We are very pleased to be able to say that, in 2021, we broke the 2020 record: this year 234 students benefited from a scholarship, thanks to 205 donors (individuals and companies) who dedicated the total amount of 1,939,464 euros to the young people of Politecnico.
How were these donations distributed? At Politecnico there are many forms of support for the right to study and merit. Some of these projects welcome free donations (starting from 5 euros) and allow the creation of funds that will go to make up a scholarship or doctorate. Other projects require Alumni to form donor groups capable of fully supporting a female student. Still others invite companies and institutions to take on this support. Here are some examples.
The Circle of Donors is the program dedicated to donors who wish to support the best master's students , offering prestigious scholarships in able to compete with those of the best international universities, which attract the most promising young people.
Circle students receive € 10,000 per year for the two years of the master's degree and have the opportunity to take advantage of a personal mentoring path with donors . They are chosen on the basis of academic merit criteria from among the best three-year undergraduates who continue their path at the Politecnico also at the Master's. A "club of 110 and honors", serious and focused on the goal : in addition to academic performance, to access the Circle you must respect a very strict schedule and graduate in the first session. Discover the Circles fellows:
"But what exactly does an engineer do? Can I do it even if I haven't done the scientific? Will I be good enough? " Many high school students ask themselves these questions when evaluating the choice of their university path. Many of their comrades also pose them; the difference is that, among girls, only a very small percentage will eventually choose to enroll in an engineering course. At the Politecnico di Milano, women in engineering faculties are one for every 4 students, while in Architecture and Design the presence of women in some cases exceeds 50%.
Read the comment Professor Donatella Sciuto, Deputy Vice Rector of Politecnico, interviewed by Alley Oop - Il Sole 24 Ore
On the site dona.polimi.it you can find out how to support the students of Politecnico thanks to the Girls @ Polimi project.
In 2021, the role of companies and institutions close to the University was also very important, as they chose to dedicate part of their resources to supporting students.
Among these, Huawei which, in the wake of the collaboration with the Polytechnic established with the Joint Lab, has set up scholarships for young researchers in the field of "Wireless Communications", giving young excellence the opportunity to carry out teaching and research activities in scope of 5G / 6G systems.
Edison Foundation in 2021 donated 20 thousand euros for scholarships, to finance 2 scholarships of 10 thousand euros each, dedicated to students of the master's degree course in energy engineering -energy engineering of the Politecnico di Milano. The scholarships are named after Eng. Guido Fossati, Alumnus of the Politecnico , former Director of HR and ICT of Edison.
Finally, a special mention to the Fondazione Poffe , which established the Andrea Poffe Fellowship for Young Talents in memory of Andrea Poffe, Alumnus in Mechanical Engineering who died prematurely in 2020 at the age of forty 'years. The scholarship was intended for a high school student or female student and will be active from the 2021/2022 academic year.
This exceptional result achieved in 2021 also came thanks to the support of the Alumni Community. We want to make 2022 like this too:
even with a small contribution you can help a needy and deserving student. Donate now