Offshore wind farms, on which great expectations are placed for decarbonising electricity production, ensure environmental benefits throughout their life cycle. This emerges from a study published in the international journal Sustainable Production and Consumption in which researchers from Politecnico di Milano analysed the potential environmental impacts of a floating offshore wind farm undergoing authorisation off the coast of Sicily.
The analysis included the phases of procurement of materials, transport of components, assembly and installation with specialised vessels, maintenance during operation, disassembly and end-of-life.
Overall, the results of the analysis provide a rough indication, which is useful for becoming aware of the environmental loads of a renewable electricity generation system and comparing it with other energy sources.
Results show that comparing 1 GWh of energy taken from the national grid with 1 Gwh of energy produced by the wind farm, the overall impacts of wind power are significantly reduced for almost all impact categories analysed: in the ‘climate change’ category, the benefit is a 92% reduction in impacts, and worsening is only observed in the ‘abiotic depletion’ category (+95%). Furthermore, this technology would allow to avoid generating energy from fossil fuels, and therefore, as the results show, related investments would be quickly repaid in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and energy, in 2 and 3 years, respectively.
Scientific literature is still insufficient when it comes to life cycle analysis (LCA) of offshore wind farms with large turbines (over 15 MW) installed on floating structures reflecting recent industry developments and current market trends. However, in order to assess their true environmental sustainability, it is important to analyse renewable electricity generation technologies from a life-cycle perspective.
Authors of this study are, Mario Grosso, professor in Solid Waste Management and Treatment; Lucia Rigamonti, professor in Methodologies for Life Cycle Thinking; and Gaia Brussa, researcher at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
The QUID (Quantum Italy Deployment) project is the Italian implementation of the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI), promoted by the European Commission with the aim of creating a European infrastructure for quantum communication.
In the course of the project, existing communication infrastructures, whether fibre-optic or airborne, will be integrated and equipped with quantum key distribution (QKD) systems, which will cover a large part of the national territory; at the same time, QUID promotes the development of Italian companies that produce systems and services for quantum communication to different categories of users.
The main purpose of QUID is the development of nodes in quantum metropolitan area networks (QMANs), interconnected through the Italian Quantum Backbone, an infrastructure that covers the Italian territory and distributes, with unprecedented stability and accuracy, time and sampling frequency signals using commercial optical fibres. In each QMAN, quantum key exchanges will take place between nodes using discrete variable QKD systems; distances greater than metropolitan will be covered using 'trusted' nodes or innovative Twin-Field QKD techniques (with 'untrusted' nodes).
QUID will also unite important sites for the connection between fibre-optic communication and the space segment of the European QCI.
Alongside these infrastructural activities, QUID places great emphasis on the development of methods for the optimal delivery of quantum communication services.
Finally, QUID leaves room for the development of innovative QKD techniques, for increasing the transmission frequency, for the use of new types of optical fibres and for free-space transmission.
The QUID consortium brings together leading Italian companies in the sector, leading research institutes involved in quantum communication, for both the terrestrial and space segment, and universities engaged in innovation and education.
The involvement of companies that produce QKD devices, operate telecommunications networks and terrestrial and space services, and that offer integrated IT security solutions, will enable the easy connection of QKD systems in communication networks across the country.
Il consorzio, guidato dall’Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), è composto, oltre che dal Politecnico di Milano, da: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Coherentia, Thales Alenia Space – Italia, QTI, Leonardo, ThinkQuantum, Tim SpA, Telsy, Telespazio, Consorzio TOP-IX, Università degli studi dell’Aquila, Università La Sapienza, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli Studi di Padova, Università degli Studi di Trieste.
Engineers, architects and designers: these are most of the professionals that the Politecnico produces, but sometimes working life is unpredictable and takes you to unexpected places, whether it is the stage of Sanremo or becoming one of the most famous contemporary street artists. What is certain is that all of these artists, in one way or another, have brought with them the Politecnico 'know-how' that we are all familiar with.
So here are five alumni musicians and artists that you probably know, but may not have realised once sat at the Poli's desks. Do you know of any others? Let us know, and we’ll write part two!
STEFANO BELISARI, AKA 'ELIO' - Alumnus of Electronic Engineering (2002)
Stefano Belisari, better known as Elio e le Storie Tese, Elio e le Storie Tese, graduated from the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan and from the Politecnico di Milano in 2003 with a degree in Electronic Engineering.
We spoke to him for our book “2099”, in which, among other things, he had a message for young people about their future and career choices:
“Try to know your strengths and let them guide you. Take a few years to think about how you can make the most of your talents, make a plan and, above all, be impartial: another false myth today is 'do what you like'. I would advise you to do what you are good at”.
EDOARDO BENNATO | Alumnus of Architecture (1988)
Still on the subject of music, Edoardo Bennato also graduated from our University, but in architecture: during his time in Milan he completed his degree and, in the meantime, managed to connect with the world of Milanese discography. A guitarist, harmonica player and singer, he is considered one of the greatest exponents of rock music. On 19 July 1980, he became the first Italian artist to sell out the San Siro stadium in Milan in front of more than 50,000 fans.
LUCA MANGONI | Alumnus of Architecture (1986)
Luca Mangoni is also a musician in the band Elio e le storie tese (although he is not officially a member, he has often appeared in the band's live performances and video clips) and an Alumnus of architecture. Among his many works as an architect, perhaps the best known is the Mangoni Tower, a residential building on Via Nervesa in Milan, built between 1995 and 2000.
SALVATORE BENINTENDE, AKA TV BOY | Alumnus of Industrial Design (2004)
A street artist, he is associated with the NeoPop movement[1]. He is best known for the character he created, 'TVboy', an alter ego that the artist often depicts as a symbol of distinction from the new generation's massified culture, driven largely by television. Born Salvatore Benintende, he graduated in 2004 with a degree in Industrial Design from the newly opened Bovisa Campus.
His first exhibition was at the Faculty of Design, where he built a display of old, abandoned televisions, using stencils to paint the faces of VIPs and friends on the unlit screens. It was this exhibition that brought him his first success and the baptism of his stage name.
GUIDO BISAGNI, AKA 108 - Alumnus of Industrial Design 2006
A leading exponent of the Italian urban art scene, Guido Bisagni holds a degree in Industrial Design from the Politecnico di Milano and is considered one of the first and foremost exponents of abstract post-graffiti art at national and European level. He paints mainly in abandoned industrial areas: he was one of the first to bring non-figurative painting into public space, with the intention of creating 'visual chaos'.
Controlling the shape of a drop is a revolutionary discovery and will soon enable us to manufacture liquid technology devices in the pharmaceutical and environmental fields. Through the encapsulation of one liquid in another, applications such as the controlled release of drugs, emulsification processes and, for example, the clean-up of spills of liquid pollutants such as oil will be possible.
Researchers at the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the Aalto University of Helsinki and the University of Oxford conducted a study on the shape control of droplets consisting of a mixture of water and a protein (hydrophobin).
"While a drop of pure fluid, e.g. of water alone, always retains its initial shape during evaporation, these drops made of a water-hydrophobin mixture, on the other hand, show surprising changes in shape during evaporation"
states Pierangelo Metrangolo from the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering 'Giulio Natta' at Politecnico.
"In fact, the hydrophobin initially dissolved in water reaches the drop's free surface during evaporation and begins to self-assemble to create a thin film that encapsulates the drop and allows its shape to be controlled thanks to a particular combination of certain gravity conditions and the chemical and mechanical properties of the solute that is unveiled and described by a mathematical model"
Pasquale Ciarletta of the Politecnico di Milano's Department of Mathematics continues.
This research demonstrates the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to drive innovation: the interaction between mathematics and chemistry has enabled the understanding of a new physical phenomenon and its transfer to technology to engineer innovative materials that will revolutionise various industrial applications.
The collaborative work of the authors of the study, Pasquale Ciarletta, Pierangelo Metrangolo and Davide Riccobelli, was funded by Regione Lombardia's NewMed project to create innovative methods and materials for precision and personalised medicine.
The results of these studies have been published in the prestigious scientific journal Physical Review Letters.
97% of Politecnico Italian Master's degree graduates is already in employment one year after graduation. Employment is almost fully guaranteed for engineers to 98%, as well as architects and designers, respectively to 96% and 93%. Employment rates five years after graduation rises to 99% (99% Engineering, 98% Architecture, 98% Design).
Furthermore, one out of three Italian master's graduates is already employed on the date of graduation, while almost all graduates (90%) have a job that is consistent with their degree. More in detail: 93% are employed in the private sector, 87% work in Italy and 66% are in permanent employment.
The high employment rate of our graduates once again confirms the good work and excellent reputation enjoyed by the Politecnico di Milano in Italy and abroad. We can only be satisfied with it. Not only almost all of our students are employed one year after graduating, but one out of three finds a job already before completing their thesis
commented rector Donatella Sciuto.
In addition to doing a job consistent with their studies, Italian graduates of Politecnico di Milano are satisfied with their educational path (85%) and also with their current job (87%).
Five years after graduation, the percentage of permanent contracts for Italian master's graduates rises to 93%, with an increase of 40% compared to four years ago.
The salary one year after graduation is 1,699 euros, with an increase of approximately 150 euros per month compared to the previous year, while five years after graduation it reaches an average of 2,322 euros net (2,018 for women and 2,438 for men), marking a growth of 773 euros in four years.
This is thanks to an excellent education, in line with the needs of the production world, and to the proposal of new innovative, multidisciplinary study paths focused on cutting-edge issues, with particular reference to the two major transitions underway: digital and sustainability.
Employment rate rises also for foreign master’s degree graduates trained at the Politecnico, which reach 90% one year after graduation, rising to 96% after five years. More, 51% of fresh international graduates remain in Italy to work.
Regarding bachelor’s degree graduates, employment rate reaches 90% one year after graduation, rising to 99% five years after.
I also want to underline how the most recent data indicate a progressive narrowing in the wage gap between men and women, which remains very wide, wanting to move towards a more open and inclusive labour marke
Milan Building extremely efficient neural networks using photonic chips that process light signals is possible. This was proven by a study by the Politecnico di Milano, conducted together with Stanford University and published in the prestigious journal Science.
Neural networks are distributed computing structures inspired by the structure of a biological brain and aim to achieve cognitive performance comparable to that of humans but in a much shorter time. These technologies now form the basis of machine learning and artificial intelligence systems that can perceive the environment and adapt their own behaviour by analysing the effects of previous actions and working autonomously. They are used in many areas of application, such as speech and image recognition and synthesis, autonomous driving and augmented reality systems, bioinformatics, genetic and molecular sequencing, and high-performance computing technologies.
Compared to conventional computing approaches, in order to perform complex functions, neural networks need to be initially "trained" with a large amount of known information that the network then uses to adapt by learning from experience. Training is an extremely energy-intensive process and as computing power increases, the neural networks' consumption grows very rapidly, doubling every six months or so.
Photonic circuits are a very promising technology for neural networks because they make it possible to build energy-efficient computing units. For years, the Politecnico di Milano has been working on developing programmable photonic processors integrated on silicon microchips only a few mm2 in size for use in the field of data transmission and processing, and now these devices are being used to build photonic neural networks.
“An artificial neuron, like a biological neuron, must perform very simple mathematical operations, such as addition and multiplication, but in a neural network consisting of many densely interconnected neurons, the energy cost of these operations grows exponentially and quickly becomes prohibitive. Our chip incorporates a photonic accelerator that allows calculations to be carried out very quickly and efficiently, using a programmable grid of silicon interferometers. The calculation time is equal to the transit time of light in a chip a few millimetres in size, so we are talking about less than a billionth of a second (0.1 nanoseconds)”, says Francesco Morichetti, Head of the Photonic Devices Lab of the Politecnico di Milano.
“I vantaggi delle reti neurali fotoniche sono noti da tempo, ma uno dei tasselli mancanti per sfruttarne pienamente le potenzialità era l’addestramento della rete. È come avere un potente calcolatore, ma non sapere come usarlo. In questo studio siamo riusciti a realizzare strategie di addestramento dei neuroni fotonici analoghe a quelle utilizzate per le reti neurali convenzionali. Il “cervello” fotonico apprende velocemente e accuratamente e può raggiungere precisioni confrontabili a quelle di una rete neurale convenzionale, ma con un notevole risparmio energetico e maggiore velocità. Tutti elementi abilitanti le applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale e quantistiche.” Aggiunge
In addition to applications in the field of neural networks, this device can be used as a computing unit for multiple applications where high computational efficiency is required, e.g. for graphics accelerators, mathematical coprocessors, data mining, cryptography and quantum computers. The Politecnico di Milano is working on this research with the Photonic Devices Lab and with Polifab, the university's micro and nanotechnology centre.
With its innovative fast gated, ultra-high quantum efficiency single-photon sensor, the fastMOT (fast gated superconducting nanowire camera for Multi-functional Optical Tomograph) project will enable deep body imaging with diffuse optics. Implemented in the new Multifunctional Optical Tomograph, the light sensor will achieve a 100x improvement of signal-to-noise ratio compared to using existing light sensors.
The fastMOT project will receive a total of 3 million euro in funding: 2.49 million euro from the European Innovation Council programme and 525,000 Euro from the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee.
Traditionally, organ monitoring and deep-body functional imaging are performed using ultrasound, Xray (including CT), PET or MRI. However, these techniques allow only extremely limited measurements of functionality and are usually combined with exogenous and radioactive agents. To overcome this limitation, six partners, coordinated by the Dutch SME Single Quantum, have joined forces to develop an ultra-high performance light sensor in different imaging techniques to radically improve the performance of microscopy and imaging.
The novel sensor is based on superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs), which have been shown to be ultra-fast and highly efficient. However, the active area and number of pixels have so far been limited to micrometre diameters and tens of pixels.
The fastMOT consortium now aims at developing new techniques to overcome this limit and scale to 10,000 pixels and millimetre diameter. In addition, new strategies for performing time domain near infrared spectroscopy (TDNIRS) and time domain speckle contrast optical spectroscopy (TD-SCOS) will be developed to optimally use this new light sensor with Monte-Carlo simulations. The new light sensor will be implemented in an optical tomograph and will achieve a 100x improvement of signal-to-noise ratio compared to using existing light sensors.
The new sensing technology will have a major impact on a wide range of sectors: not only will it improve spectroscopy and imaging performance, but it will also enable groundbreaking applications that will lead to new insights and a major economic boost. The proposed Multifunctional Optical Tomograph will make it possible to image deep organ and optical structures and monitor body functions such as oxygenation, haemodynamics, perfusion and metabolism. It also has the potential to significantly improve the accuracy of non-invasive breast cancer diagnosis, reducing the risk of false positive biopsies, with benefits for patients’ quality of life and improved sustainability for the healthcare systems.
In addition to Single Quantum, the participating institutions are the Center for Ultrafast Science and Biomedical Optics CUSBO at Politecnico di Milano in Italy, the Institute of Photonic Sciences ICFO in Spain, the Technische Universiteit Delft in the Netherlands, the network of European laser research infrastructures Laserlab-Europe AISBL in Belgium, the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. in Germany, and the University College London in the United Kingdom.
Today, counterfeit products seriously affect the global economy and can have a negative impact on safety, health and the environment due to the lower quality of their components. The severity of the problem is estimated to reach 3 billion US dollars by 2022, causing EU companies to lose 121 billion euros in sales and over 671,000 jobs.
KEEPER is a project aiming to provide a new technological solution to this challenge: it is the first system ever to combine a unique identification code with a virtually infinite number of combinations (over 1024) to certify the product authenticity and an unprecedented level of security, ease of use and cost-effectiveness.
It is an innovative customisable solution based on two main resources: nano-engineered inks to be applied on documents or product packaging as adhesive tags or printed directly at specific points (3Tag), and a highly selective verification technique using a dedicated reader (3Check). The specificity of the inks, the coding sequence and the reading method make this technology extremely difficult or almost impossible to replicate through reverse engineering processes.
The KEEPER project, to which university and private partners from Italy, Poland and Austria are contributing, was recently funded with more than 2 million euros by the European Innovation Council (EIC) within the framework of the "EIC Transition" call for proposals, which aims to support the improvement and the laboratory validation of new technologies developed within the framework of European subsidised projects and their introduction onto the market.
“The European Innovation Council is Europe's flagship programme for technological innovation. This is the first time that a project presented by Politecnico di Milano as a lead partner has accessed this type of support; overall, this EIC Transition call has funded 34 projects across Europe, of which six in Italy and only three with a university as coordinator“
says Professor Carlo S. Casari, Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano, head of KEEPER and former holder of the ERC Consolidator Grant EspLORE, the ERC Proof of Concept Grants PROTECHT and PYPAINT.
In 1996 the Association “Milano Biblioteca del 2000” was founded with the aim of promoting the construction of the European Library of Information and Culture. One of the many voices that have spoken in favour of this project over the years is the writer and essayist Claudio Magris: “In my opinion, this is a very important initiative, namely a European library with a large multimedia structure, which will combine books and digital media, all with free access and open shelving, thus providing a powerful, comprehensive tool for information, education, culture and, in the broadest sense, civic education. Institutions of this kind exist in Paris, New York, San Francisco and Munich, where they have been and continue to be very successful, whereas in Italy there is no large library of this kind”. In 2026, it will finally be there. In fact, at a public session on 11 July 2022, the winner of the design competition run by the City of Milan was announced, the Italian group formed by, among others, designers from Onsitestudio as well as Baukuh, dot dot, Abnormal, Luca Gallizioli and Yellow Office. “We are a very large team of architects and the result of our projects is always the result of teamwork,” says Alumnus Angelo Lunati, co-founder of Onsistestudio along with Alumnus Giancarlo Floridi, “In this specific case, the team also included digital and climate change experts, who built the pillars of the project's idea: a new library capable of being a flexible, constantly renewable platform”.
What does “new library” mean?
A place of the archaic and the futuristic. A library capable of combining the dimension of the book and the universe of documents, where the idea of the nineteenth-century public library, where the knowledge of centuries is stored, reigns supreme, and the dimension of digital and contemporary cultural creation, where knowledge is created. The building, made up of two trapezoidal wings, will immediately convey the image of a hard-working, productive place, thanks to the archetypal reference of its shape, which recalls the large roofs of the factories of yesteryear. At the same time, it will have the modernity of a greenhouse, in dialogue with the park in which it will be located, the former Porta Vittoria railway yard. A monumental building, spectacular in its size - it will be 35 metres high - and at the same time with an ordinariness of its own given by the floors of the library, which are repeated vertically with a very simple floor plan.
Almost as if it were a book, let's open this library and go inside: what will be revealed?
Firstly, the ground floor of the building will be a large open civic space, conceived as an outdoor area, i.e. it will not be air-conditioned; the idea is that the library will have air-conditioned parts that alternate with others that function like a large greenhouse. Departments ranging from Arts and Literature to Humanities and Social Sciences to Science and Technology will be housed in the south wing. At the top, a terrace with a reading room. The north wing, on the other hand, will be the most usable and most open to the possibility of hosting cultural events, then a floor dedicated to a fab lab and a floor dedicated to co-working, moving upwards with a gaming room and recording studio through to an exhibition space with the possibility of access to and use of a radio station. In short, production spaces equipped with the means to reach worlds not accessible to everyone. A large platform will connect the two buildings: on the second floor, the two worlds will be linked by a bridge between the traditional and innovative dimensions.
Since we are also in a literary field, what significance does this bridge have?
It can be an analogy, a bridge to culture, as there is a system of stairs that provides access to the different floors and at the same time allows us to see them in a vertical line. Crossing this bridge, visitors will be able to perceive the breadth of culture and knowledge that exists and is transmitted here, almost like a visionary walk that will also allow them to delve deep: the ground level floor will have a series of portholes through which visitors will be able to look into the basement storeroom, which will contain 2.5 million books. An archive manned by small robots that will fetch books and distribute them thanks to mechanised systems on the different floors; and by feeding these two wings, this will also show the size of the document collection, which in most libraries is not on display, or not displayed in its entirety. At the BEIC, however, it will be visible from the foyer of the Auditorium.
Where will the Auditorium be located?
In a third pavilion we have named the Imaginarium, which will be the children's library. We imagined it to have a very different architecture than the large main building: a red building, built entirely of wood, thus with a more homely feel, in some respects also more domestic and with very large and flexible spaces. The auditorium, which will be located below the Imaginarium, will have 300 seats and its own programme of shows and events. Also in this same building, there will be a room accessible from the outside 24 hours a day, so that there will always be a place to study and engage with the contents of the library. I remember when I was a student, when I had to prepare for exams, I would always look for a place to study, so I would go to libraries that closed as late as possible.
Which two books do you consider to have been fundamental for your education?
The first is Esperienza dell'architettura by Ernesto Nathan Rogers, a book that has significantly condensed, through a collection of texts compiled over a long career and often the result of a personal narrative, the concerns and ambitions of an intellectual architect in a decisive period for Italian culture, illustrating an extraordinary idea of modernity, in my opinion still valid in the current day and age. The second book, Unconscious Places, is a collection of photographs by Thomas Struth, accompanied by a text by Richard Sennett, of ordinary places in cities such as Düsseldorf, Naples and New York, in which the tension between the singularity of the buildings and their setting, the additive and transformative character of urban places, and their surprising physical unity are revealed in extraordinary ways.
What is the most important lesson that the Politecnico di Milano has taught you?
Understanding the project as a successful combination of the experimental and the empirical, together with the search for forms of cultural continuity, is in line with the spirit that has long promoted the modernisation of the city of Milan, characterised by an anti-dogmatic idea of progress "rooted" in the culture of the place.
Majno is 35 years old and lives in Turin, while Imparato is 34 years old and lives in Milan. Both are originally from Lombardy's capital city.
The company is called Small Giants. Majno is also a former student at the Politecnico, where he obtained his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in communication design.
The start-up was born in 2017 from the two friends' idea. The choice to leave England was a regulatory one: there, there was regulation for food created with insect flour, whereas in Europe this was still not the case, it would come later. Now things have switched somewhat, as we will see later.
The Small Giants brand and the first product were launched in November 2020. In 2023, the company was moved to Italy, to Milan. It was a full relocation: both in legal matters and in terms of production and logistics. The target market is also Italy.
Small Giants currently offers three products (cracker bites, crispy bakes and easy mixes) and has an estimated turnover of €300,000.
We interviewed Majno who clarified many aspects of this innovative company (“innovative for Europe”, he would say).
How did this project come about?
"More than what we were studying at university, it was something we were interested in. Edoardo and I have been friends for a long time. We have always wondered about food sustainability, we both don’t eat meat, for both sustainability and ethical reasons. We look for alternative sources of protein. As a result, we were passionate about insect flour, and we read an FAO document that was a beacon, for us and for many. It explained various aspects including that different species of insects have long been consumed in different parts of the world”.
What are the characteristics of food made from insect flour?
"Environmentally and nutritionally they are outstanding. They are superfoods. Crickets, for example, have a very high protein content, up to 80%. And from an environmental point of view, they have a very low demand for water, land and feed and have lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional animal proteins such as red meat”.
In short, you decided to try it...
"Yes, after reading and studying all this we were fascinated by it and asked ourselves: how is it possible that this super food exists and nobody in Europe is considering it, in fact, they’re disgusted by it?"
And what did you choose to start making foods with?
"We decided to use a flour, which is more familiar, and can be used to make a number of products, trying to give it a traditional and more palatable form for us western consumers."
If you had to identify a philosophy behind Small Giants?
"Trying to bring insects as a sustainable protein into the diet of us Westerners, and not doing so as an exotic extravagance but as an everyday food."
What products did you start making?
“Crispy bakes, snacks, cracker bites and now we have launched a new product, an easy mix for making burgers, meatballs, and falafel that replaces things made with meat."
Do you have insect farms here in Italy?
"No, and I don't think we ever will. The people who farm them are experts, and the farms are also very complex to manage. We buy flours made from the common cricket or buffalo worms, which use to make our crispy bakes. We have two different farmer/suppliers. I am one of few with EU authorisation to market these flours”.
Where are these two farms?
"One in the Netherlands, which supplies us with buffalo worm flour and the other in Vietnam, for cricket flour. The climate in tropical countries is ideal for insects, because they are cold-blooded animals”.
Do you encounter more issues with red tape or cultural resistance from people to these foods?
"Mainly red tape. Such as having to leave the UK. We are strongly constrained and, rightly in my opinion, controlled. Health and hygiene constraints are also vast. That's the first problem, it's a product that will remain niche for a while, because you have to convey too many things. The first response you get from the average person is “why should I eat something made from cricket flour?” For people used to experimenting, it’s a good thing and they go for it, but many people are more reluctant, because they don't associate insects with food”.
Exactly how many products do you make and sell?
“Currently three. Cracker bites with a percentage of cricket flour. They are crackers that have three times the protein content of any other type of traditional cracker. They are also high in vitamin B12 and have other micronutrients. If you eat a 40-gram packet, you are eating 10 grams of protein. Then there are crispy bakes and easy mixes that you can use to make burgers”.
Do you any interesting titbits to share?
"Well, for example, we already consume half a kilo of insects per year, unknowingly. It is impossible to remove insects from crops. Tomatoes, lettuce, ears of wheat, all will have some. Italian law allows what they call “insect contamination”. So everyone already eats insects”.
Tell us about the move from the UK to Italy, how did it happen and why?
"There were several reasons. Until Brexit we were selling our products in a well-known chain, the second largest in the country. Then with these new regulations, they actually went back on these products. We would have preferred to stay in Italy from the start, but out of necessity we started where we could actually do it”.
And can your products be found in Italian supermarkets?
“Not yet. We are talking to supermarkets, but as the regulations are recent and supermarkets take a long time, we have not yet succeeded. The interest is there. By September or so you might be able to find Small Giants products on the shelves”.
How do you sell your products then?
“In Italy on the website or other distributors, which, however, are not the same as large-scale organised distribution. In Poland, for example, we can be found in Ochan, a very important supermarket, and we hope to get into another one soon”.
How many people work at Small Giants? And what is the turnover?
“Full time there are three people, then there are a number of collaborators and consultants. The turnover for this year is expected to be around €300,000”.
How did your studies at the Politecnico influence your career path?
“At Small Giants my studies in communication design have served me well. For example, to give the brand identity. And it has certainly had a positive impact on the partial success, so far, of our brand”.
The name Small Giants is very cute..
"We chose it after rebranding with a London-based communications agency."
We're all done, is there anything you want to add?
“I would like to say this: on 21 June we launched an equity crowdfunding campaign, in essence we are selling a part of the company to investors. Minimum contribution to enter 250 euro (all info can be found here)"
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