vowed to become climate neutral, hydrogen could cover more than 20% of the total energy requirements in key sectors of the Italian economy.  

Hydrogen,if used in a complementary manner with other technologies, can in fact contribute significantly to creating industrial processes which are more sustainable industrialipiù sostenibili and clean and to reducing emissions,” stated Resta. It could play a particularly important role in the transport, power generation and residential heating sectors: “Long-haul transport is responsible for about 5-10 percent of total CO₂ emissions. With the measures in the NRRP, we could see significant hydrogen penetration of up to 5-7 percent of the market by 2030.” 

Among the priorities stated by the NRRP, Resta explained that

“the Italian government intends to develop technological and industrial leadership in the main sectors of the energy transition (photovoltaic systems, turbines, hydrolysers, batteries) that create jobs and growth through the development of the most innovative areas, starting with hydrogen.” 

The Hydrogen JRP was launched at the Politecnico di Milano to heed this call: The energy transition is one of the greatest challenges of our time. There are two key concepts that we must insist on: firstly, the creation of a political path, aligning ourselves with European guidelines, based on a phase of providing support to the industrial system; secondly, the development of research and training in order to position ourselves as a reference point for this technology on the international stage. In order for this to happen, we need to chart a common journey which sees the university working alongside businesses. Therefore, the Hydrogen Joint Research Platform, which we are launching today with the participation, willingness to listen and innovation of three great companies in the industry, must expand as much as possible to the productive fabric.” 

Credits home and header: Fondazione Politecnico