hub malpensa

An Alumnus designs the new hub of DHL Express in Malpensa

“The new DHL Express Italy hub in Malpensa represents the first of three projects we are developing in Italy for the German company. This project aims to combine the enlightened vision of the company into tangible projects, introducing a new way to conceive and experience logistics: not just a place dedicated to sorting goods but an integrated hub that promotes the culture and mission of the company. , through highly evocative, as well as highly efficient spaces ". Massimo RojAlumnus of Architecture of Politecnico di Milano, describes the new hub of DHL Express inagurated in Malpensa and realised by Progetto CMRof which he is CEO and founder. 

In almost thirty years of activity, Roj has spread - together with Progetto CMR, one of the leading Italian companies in the integrated design sector - Italian culture and good practices of international and sustainable architecture. The project in Malpensa is the first of other gateways that are going to be realised by DHL in Italy. 

hub malpensa massimo roj
Credits Progetto CMR

Con oltre 50.000 metri quadri di progetto, 110 milioni di euro di investimento e più di 1000 dipendentithe new operative structure of DHL has become the fourth biggest in Europe and the more sustainable and technologically advanced one, developed in its entirety in BIM.  

Located in the south part of the Malpensa Airport, it has a "T" structure that will host a logistic hub, a wharehouse of 12.000 square meters and a factory on two floors and office spaces, more than 7000 square meters with a panoramic rooftop, rooms for meetings and for customer experience.

The characterizing element of the project is the presence of the Connector, a space that allows visual continuity between offices and warehouse and the creation of a sort of "agora" easily accessible by anyone who works in the building for moments of break and network.

One of the major elements of technological innovation is the material used for the casing, composed of triple-chamber alveolar polycarbonate : a light recycled and recyclable material, which allows the illumination of indoor environments through natural light, with considerable energy savings, and which at the same time guarantees excellent thermal and acoustic insulation.

Cover Photo: Progetto CMR

ann2 macchina volante home

"Where we are going we do not need roads"

Ann 2 it is a two-seater aircraft of the Stovl type, ie a short or vertical take-off and vertical landing, it can travel up to 600 km at a speed of 300 km per hour.
It is built in composite materials also taking advantage of 3D printing, has hybrid power, can be driven in autonomous mode.

Its developer is Lucas Marchesini, Alumnus of Areonautical engineering at Politecnico di Milano, founder and CEO of MANTA AIRCRAFT, describes Ann2: "To some it may seem like a car with wings, but in reality it has little to do with a car. It's more similar to an airplane", but is much smaller than a plane and is able to take off and land in very small environmente (or vertically) A plane almost suitable for urban environments, which is one of the directions in which the areonauthical industry is moving towards.

In the future, aircrafts of this type could be used in the transport of goods and people as well as to facilitate city mobility, being used as couriers and flying taxis; but also for search and rescue operations, surveillance (for example environmental) and medical transport, which are all operations now carried out by helicopter with very high costs. Grazia Vittadini, CTO Airbus, also talked about it in MAP # 5 .

Ann2 is in the testing phase: The flight tests of the prototypes in 1: 3 scale are underway while from 2022 the first prototype in real size will take off.

Photos from

ripartire dalla conoscenza

"Let's start back from knowledge: the Rector of Politecnico di Milano presents his latest book

“2020 will be remembered as a complicated year, but also as a time of great change. A long year in which we wrote a page of the university's history. That is why I thought it was right to leave a trace of what we lived and to share in a simple and honest way our experience of a great Italian university: Politecnico di Milano "

Rector of Politecnico di Milano Ferruccio Resta introduces his new book, just published from Bollati Borighieri "Let's start back from knowledge: from classrooms emptied by the virus to the new central role of university", purchasable in all bookshops.

The book, a dialogue between the Rector and Ferruccio De Bortoli, focuses on the difficulties that Italian universities faced in 2020 and was presented live in the Paolo Grassi Theater in Milan as well as live streamed on the Facebook page of the Politecnico.

During the presentation, the authors retraced the events of the past year that placed Italy in front of challenges that can be faced- according to the Rector - by investing in education, in particular university education .

ripartire dalla conoscenza
Credits: Politecnico di Milano

2020 has been a very complicated moment for Politecnico di Milano and for all Italian universities: the management of the emergency pushed our University to close physical classrooms and to open online ones for 45,000 students.

On one hand the pandemic has forced to close many activities, on the other it has pushed a great deal of activities that involved various structures and departments of the Poli: from the use of laboratories to help institutions and companies, come to example the creation of Polichina (we talked about Polichina in the Digital talks "Chemical Engineering at the service of the community"to the elaboration of Unlock, a holistic model on the effects of a gradual reopening of the social and economic activities of the country(we spoke about Unlock in the number 8th of MAP).

ripartire dalla conoscenza
Credits: Bollati Boringhieri Editore
 "Every word spent in this book is dedicated to the students of the Politecnico di Milano and our universities"

"Starting afresh from knowledge" is also a programmatic manifesto that claims the central role of the University in the training of young students, the future of our country.

In this regard, the debate on the division of incoming funds is fundamental.

"We need ad hoc programs - declares the rector of the Politecnico di Milano to Corriere della Sera -, we must distinguish the sites by their vocation, the generalist ones and the specialized ones, those that meet local criteria and those that have an international dimension".

An approach that presupposes the enhancement of the differences between universities, but also to ensure that they form strategic alliances between them, giving students the opportunity to build their university careers anywhere, online and offline.

The goal is to create flexible professionals who grow "with a sharing of knowledge, in particular between the humanities and scientific and technological sciences".


"Starting afresh from knowledge" is a book that focuses on the great changes that are underway, and that the pandemic has accelerated: school - now too often forgotten -, work and new professions, emerging technologies, projects for cities and the role of universities in the socio-economic context, the growth of the territory."

An opportunity to restart from competence and rethink the future from the foundations, something that can only be done by returning to believe and invest in the value of knowledge, to face the great challenges of tomorrow.

Credits home: Bollati Boringhieri Editore
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Comment vendre votre idée avec une présentation efficace

Digital Talks in lingua francese del 1 Aprile 2021 organizzato dal Chapter Internazionale Alumni Politecnico di Milano Parigi.

Se sei un manager, un consulente, un imprenditore o semplicemente un sognatore avrai avuto l’occasione di dover condividere un idea con altre persone. il successo o fallimento delle tue idee non dipende direttamente da quanto siano brillanti, bensì da quanto sei bravo a condividere il tuo entusiasmo con gli altri.

Una presentazione efficace nella pianificazione e nell’esecuzione ti renderà molto più visibile e cambierà il modo in cui sarai percepito all’esterno.

Ha partecipato al Talks l’Alumnus Maurizio la Cava, co-fondatore e CEO di MPC Presentation Design Consulting S.r.l.

space design home

Design for Space: what does it mean?

On April 8 they were guests of the Digital Talks “ Design for life in space ” Annalisa Dominoni and Benedetto Quaquaro , since 2017 responsible for Space4InspirAction at the Politecnico , the first and only Space Design course in the world, in collaboration with ESA, the European Space Agency. The webinar was also an opportunity to present the book “ Design of Supporting Systems for Life in Outer Space ", by Dominoni, published by Springer.

space design

"I like to define designers as creator of problems as well of solutions, generating innovation and bettering the life of people, in space and on earth." says Dominoni in an interview to Wired

Design for space often means adapting existing technologies for a new paradigm:innovate through shape and function connecting innovation and technology

Looking at the future in terms of space cities and stations but with a close look on the needs of the present: design space means to think concretely at "improving the quality, the performance and the efficiency of people in orbit".

According to this principle Dominoni has designed a system of intra-vehicolar clothing (to wear in the International Space Station and within space vehicles) that is addressing all the parameters of comfort, hygene and efficacy with anti-bacteria textiles that are also thermo-regulating and able to adapt to the surrounding environment (we have also discussed about the the topic also on MAP #7)

"Design places the human being at the center and tries to interpret its needs in the most sustainable way: if an astronaut lives and works in a comfortable environment, and with more efficient equipment, his performance increases, and can determine the degree of success of a mission. "

The designer who designs for space must have the ability to predict, be able to imagine his product in an unknown environment: for example, how will it react in orbit, in conditions of microgravity? "The difficulty lies in the fact that these particular conditions are often not reproducible in the laboratory and it is not possible to experiment on Earth during the conception phase", explains Dominoni to the Alumni (we also talked about it with Manuela Aguzzi, Alumna of Prof. Dominoni and first designer "Instructor of astronauts", in issue 3 of the MAP).


During the event, the role of design was explored as a way to improve the conditions of permanence and work in orbit and in proposing methods and tools to address the extreme environmental conditions and transform them from limitations into opportunities.

Cover photo © ESA


Patricia Viel: the future in designing space in the world of remote working

In an interview with Corriere della Sera, Patricia Viel explores how design and working methods have changed at the time of Covid-19 for an associated studio like that of Viel and Citterio, of which she is co-founder, which has 130 collaborators, between architecture and design.

Viel's is a vision of the architectural firm based "on data, 3D surveys, diagnoses, processing that allow you to" enter "the architecture" and manageable thanks to new technologies and agile work: "We have 23 open projects to which we are working all. Even at a distance, and well, thanks to digitalization ”.

Shops, Offices and experiences

This period has brought a strong change of perspective also for companies, where “the ritual of constant presence is broken but physicality will continue to be a value. It will be at the top to clarify the objectives and create “unmissable” moments for the collaborators.

It is therefore a question of designing common spaces in offices, shops and hotels that contribute to promoting the sharing of values, creating involvement and multidisciplinary experiences, where the client or collaborator can be satisfied with having learned something, or having done some experience.

In practice, this translates into the creation of welcoming and bright atmospheres, spaciousness of the rooms and the presence of greenery also inside.

Credits: Corriere della Sera
Patricia Viel at the ’Alumni Politecnico di Milano Convention in 2016

Patricia Viel had already talked about the future at the 2016 Alumni Politecnico di Milano Convention. In her speech, in which she was asked to imagine the world in 2099 Viel paints the future as a reality made "to measure" for people, where the models of urban living will change in favor of common spaces.

A world where the concept of work will be revolutionized passing from instrumental for survival to fundamental for the quality of life and for the personal growth of everyone. A vision that a few years ago might have seemed distant, but which today already seems to be here.

Watch Patricia Viel's speech at the 2016 Convention

Cover Photo:  cmb and Giulio Boem

New therapies: a spin-off of Politecnico to treat maculopathy

The Exudative maculopathy is a very common eye desease and represents the first cause of loss of sight for people over 50To treat it, until today, it is necessary to have a frequent cycle of injection, an invasive procedure with a high impact on the life of patients, that often abandon their therapy.

To avoid the premature abandonment of the treatment, a group of researchers of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta" of Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the Deparment of clinical and biomedical sciences "Luigi Sacco, ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco, Università degli Studi di Milano, it has developed Mag Shella device that with a singular injection is able to release precise doses of medicine in defined intervals.

The device was first created in 2015 from the Phd thesis of Marco Ferronibiomedical engineer of Politenico di Milano. In six years, thanks to the support of Polihub that has incubated MgShellthe spin off which has gained a lot of prizes and investments the technology and the business model were developed.

Credits: Polihub

The Mag Shell ocular device is a drug "container" that is inserted, with a single injection, into the eye and releases the active ingredient gradually, thus ensuring greater patient adherence to the therapeutic protocol.

This operation is possible thanks to the conformation of the device itself, which alternates layers of biodegradable materials, consisting of magnesium or its alloys, with drug doses.

materiali biodegradabili, costituiti da magnesio o da sue leghe, a dosi di farmaco.

"Today this means avoiding that 40% of patients who drop out of therapy go blind, it means drastically reducing the social impact that chronic diseases have" explains Ferroni in an interview.

The advantages of this procedure are many: in addition to the reduction of costs and the impact of current drug treatment on maculopathic patients, hospital staff and on healthcare costs, there are promising possibilities for using MagShell in other areas of pharmaceutical application as well.

The device is currently in a preclinical in vitro trial phase and the first animal pilot study will begin soon.

primo studio pilota su animale.

Cover Photo: Polihub

MAP is the magazine of the Alumni of Politecnico di Milano The magazine is your compass to navigate everything that is developing and changing in our University. Below you will find a related article : if you like what you are seeing, support us . You will be able to collect your copy for free.

Donate your 5x1000 to Politecnico to support its research

Not just technology, or rather: technology and innovation at the service of social inclusion, urban regeneration, health, services for the community. These are just some of the many topics that research at Politecnico di Milano tackles every day. It is research with a high social impact, financed in part thanks to the donation of the public, specifically thanks to 5x1000.

In fact, every year the Politecnico donates the funds raised with 5 x1000 to the best projects selected through a competition of proposals, the Polisocial Award. The first in Italy among the academic initiatives of this type, it aims at supporting and launching research projects with a high social impact, supporting the work teams from the project start-up phase to the conclusion and even beyond, also with a view to sustainability over time and focusing on issues of social importance for areas or population groups facing a hard time.


From 2013 (when the program started) to 2020, tens of thousands of donors, especially Alumni, have chosen to donate their 5X1000 to Politecnico di Milano, helping to raise over 3.5 million euros.

These donations put new energy into research. The Politecnico has chosen to invest these funds to make room for young researchers: in the 7 years of the Polisocial program, almost 160 young researchers, including postdocs and doctoral students, were involved, who were thus able to present and carry out their research projects. To support them, over 200 teachers and researchers from all departments of the Politecnico.

The 2020 edition has put up for grabs about 500 thousand euros, assigned to a total of 5 new projects starting just in these months. You can discover them all at this link:


Allocating the 5X1000 to the Politecnico di Milano is simple, just put your signature in the box "Funding of scientific research and the University" which appears on the tax return forms and specify the tax code of the Politecnico di Milano TAX CODE 800 579 301 50

How does the virus spreads in outdoor spaces?

A research by Politecnico di Milano, published in the journal Aerosol Science and Technology, tries to answer this question by analyzing a series of scenarios characterized by different weather conditions: a city in summer and autumn; a seaside town in summer; a mountain village in summer and winter

Ettore Maggiore, Matteo Tommasini and Paolo M. Ossi published on the magazine Aerosol Science and Technology the article "Propagation in outdoor environments of aerosol droplets produced by breath and light cough.
The research group studied the propagation of the aerosol that we emit from the mouth and nose by breathing, coughing or sneezing in various kinds of open environments.

Virus trasmitted via air such as the flu, the cold, SARS and obviously, Coronavirusdiffuse through areosolwhich is air saturated by water vapor and droplets.
Viruses "ride" the droplets. These evaporate during flight or fall to the ground, depending on their initial size. The evaporation rate depends on the temperature and humidity of the ambient air.
As the drop evaporates and contracts, its speed and flight time in the air flow associated with respiratory activity change.

Up to now, the propagation of aerosol from respiratory activities has been studied experimentally and modeling by considering closed environments and, more recently, environments with complete air conditioning.

propagazione droplets
Credits: Jack Adamson on Unsplash

In the paper researchers focused on the propagation in open spacesanalyzing breathing and light cough (the one for clearing the throat), normal respiratory activities in healthy or non-symptomatic people, and considering propagation in stagnant air, even if the effect of wind has been discussed.

The propagation distance of droplets have been calculated five environments characterized by different pressure, temperature, relative humidity: a city in summer and autumn; a seaside town in summer; a mountain village in summer and winter.
In every enviromental condition, among the droplets travelling for a longer distance, those emitted by coughing are bigger than the ones emitted breathing.
In the city in summer (high temperature, very high humidity) and in winter in the mountains (low temperature, medium-high humidity) the greatest propagation distances are observed: about 2 m from the mouth. The minimum distances are recorded in summer both in the mountains (high temperature, low humidity) and at the sea (high temperature, medium-high humidity): about 1.5 m from the mouth.

Cover Photo: Matteo Jorjoson on Unsplash

Research at Politecnico di Milano gives an essential contribution to the technological, cultural and social development of our country and of the whole world. In this historically significant period of time many researchers of Politecnico have developed and are continuing developing researches to forecast and handle the pandemic, cointaining the diffusion and mitigating its effects.
Stay updated on the news and on the resarch on Covid-19 at Politecnico di Milano. Visit

forbes 2021

11 Alumni of Politecnico in Forbes' list of young innovators

"While the whole world is fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, the 100 innovators under 30 selected by Forbes Italia for 2021 are giving their contribution with their ideas", the article on Forbes Italia announces the 100 young italian innovators that are building the future of the country.

Let's meet the Alumni of Politecnico from the list!

Giovanni Pandolfi Bortoletto, 29 years, for the Science category, founder of Leaf Space and Alumnus in Arenautical Engineering in 2014

Photo: TrevisoToday

Matteo Marzorati, 26 years, Games category, founder of Cordens Interact and Alumnus in Product Service System Design in 2019

matteo marzorati
Credits: Linkedin

Domitilla Rapisardi, 29 years, category Art&Style founder of IINDACO and Alumna in Fashion Design in 2013

domitilla rapisardi
Credits: Linkedin

Francesca Bona, 29 years, category Energy is an energetical transition expert and an Alumna of Energy Engineering in 2015

francesca bona
Credits: Linkedin

Andrea Evangelista and Chiara Riente, both 27 years and Alumnae in Material Engineering and Nanotechnology in 2021 and Communication Design in 2018 are the founders of Piantando, for the catergory Social Impact

Marco Laganà, 29 years, e-commerce category has founded Dog Heroes and is an Alumnus in Fashion Design 2013

marco laganà
Credits: Linkedin

Elisa Piscitelli, 30 years, and Mariapaola Testa, 29, category Education have found Orientami and are Alumnae in Managing Engineering 2015 and 2013

Enrico Bertino (alumnus in Mathematical Engineering 2019) and Gianluca Maruzzella (alumnus in managing engineering 2015), founders of Category Enterprise technology

Cover photo © Forbes