MBA: Politecnico Di Milano among the best In the world according to the Economist

The full-MBA ranking of the Economist is the classification of the best Master of Business Administration (MBA) of the world. In 2021, Politecnico di Milano enters the ranking of the best Master of Business Administration (MBA) of the world, placing itself 85th. At the European level, Politecnico is the only one in the ranking among technical universities with a Business School or Management Department, and the fourth among generalist universities with technical expertise and a Business School or Management Department. More broadly, only 35 European universities are present in the ranking.

Among the parameters considered by the ranking the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano distinguishes itself in the percentage of Alumni that have found a job within three months after completing the course, in the average increase of their salary and in the presence of international students and Alumni.

Read the full report

Vittorio Chiesa and Federico Frattini, respectively President and Dean of MIP Politecnico di Milano: “We are very proud to enter this ranking for the first time in our history. Is a result that we wish to share with all the students that have chosen our School and those that will join us this year.

If you want to help bright and needy students to study at the Politecnico, contribute to the creation of a scholarship. In 2020 alone, thanks to the support of the Alumni Community, we were able to create 87 scholarships that allowed as many deserving students to study at the Politecnico di Milan
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Politecnico Has Developed A New Method To Accelerate Particles

Smaller, flexible and economic accelerators will allow to strengthen basic research with potential impacts on many applications, from cancer therapy to the protection of cultural heritage

After five years of work, ENSURE, a ERC H2020 project financed by the European Commission has reached its main objective: to control and optimize a non-conventional technique of acceleration of particles irradiating nanostructured materials with innovative properties using super-intense and ultra-short laser pulses.

High energy particle beams are used in basic research but have different applications: they are used in cancer therapies, in some diagnostics in medicine or in the production of semi-conductor, also in the field of cultural heritage, for example to determine the composition of a picture thanks to the analysis of the components of its materials. High energy particle beams are obtained through accelerators, which have some constraints of cost and dimension.

The research team of ENSURE, led by professor Matteo Passoni (full professor of Physics Of Matter of the Department of Energy) has developed a new method of particles acceleration that uses the interaction of a a laser impulse of great power and ultra-short (up to 1020 W/cm2 in a few tens femtoseconds) and a specific kind of nanofoams, developed by the team that has a density between a solid material and a gas one (we have talked about this topic in the 5th number of the MAP, that you can read at this link

The approach tackled by Passoni will allow to create Smaller, flexible and economic accelerators with reduced costs of construction and radioprotection. The results were published in the paper “Integrated quantitative PIXE analysis and EDX spectroscopy using a laser-driven particle source” on Science Advances magazine (

Together with the research results, ENSURE has allowed to Politecnico di Milano to create two new labs that host the state-of-the-art scientific instruments that allow to produce non-conventional materials needed in creating irradiated targets.

“Research on acceleration that we pursued, both in theory and in practice has had positive outcomes. We have produced materials with peculiar qualities, such as nano-structured carbon foams of super low density, that make the acceleration process more efficient and we have proven that results are better by investing not only on the laser but also on irritated materials, a technological and economical solution. Lastly we have started the sperimentation on some important application of the technology, with promising results” says Matteo Passoni. “In the last few years some Italian researcher have had the opportunity to work with me at Politecnico and the research work has had important collaboration with excellent industrial, research and academic realities at the national and international level.

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SCM&L – A career in supply chain: how to start and how to grow

Il Club di SCM&l della School of Management del Politecnico di Milano nasce su proposta di alcuni nostri Alumni come luogo di scambio di esperienze e confronto tra Alumni, Faculty e Scuola ed è composto da oltre 50 Alumni di Ingegneria Gestionale e del MIP Graduate School of Business che hanno maturato una brillante carriera nel settore e che si ritrovano un paio di volte all’anno per discutere e approfondire le sfide professionali all’interno delle rispettive imprese.

L’incontro di giovedì 21 gennaio 2021 è stato introdotto e moderato dal Prof. Mariano Corso e e ha trattato il tema “La carriera nella supply chain: come iniziare e come crescere raccontato dalla prospettiva Human Resources e Head Hunting”.

Tra gli altri, sono intervenuti:

Francesca Russo, HR Manager Global Supply Chain Head Offices and International plants at Campari
Davide Soffiantino, CEO at Adecco Outsourcing e Member of The Adecco Group executive committee, Alumnus
Giampaolo Codeluppi, Partner Key2people Executive Search, Alumnus

A roadmap to start again: Rector Ferruccio Resta talks with Forbes

Ferruccio Resta, Rector of Politecnico di Milano is a guest of Fobes in the Cycle of interviews “The R-Factor. Re-Write to Re-Born”.

People who choose Politecnico di Milano”, says the Rector, “are choosing Milan as well. From this starting point – we expect – that the country will start again. What needs to be changed in the city? What is worth betting on? On its strenghts: job opportunities, innovation, internationalisation”.

FERRUCCIO RESTA – Forbes from BFC Video on Vimeo.

Green hydrogen for a zero-emission society

"We are quite proud of the path undertaken by the EU Commission towards the de-carbonisation of Europe. This transformation is within reach in our opinion and needs an acceleration in investment in renewable energies. Green hydrogen can be the answer for de-carbonisaiton" says Francesco Starace, Alumnus of Politecnico di Milano and CEO of Enel, during the European Hydrogen Forum.

The Forum has been of the key six moments of the European Hydrogen Week, which has been taken place last november by an initiative of the European Commission and FCH JU to assess the current state of hydrogen technologies and of fuel cells on the occasion of the European Hydrogen Strategy in 2020. The event has reunited industry, govenment and research representatives with the goal of discussing the latest developments in the green hydrogen sector.

Enel Group forsees to grow its green hydrogen production capacity up to 2 GW in 2030. The technological development for the use of green hydrogen is in the beginning stage and "we must speed the pace, other than study the evolution careflly to avoid capital misplacements and bets on solutions that must be tested before attracting great investments".

Source header image: Matthew Henry

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VIDEO Politecnico balance | Politecnico di Milano Alumni Convention 2020

More than 1.500 Alumni followed the livestreaming of the 9th edition of the Convention Alumni Politecnico di Milano.

What will be the new equilibrium? Around this topic the speakers have shared their views among themselves and in relation to the university, sharing their vision and their global expertise.


In the third part of the Alumni Convention of Politecnico di Milano 2020, Rector Ferruccio Resta describes what was the experience of the University in the face of the pandemic, what course of action was implemented to confront the situation and pictures, together with Professor Enrico Zio what will be the Politecnico of tomorrow. What will be the teaching like? How will the research world evolve?

An Alumna in charge of the Technology Transfer Fund for Innovation

Claudia Pingue, Alumna of Telecommunications Engineering and Ex-General Manager of Polihub: "I am proud to place my knowledge and competences in the world of technology at the disposal of the university and of sustainable growth."

The Technology Transfer Fund of CDP Venture Capital Sgr - National Innovation Fund was inaugurated. It is endowed with 150 million euros and will support the creation and development of deep tech startups. It will be led by Claudia Pingue Alumna in telecommunications engineering and former General Manager of PoliHub.

The fund will be focused on some areas of technological and scientific research through agreements with universities and research centers. From the research point of view Italy is on the forefront and its ranked 8th in the world for number of scientific publications and number of researchers and is ranked 10th for number of patents given to the European Patent Office. This fund has the goal of highlighting the italian scientific heritage and closing the gap between competences and capitals, supporting the technological transfer processa and promoting innovation and competitiveness of the research-industry area. Pingue comments to Start-up Italia: "I am proud to place my knowledge and competences in the world of technology at the disposal of the university and of sustainable growth."

Smart Roads: ASPI and Politecnico together to develop the digital highways of the future

"Today is of the utmost importance to talk about public infrastructures in Italy. We need to guarantee their safety and making them long-lasting".

Autostrade per l’Italia will be investing in research and development: artificial intelligence, data analysis and electric mobility are key elements in the agreement struck with Politecnico di Milano, which also includes a hiring plan of 2400 units at ASPI, open to recent graduates in engineering of the university.

"Today is of the utmost importance to talk about public infrastructures in Italy. We need to guarantee their safety and making them long lasting, but that alone is not enough. It is our duty to project models and technological solutions that will anticipate the needs and the requirements of tomorrow. Electric vehicles and sensorized highways are not futuristic visions but rather concrete opportunities of investment – says Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano – “We need to invest in a smart mobility, that will be able to monitor traffic, the conditions of roads and that will signal the needs of intervention at high speed. The Politecnico di Milano takes on by signing the agreement with Autostrade per l’Italia this commitment.

The agreement aims at developing projects of digital transformation related to the tracking of traffic flows to digital payments, to cybersecurity to monitoring and maintaining the infrastructures and using artificial intelligence in projects. Sustainability and renewable energy will be key components of the project as well. Lastly there will be projects of higher education for the workers of the ASPI group and for university students, that will be included in development and testing of strategic activities.

How do we imagine the university world in a Post-Covid Era?

Live on Uno Mattina, the Rector of the Politecnico di Milano describes how the university system will evolve in the future

The disruption caused by the pandemic has made necessary to re-think the university system, in terms of new knowledge and with regards to the instruments that will assist the education system in the future. What to expect in the next phases? On the topic Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano and Giovanni Lo Storto, Director General of Luiss Guido Carli were interviewed on Uno Mattina (4th of january 2020).

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Politecnico di Milano Progress in Research Digital Talks – Infrastructures and the future of cities

Le città sono sempre state indissolubilmente legate alle infrastrutture e al loro sviluppo. Sono le infrastrutture che rendono possibile lo sviluppo urbano, a maggior ragione oggi, quando spazio dei flussi e spazio dei luoghi sono inesorabilmente intrecciati proprio nelle città.

Un legame che è stato ulteriormente enfatizzato dalla pandemia che stiamo vivendo, che ha quasi azzerato le relazioni di prossimità; è stato solo grazie alle infrastrutture digitali e logistiche che abbiamo potuto rimanere connessi con gli altri e continuare a svolgere le nostre attività. Quali infrastrutture serviranno per rendere le nostre città luoghi di innovazione e di coesione sociale? Come progettarle e realizzarle sfruttando i dati da cui siamo circondati?

Ne discutono i professori Giovanni Azzone, Alessandro Balducci e Piercesare Secchi intervistati dal prof. Enrico Zio.

Farewell to Ernesto Gismondi, entrepreneur and designer of the Politecnico di Milano, an ambassador of Made in Italy

Ernesto Gismondi has passed away on the 31st of december 2020: one of the ambassadors of Made in Italy around the world for his avantgarde design, he was the founder and President of Artemide, one of the most known companies in lighting design.

Born on the 25th of december 1931, Gismondi was Alumnus of the Politecnico di Milano in Engineering, as well as being a graduate of missile engineering a the Scuola Superiore di Ingegneria di Roma. He has founded Artemide in Milan in 1960; today, the Artemide Group is one of the most famous lighting companies in the world. Under the guidance of Gismondi the company has collaborated with world famous designers and engineers such as Vico Magistretti, Gio Ponti, Gae Aulenti, Santiago Calatrava, Richard Sapper, Michele De Lucchi and more. Gismondi himself has made a name for himself as international designer and was among the founders of "Memphis", an avantgarde movement that push forward the evolution of design in Italy and around the world.

His visionary entrepreneurial work in Artemide has give him numerous awards, among which we can cite the "Entrepreneur of the year 2008" of Enrst & Young for the category Innovation, the European Design Prize 1997, and numerous Compassi d'oro: in 1967 for the famous Eclisse signed by Vico Magistretti, another famous Alumnus of the Politecnico di Milano, in 1989 for the Tolomeo of Michele De Lucchi and Giancarlo Fassina; in 2004 for the applique Pipe of Herzog & De Meuron and in 2014 for the In-Ei Collection of Issey Miyake.

He has been nominated Cavaliere del Lavoro by President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano in 2008 and in 2018 he has recieved the Compasso d'oro to the career, with the following motivation by the jury: "Areospace engineer, professor and entrepreneur: a man with polyedric interests. Founder of Artemide he has used design characteristics as a distinctive catro and he has develpoed collaborations with the design world in Italy and in the world. A coherent example of how design can be a strategic push for the collective economic and cultural development and he has always worked towards the recognition of italian design on a world stage."

From 1964 to 1984 Gismondi was associated professor at Politecnico di Milano. He has been also vice president of ADI - Associazione Design Industriale and in his long career he has been in charge of numerous institutional roles.

"An empathic engineer, a civic entrepreneur and a pragmatic creative" says Stefano Boeri, celebrating “three competences of his: technological research on materials, the passion for the risk of entrepreneurship and beauty as a border of creativity, that are part of the DNA of italian design."

All images belong to Artemide