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A student from 50 years ago: paper aeroplane races and drafting machine disasters

One of the most authoritative experts in systems and integrated circuit design, not to mention an international pioneer in computing, had his start at the Politecnico di Milano. His career kicked off with a trauma at the drawing board. Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli - an alumnus of Electronic Engineering who graduated in 1971 - celebrates 50 years since his graduation this year and tells us how it all began...

I think I must be the only person who graduated with honours who had to resit two exams: Drawing 1 and Drawing 2.

I was a real mess: I had got to the point that for the drawings they gave us to do at home, I enlisted my mother’s help. She was an artist and I still remember her - now I look back and laugh, but at the time I was in despair - helping me with a drawing of a facility in perspective, as all the while I kept thinking “I’m never going to manage it!”. And I was nearly right. In my first Drawing 1 exam, the assistant walked over to me, looked at my work and said, dishearteningly: “Sangiovanni, what are you doing at the Politecnico? You can’t even draw”.

In the Drawing 1 exam, we had to draw a trampoline in perspective on the drafting machine, but five minutes before handing it in I realised that I had run out of paper... and I completed the drawing on the desk. That time, I was one of just five people who failed out of the 2000 people who took the exam.

In the Drawing 2 exam, meanwhile, they gave you a mechanical part to draw, picked at random out of a hat. Mine was an oil sump. I did the drawing, and it even came out pretty well... I was nearly finished... and then I took the piece and turned it upside down to take a look at it. But guess what was in the oil sump? Oil, obviously. A single drop of black oil dripped onto my paper. Failed again. Professor Zucchelli - Professor of Drawing and all-round great person - took my case to heart and in September, gave me private drawing lessons in his office. In the end, I managed to earn a solid 28, and then didn’t want to hear another word about it for the rest of my life. Since then, I have built up my career in a way that ensures that the graphic side of all my projects is done on the computer!

vincentelli anniversario

In my day, we had professors who were masterful thinkers. One whom I remember was Giuseppe Grandori, who taught Construction Science, which didn’t really have much to do with my course of study, but I followed his teaching meticulously because his lectures were splendid, both in terms of technical content and for their implications on engineering in a wider sense. Given that he was 50 years ahead of his time, even back then he was already talking about the ethical value of the decisions that you make in engineering - how any decision you make has an impact on people’s lives

Nowadays, this has become quite the burning issue all over the world. And then there was Mario Silvestri, Professor of Technical Physics. I admired him a great deal because, aside from being an excellent chemical physicist, he was also a renowned historian, widely considered to be the leading expert on World War I. My career is also rooted in these lessons in culture and ethics - lessons that could only be found at the Poli - not to mention Francesco Carassa’s lessons, which were perhaps the ones that drove me to seek out industrial values in my inclination for theory.

I remember the Department fondly. The professor who supervised my thesis was named Vito Amoia: in a way, he was the one who would ultimately determine what I would do ‘when I grew up’. Amoia had noticed that my classmate Santomauro - who became one of my best friends - and I were both interested in a university career, so he asked us to teach the exercises in his Network Theory course.

vincentelli santomauro
Prof. Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Prof. Mauro Santomauro on their graduation day

That’s how we ended up as assistants in the fourth year and I realised that I really enjoyed teaching, but I didn’t feel that I was any good at it: in fact, I thought I was pretty terrible. In a way, this experience taught me that in everything, you have to really commit yourself and make all the sacrifices until you reach a satisfactory level.

In fact, after having taught since 1976 at Berkeley, I had my lectures filmed and studied ways to make my exposition more fluid and engaging. As a result, in 1981 I won the “Distinguished Teaching Award” at the University of California, Berkeley: the most prestigious teaching award at my university.

But the thing I remember most proudly is my triumph in a much less formal competition: throwing paper aeroplanes from the top floor of the Nave building, a competition that took place before the afternoon exercises in the two-year course.

Anche tu festeggi il tuo anniversario di laurea nel 2021? Allora lascia una tua foto e una tua testimonianza sul nostro wall.

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Politecnico on the podium: among the best masters in the world

More affirmation from the world rankings for the Politecnico di Milano. After i employment data and the ranking of the best universities , the QS Business Masters Ranking positions the specialist training offer of the Mip - Politecnico di Milano, the Graduate School of Business which is part of the School of Management of our Athenaeum, among the best in the world.

In particular, after being considered among more than 600 masters, it is the International Master in Digital Supply Chain Management (iMSCPM) which ranks in seventh place out of 62 institutions globally and in fourth place at European level.

"The permanence of our training offer in an internationally accredited ranking" - declared Vittorio Chiesa, President of the Mip Politecnico di Milano, in a statement reported by Sole24ore -“ is certainly a source of pride and at the same time a stimulus to improve our Masters, making them more and more responsive to the needs of recent graduates and managers with a career started in the most diverse sectors ".

mip politecnico di milano
Credits: SOM Polimi

Each of the Business Masters rankings is compiled based on program performance in five key metrics : employability, entrepreneurship and career path of alumni, return on investment, thought leadership, and diversity of class and faculty.

The strengths that distinguish the offer of the Politecnico di Milano are the high degree of employability of the members (Employability), assessed on the basis of interviews with 54 thousand recruiters worldwide, and the Return on Investment ( ROI).

mip master politecnico
Photo by RUT MIIT on Unsplash

The Politecnico business school is also present in the relative rankings with the specialist masters in marketing (32nd place out of 105) management (37th place out of 155), business analytics (43rd place out of 120) and finance (65th place out of 179), where it has climbed several positions compared to last year, with valuations above the world average.

"Relying on QS to measure the quality of our MBAs and our specialized Masters - continue Chiesa - allows us to deal with hundreds of business schools in the world from different points of view: for example the scientific quality of the faculty, the career progress of stendi and Alumni, the level of diversity of the classrooms, to name a few of the most significant ".

The fundraising campaign 10 students | 10 stories , organized by the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, wants to help 10 deserving students in need to realize their dream: to study management engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Donate now .

Credits home: Photo by RUT MIIT on Unsplash
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PolimiRun Spring 2021: let's run at Politecnico safely again

On 19 September the adidas Runners PolimiRun Spring 2021 is back, the non-competitive race of the Politecnico di Milano which, after the forced break due to a pandemic, will be back on the streets of the city safely. The registration for the running event, which will be the first important race to take place this year in Milan, are open until 17 September on .

PolimiRun aims at eco-sustainability, through three key principles: the reduction of the use of paper and fittings, the reuse of structures in the following years and above all the recycling of the plastic produced during the event.

"PolimiRun is back, after so many months of waiting, - comments the rector of the Politecnico Ferruccio Resta - a yearly appointment for Milan and the Politecnico which was temporarily suspended due the pandemic. Finally people start running again in the streets of a city that comes back to life. Not just a competition, but a moment with a strong symbolic value. The Politecnico di Milano, which reopens its activities in attendance with the start of the new academic year, does not neglect sport, which has always been synonymous with sharing, vitality and trust. Values that this year we have declined within the great theme of sustainability and recycling. "


The race this year will have a new route: it will start from Campus Leonardo and will arrive at Campus Bovisa , passing through Giuriati Sports Center - recently renovated - and from the Bovisa-Goccia area , which in the future will regain new life with the expansion of the Politecnico Campus. The recovery of prestigious buildings, including the two former gasometers, and will the construction of a large green system equipped for free time and health.

Students, employees but also running enthusiasts can sign up for PolimiRun, but we obviously ask Alumni and Alumnae : test yourself with this 10 km dedicated to sport, fun and news of the community of Politecnico!

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Innovation House: a “Politecnico house” for companies all over the world

On the occasion of Expo2020, the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and the Regione Lombardia will join forces under the (metaphorical) roof of Innovation House : located a few steps from the site of the universal exhibition in Dubai, it will be the place to be with a polytechnic matrix, a sort of "Fuori Expo", in the footsteps of the Fuori Salone, where companies from all over the world are invited to become partners to organize events, business, cultural and convivial meetings, new connections, generate new business ideas in a context with a target of millions of international visitors.

In particular, even if not only, all Alumni and all Alumnae will be welcome together with the companies they represent and in which they work : the Innovation House is designed to be a point of support for all the realities that share the DNA and polytechnic values. An opportunity to create a system and continue to cultivate a unique ecosystem in terms of excellence and innovative capabilities , together with companies and institutions.

We asked Professor Andrea Sianesi , President of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, to tell us about the initiative and to explain what unique opportunities it reserves for Alumni and Alumnae.

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5 Alumnae of Politecnico di Milano among the italian"inspiring FIfty"

Entrepreneurs, managers, teachers, researchers, consultants, and representatives of institutions: these are the "magnificent 50", the Inspiring Fifty Italian women who distinguished themselves in the world of innovation in 2021. Fifty women in the STEM field, which is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, bringing together research and industrial fields from digital , artificial intelligence, robotics, life sciences and so on.

inspiring fifty


Inspiring Fifty was created in the Netherlands to highlight women at the top of their fields in the technological world . An annual appointment in Europe since 2015, it has spread all over the world and this year took place in Italy the second edition of the event, which received over 200 applications of the highest profile . The Italian edition is held in collaboration with Eni, Dazn and Klecha & Co. Media partner on Corriere della Sera, which dedicates an in-depth analysis to the topic and underlines the motto of the initiative, “If she can see it, she can be it” . That is: if he can see her, he can also become like her, a message to girls looking for new role models to inspire themselves.

The 50 selected professionals work in IT, digital media, e-commerce, physics, aerospace, artificial intelligence, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, finance and so on. They were selected by a jury made up of prominent personalities from the world of business, business and academia.

In the 2021 list, also 5 experts in technology at Politecnico at an international level . Let's see them.


Cristina Canavesi , Alumna in telecommunications engineering, is Co- founder & President at LighTop Tech Corp. Elena Bottinelli, Alumna in electronic engineering is Head of Innovation, Digitalization and Sustainability of the San Donato Group.

Guendalina Cobianchi , SVP Business Development & Partnerships in V-Nova and Alumna in management engineering, comments her nomination with a message to girls: «For me " success" means having followed the intuition and the desire to venture into something that had never been done before , undertaking a path of radical innovation ».

Guendalina Cobianchi inspiring fifty
Guendalina Cobianchi

Monica Dalla Riva , is VP Design & CX at Deutsche Telekom and an Alumna in industrial design, renamed “ the queen of Tlc” by Corriere Comunicazioni . And finally (in alphabetical order by proper name, as the official list has indicated), we find Patrizia Casali , Alumna in biomedical engineering.

Among Inspiring Fifty during the first Italian edition , we find Alumnae Lucia Chierchia and Grazia Vittadini , who talked about themselves in the book ALUMNAE - Engineer and Technologies , together with Prof. Amalia Ercoli Finzi, the pro-rector of the Polytechnic of Milan Donatella Sciuto, to professor Isabella Nova, to Alumnae Valeria Ferrari and Daria Loi and the student of computer engineering Valeria Cagnina .

By supporting the GIRLS @ POLIMI project you can contribute together with other donors to create scholarships to support girls enrolling in engineering degree courses with low female attendance. Donate now .

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DESOLINATION: more power, more water and less emission of CO2

Project DESOLINATION , Code name of "Demonstration of concentrated SOLar power coupled wIth advaNced desAlinaTion system in the gulf regION", was funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program.

With a total investment of over 12 million euros, over a period of 48 months and with the coperation of 19 academic and business partners around the world , of which the Politecnico is the lead partner, the research group will experiment with innovative solutions for concentrated solar energy and for water desalination . The researchers will work on integrating these two technologies with potential applications of unprecedented levels of efficiency.


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region has been identified as the experimentation area for the project: a pilot plant will be put into operation in Saudi Arabia which for the first time will combine the two technologies and which will offer electricity at the same time. and desalinated water at affordable prices, while ensuring a substantial reduction in the level of CO2 emissions compared to the currently most popular desalination systems. Find out more about the European project DESOLINATION at this link .

The project will involve 19 partners in 9 European Union countries and 3 GCC countries, including universities and research centers (Politecnico di Milano, Fraunhofer Institute, Lund University, Cranfield University, Tekniker, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, University of Brescia , Technical University of Eindhoven, University of Maribor, Luleå University of Technology, King Saud University, University of Bahrain and German University of Technology), industrial companies (Baker Hughes, Cobra and ACSP), and Small and medium-sized enterprises (Protarget, Temisth and Euroquality).

Credits: Robotics & Automation News

The coordinator of the project is Alumnus and teacher of the Department of Energy of the Politecnico di Milano Giampaolo Manzolini, who recently participated in another European project: FReSMe (From residual steel gasses to methanol).

The research group of the Politecnico di Milano, led by Manzolin, in this case had the role of optimize from an energy, environmental and economic point of view, the design of a plant for the production of methanol from carbon dioxide and hydrogen (residues from steel production) .

According to the researchers' estimates, the system developed during the 4 years of work could help reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Italian steel mills by at least 61% compared to the current situation.

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The "Supersalone del Mobile" is back, curated by Alumnus Stefano Boeri

 "Venetia with the Cinema Festival and Milan with Design will show the world that Italy is at the forefront of the opening post-pandemic: our country is the only one that at the moment is able to react and challenge the future. We mush be very proud as it is an unique moment in time."

Speaking to Corriere della Sera Stefano Boeri , architect and Alumnus of Politecnico di Milano describes Supersalone , the new edition of the Salone del Mobile of Milan, of which he is the curator, which for this exceptional return will be presented with a new name and a new look.

Credits: Laila Pozzo

"The "Supersalone" will be the first major Italian trade fair event after the outbreak of the pandemic. Is called Super because it will be so good that cannot be missed and because it will show together for the first time the great design brands, young makers, international schools, great design icons, the greatest Italian chefs and many main characters of the art and architecture scene. […]. “Supersalone” is the bright response of a SuperItalia to the long night of the pandemic ».

The event, which will continue until 10 September 2021 at Fiera Milano in Rho, hosts 425 brands, 170 creatives, 39 makers for a total of 1900 projects exhibited in a continuous gallery of more than 68,000 square meters. To these are added a large exhibition at the Compasso d'Oro Museum ( learn more about the museum here) and meetings and talks with the protagonists of architecture and design, ready to testify what Boeri defines" the symbol of a new Renaissance".


Among the many novelties of this year, there is the transformation of the event into something usable by all and not only by professionals and the integration between physical and digital, which allows visitors to view the products displayed by simply framing a QR code . A special mention also for the green aspect of the event: all the fittings and materials will be disassembled and reused.

«We expect to reach at the Fair 30 thousand tickets: - continue Boeri - yes he said this would be a good starting point, reaching 50,000 a success. We have already sold more than 30 thousand, and we are only on the first day, so we are already beyond what we hoped for. And above all, 50% of bookings come from abroad. We have already reached the minimum threshold for which to say: "We did it" ".

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Credits home: Laila Pozzo

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ACCEPT, the inclusive climbing wall at Fight Camp

Paralympics and more: the fourth edition of the Fight Camp was held in a hot summer in Milan. The intensive rehabilitation camp through sport organized by the foundation FightTheStroke is dedicated to children with cerebral palsy.

Politecnico di Milano joined the camp with ACCEPT (Adaptive Climbing for CErebral Palsy Training) , an adapted and sensorized climbing wall designed to assist in the rehabilitation and analyze the rehabilitation progress of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and more generally of children with motor problems.

Credits: Cecilia Monoli

The project has allowed children at Fight Camp to use climbing as a tool for training, inclusion and analysis of rehabilitation progress, combining sport with a recreational and inclusive activity .

Together with ACCEPT, the boys and girls also joined the project of accessible video games through Playable, supported by the Cariplo Foundation and in collaboration with the Policlinico di Milano, La Nostra Famiglia by Bosisio Parini, Fifth Ingenium, CNR; Other activities at Fight Camp were the “Magic club” program in collaboration with Dido Green, UK; fencing training adapted in wheelchair, in collaboration with Federscherma .


ACCEPT, in prototype version, will remain in use at FightTheStroke, and will be hosted in the PlayMore spaces (sports center in Milan, Moscova area) even after the end of the project.

Sport climbing is a physically demanding activity that requires, among other skills, concentration, motor planning and sequential thinking. ACCEPT responds to the need to rehabilitate but also to practice sports in an inclusive manner , in routes with difficulty adaptable to participants: from able-bodied subjects to a possible replicability even in children with autism, where climbing allows independent movements and which therefore do not involve physical contact.

In the future, this tool can be developed as a scalable product and installed in gyms and schools in other neighborhoods, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, also thanks to its modular structure and low implementation costs.

The goal is to encourage the spread of this sport in an inclusive way and to be able to create meeting places open to all (eg inclusive playgrounds).

Wishing to support project ACCEPT? Give now.

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Stendhapp: two Alumnae of Politecnico for local tourism

Their names are Francesca De Finis , Alumna in Chemical Engineering, and Elena Dicorato , Alumna in Architecture, and they are among the creators of Stendhapp , the app that aims at mapping and cataloging all the sites of interest of the Italian artistic heritage.

An ambitious goal, but one that the all-female team that created Stendhapp wants to achieve thanks to the open data mode: anyone who downloads the app (available on App Store and Google Play Store) and creates a profile has in fact the chance to add its contribution, whether by adding information or even by taking a picture.

At the moment the app has 55.000 places of interest of the artistic, cultural, historic and landscape kind.

"The philosophy on which the project is based is to encourage people to go and visit places, to explore interesting places" , says Francesca De Finis , "for this reason we have decided not to rely on augmented reality, as it could overpower the actual attraction, and instead we want users users to be actively involved ”.



The app, with a name that reference the famous Stendhal Syndrome, geolocates the user and shows places of interest nearby, both of physical- such as museums, monuments, theaters and natural attractions - and digital nature- like events and places made famous by literary quotations.

“We are committed to giving visibility to the lesser known artistic and cultural heritage, - this is the statement of the app's founders - through a digital platform dedicated exclusively to what is beautiful, encouraging you to visit places, participate in events, discover the history and stories of the place where we are. We want to help the myriad of small cultural realities to be discovered, to find an audience. ”



The initiative aims to help relaunch local tourism , to revitalize the tourist-cultural sectors that have experienced a period of great crisis over the last year due to pandemics and lockdowns.

Thanks to the involvement of local communities and associations in the area, Stendhapp wants to create new synergies to increase the sense of belonging to the community.

A lot of information comes from the Public Administration, we have looked for others, - continues the statement on the website - but we count on collective intelligence to bring out the knowledge spread across the territory. We are idealists and are convinced that with everyone's help we can improve things a little. "

Credits header: Alessia Cocconi on Unsplash

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The new compact infrared detector to reveal counterfeiters

ACS Photonics magazine featured a dual-band infrared detector with applications in many fields, such as vision in adverse weather conditions (fog, mist, presence of smoke), analysis of paint layers, recognition of materials and identification of counterfeit banknotes.

It was developed by researchers from the Physics Department of the Politecnico of Milan, under the guidance of professor Giovanni Isella, with the collaboration of researchers from the German center Forschungszentrum Jülich.

This compact miniaturized spectrometer has a double advantage compared to the instruments already existing on the market, which allows to maintain lower costs: it can be built with cheaper materials (such as germanium and tin) and can be achieved through processes compatible with techniques already existing in the microelectronics field.

rivelatore infrarossi


The detector is integrated on a silicon chip and is able to show, without using filters or other additional optical elements, two spectrally different but complementary images of the same object .

This process is possible thanks to the ability, as the sign of the applied bias voltage varies, to provide a switchable spectral response between the two bands of near infrared (NIR) and short wave infrared (SWIR).

The study thus introduces new applications of infrared technology in various fields, such as automotive, home security and machine vision.  

Credits header and homepage: Cristiano Firmani on Unsplash

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From abandoned building to residence: a new space for students of Politecnico di Milano

After almost ten years of neglect, the first operations to secure the building in piazza Ferrara in Milan have started, which will become a student residence for 213 students of our University.

The building, situated in the corner between via Mincio and via Polesine, in the Corvetto area, is a concrete structure that should already have housed a residence for children. The project, due to a series of bureaucratic problems, had never seen the light of day.

The structure was abandoned for almost ten years, until the Region, Aler and the Municipality entrusted the completion of the work to Politecnico di Milano, which will have a thirty-year concession on the building. After the safety works of the construction site are completed, in the autumn the other half of the redevelopment will stard - financed by the Ministry of Education and the University, for a total of 8 million euros - which will be completed in July 2023 .

studentato corvetto
Credits: Mi-Tomorrow

"The ground floor of the student residence is intended for public interest activities on the nature of which we are discussing together with Politecnico", comments the Councilor for Social and Housing Policies of the Municipality of Milan Gabriele Rabaiotti.

Together with the student residence in Piazza Ferrara, over the next few years another 250 students will be welcomed in the building in via Baldinucci in Bovisa , increasing by 500 places about the residential offer of Politecnico which its currently houses 1700 students in seven buildings.

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