Alumna Giorgia Lupi wins the National Design Award 2022 

The designer received the prestigious award for her work in the field of information design

Giorgia Lupi, Alumna PhD in Design at Politecnico di Milano, is the winner of the National Design Award 2022 for Communication Design. The award, presented by Cooper Hewitt and the Smithsonian Design Museum, recognises professionals who have distinguished themselves through their innovative impact in design. 

Lupi, over the years, has become a prominent voice in the field of data design: her work follows the philosophy of “data humanism”, or the idea that data design can be used to tell the stories behind numbers and statistics, which transform from impersonal and intimidating to so "human". 

giorgia lupi
Credits: Instagram

“With data we can write rich and meaningful stories. We can teach the reader's eye to become familiar with visual languages that convey the true depth of complex stories." 

writes Giorgia Lupi in her “Data Humanism manifesto”.

Her work stands out for the innovative way in which it synthesizes data, it tells a story capable of making the concepts conveyed by the data more accessible and easy to understand. Over the years, Lupi has worked for big brands such as Google, IBM and Deloitte, and has been published - among others - by the New York Times, Corriere della Sera and Wired. Her work is also exhibited in the permanent collection of the MoMa

“Sono incredibilmente onorata di annunciare che sono stata selezionata per ricevere il 2022 National Design Award for Communication Design (!!!). Presentati dal Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, e annunciati oggi, i National Design Awards celebrano i risultati eccezionali e l’innovazione nel design. …Per un designer non c’è niente di più grande. In qualità di professionista della data visualization nominata nella categoria del design della comunicazione per questo premio, vedo questo come un riconoscimento dell’importante ruolo che i dati svolgono sempre più spesso nelle nostre vite e del potere del design di usarli come risorsa per raccontare storie.” 

comments Lupi.

Credits home/header: Giorgia Lupi IG