Graduation anniversaries 2020 - The wall of Alumni celebrated

Photo mosaic by: alumnipolitecnicodimilano @ Mosaically

Cari Alumni e care Alumnae del Politecnico di Milano,

Il Politecnico ogni anno è orgoglioso di festeggiare i propri laureati durante la grande giornata degli Anniversari di Laurea, aprendo le porte del campus ai suoi Alumni, festeggiandoli e creando un’opportunità di aggiornamento, sul Poli e sui suoi Alumni.

Purtroppo, però, la situazione di quest’anno non ci consente di farlo … fisicamente … ma i Politecnici, non li ferma nessuno!

E allora eccomi “virtualmente” qui a farvi gli auguri più sinceri.

Spero che vi faccia comunque piacere questo festeggiamento, seppur virtuale, e allora dimostramelo con un sorriso: scatta una foto (sorridente!) e inseriscila nella raccolta che comporrà il nostro wall dei laureati 1980,1990, 2000 e 2010!

Mi rendo conto che questo mio messaggio non può sostituire la vera festa al Politecnico di Milano; ma, d’altronde, non posso aspettarvi altri 10 anni per festeggiarti fisicamente! Per questo, vi invito sin da ora al festeggiamento degli anniversari di laurea che faremo (doppi!) l’anno prossimo, nel 2021. Non potete mancare!

Ancora complimenti per tutto quello che hai fatto e che fai per il Politecnico e, mi raccomando, non tardare ad inserire la tua foto nella raccolta!


Prof. Ing. Enrico Zio
President Alumni Politecnico di Milano
Delegato del Rettore per gli Alumni
Delegato del Rettore per il fundrasing individuale

The Alumnus Enrico Deluchi is the new General Manager of PoliHub

The Alumnus Enrico Deluchi is the new General Manager of PoliHub with the goal of directing the new phases of growth and development.

We are very excited to have a manager of the experience of Enrico among us, says Andrea Sianesi, Executive of PoliHub and President of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. "The professional and personal experience of Enrico will bring value and to realize the goal to make PoliHub the 'place to go' for deep tech startups in Italy and to help ideas with a positive impact to get developed.

"I am very proud to be of service to the innovation environment of the University with my experience with a focus on deep tech", says Enrico Deluchi, General Manager of PoliHub. "I have always been moved by a push to be better in my personal and professional life, together with people who share my values. I will keep developing ambitious projects and PoliHub is a responsibility that I truly feel, also for the social value it has."

Who is the Alumnus in charge of the PoliHub

Enrico Deluchi graduated at the Politecnico di Milano in Electric Engineer in 1987. He has founded its first company at the age of 19, but after the degree, fascinated by digital innovation he accepted a role at Italtel, where in 1990 he begins working with the web. After a brief passage at AT&T in 1996 he entered in Cisco, where he remained for 15 years. He has since joined Canon Italia in the role of CEO. At the end of this new role he has later decided to dedicate himself on innovation and new companies, both as Angel Investor as well as a mentor for young entrepeneurs. Passionate and authentic, he loves to develop relationships with people as well as being in touch with nature on boats and on mountains.

The Municipality of Milan and Politecnico di Milano for the development of NoLo

Viale Monza 45, September 29: inauguration of Off Campus NoLo: a new space inside the Municipal Covered Market. The inauguration took place in the presence of the Rector, Ferruccio Resta, and the Councilor for Labor, Business and Trade Policies, Cristina Tajani.

The Politecnico for Milan

This space has been created thanks to continuous collaboration between the Municipal Administration and the University; it will allow University professors, researchers and students, local citizens and associations to develop innovative teaching activities, responsible research and co-designing which will benefit the community and neighborhood development.

Off Campus NoLo: activities and project:

Off Campus NoLo will house an observatory regarding themes linked to the regeneration and revitalization of suburbs, teaching workshops, seminars and lessons open to neighborhoods, shows and exhibitions, public events and an archive open to the entire area.

“Off Campus is proof of the active and concrete participation of the Politecnico di Milano in the dynamics of city development. A university attentive to social challenges, close to local needs and communities. It is an expression of the positive impact created by interaction and comparison, by experimenting with new ideas and dialog,” comments Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano. “NoLo is the second landing site of the initiative we intend to extend to other city neighborhoods in future. This fundamental understanding with the Municipal Administration is the fruit of a combined effort to formulate and implement shared action”.

Off Campus NoLo activities will be drawn up in synergy with the Politecnico di Milano Department of Design, the Design School and the School of Urban Architecture and Construction Engineering.

The Politecnico di Milano Social Responsibility Program, financed by 5XMille pretax donations

the Off Campus / Il Cantiere Per Le Periferie (Off Campus / Construction Site for the Suburbs) spaces are part of a macro project umbrellaed and promoted by the Politecnico di Milano Polisocial social responsibility program. Project activities deal with the specific social and urban dynamics of the contexts where they are set up, acting like “antennas” for the university in the city: places open to the public where the knowledge created in the university is made more visible, accessible and usable, giving back and sharing with the community in a continuous dialog between education centers and the local area.

Activities promoted by Polisocial are financed by the 5XMille pretax donations devolved to the Politecnico di Milano.

Agreement between MIT and Politecnico di Milano

The Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti e il Politecnico di Milano lavoreranno insieme per tre anni con l’obiettivo di migliorare la manutenzione e la gestione delle infrastrutture, oltre che per lo sviluppo della connettività del Paese.

L’accordo, siglato il 25 settembre dal ministro Paola De Micheli e dal rettore del Politecnico di Milano Ferruccio Resta, prevede lo stanziamento ministeriale di circa 2.000.000 €. Coordinatore generale delle attività sarà Giuseppe Catalano, responsabile Struttura Tecnica di Missione del Ministero, mentre responsabile scientifico è stato designato Giovanni Azzone, professore ed ex rettore del Politecnico di Milano.

Il Rettore Ferruccio Resta: “Garantire al Paese un’infrastruttura moderna è una priorità. L’accordo siglato oggi tra il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti e il Politecnico di Milano risponde alle esigenze di ammodernamento e di innovazione necessarie a garantirci una porta d’accesso all’Europa, a rendere il sistema italiano competitivo, a dare risposte ai cittadini in termini di servizi, sicurezza e vivibilità.

Analisi, progettazione e sperimentazione di soluzioni innovative sono i capisaldi dell’intesa per la quale il Politecnico di Milano mette a disposizione le proprie competenze, consapevole del ruolo e dell’impatto che ricerca e innovazione possono avere sullo sviluppo del territorio”

I 4 pilastri dell’accordo tra Ministero e Politecnico di Milano

  • Rinascita urbana (Responsabile Scientifico Stefano Boeri, Politecnico di Milano).
    L’obiettivo dell’area è quello di analizzare il quadro complessivo della rigenerazione urbana (obiettivi, impatto e copertura finanziaria), comprendendone le relazioni con il territorio nazionale e monitorandone l’attuazione.
  • Monitoraggio dei piani di manutenzione di lungo periodo per ponti, viadotti e gallerie (Responsabile scientifico Marco Belloli, Politecnico di Milano).
    L’obiettivo è definire le linee guida per la progettazione di sistemi di monitoraggio delle infrastrutture viarie (ponti, viadotti e gallerie) e per la standardizzazione dei sistemi di analisi, trasmissione e mantenimento dei dati. Saranno definite le modalità di come tali strumenti potranno essere introdotti nelle buone prassi di manutenzione.
  • Sperimentazioni nel settore smart road e veicoli autonomi e connessi (Responsabile scientifico Francesco Braghin, Politecnico di Milano).
    Saranno analizzate le potenzialità in termini di sicurezza e impatto ambientale delle smart road, della mobilità elettrica e dei veicoli autonomi e connessi con l’obiettivo di definire progetti pilota nelle varie realtà urbane del territorio nazionale.
  • Analisi dei piani e programmi strategici di investimento per le infrastrutture di trasporto e logistica e la verifica di coerenza con i programmi e le iniziative europee (Responsabili scientifici Pierluigi Coppola e Fabio Pammolli, Politecnico di Milano).
    Il fine è analizzare il quadro di sviluppo delle infrastrutture (obiettivi, impatto e copertura finanziaria), monitorarne l’attuazione e comprenderne le connessioni con il prospetto evolutivo continentale.

Study In Europe – Study Engineering & Design in Italy

La Delegazione dell’Unione Europea a Singapore, in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata italiana e con il Chapter Alumni Polimi Singapore ha organizzato la prima Edizione Digitale della Fiera “Study in Europe” per promuovere le opportunità di studio presso le Università di vari paesi Europei agli studenti di Singapore.
Gli alumni Politecnico Giuseppe SabadiniLaura Miotto and Matteo Chiampo sono stati i protagonisti del webinar “Study Engineering & Design in Italy”, sabato 26 settembre alle ore 9 a.m. (CET) in cui hanno condiviso la loro esperienza al Politecnico di Design e Ingegneria.

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DIGITAL TALKS “Start-ups: the engine to start again

Watch the Digital Talk “Startups: the engine to start again"


Enrico Deluchi, General Manager di PoliHub,
Prof. Davide Moscatelli, Ph.D Rector’s Delegate to Exploitation of Research and Technology del Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Venanzio Arquilla, co-founder e presidente di Narvalo
Fulvio Bambusi, Co-founder di Filaindiana.
MODERA: Prof. Enrico Zio, presidente di Alumni Politecnico di Milano.

The event has been organised in collaboration with PoliHub - Innovation Park & Startup Accelerator of Fondazione Politecnica di Milano

Milan: a project to relaunch the Quarti neighborhood

The “Cooperation Agreement for Via Quarti” between the Municipality of Milan and the local community is just the first step in a complex project which will pool the Politecnico di Milano with organizations in direct contact with the local area.

The urban regeneration project is part of an extensive network initiated in the Municipality 7 and Quarti neighborhoods. The idea is to experiment with new uses of Parco delle Cave, starting by physically changing the road surface, a “space for everyone” and a new entrance to the park. The project has been created thanks to a shared workshop held from October to December 2018, which involved local inhabitants, associations and the Milano West Road Project group, a research-intervention project financed by the Polisocial Award.

 In the words of councilor Lipparini, “tactical urban intervention and regeneration thanks to cooperation agreements are multiplying throughout the city and are a very efficient tool to improve the quality of life in the suburbs. They are fruit of an alliance between the Municipality, citizens and local organizations and they have had a strong impact on social relations, especially in fragile contexts such as Via Quarti, where we have wanted to focus attention, care and change”. 

According to Andrea Di Franco, “the project in Via Quarti in Baggio is being set up by the West Road Project research group, together with Italia Nostra, Vestre and other associations, in one of the most complicated contexts in Municipality 7, with a network of extraordinary social workshops, of which Via Quarti is probably the most significant”. Considering the scope and depth of the co-designing that has been implemented within this research-action, this is absolutely true.

Thanks to its internal organization dedicated to social responsibility (Polisocial), the Politecnico is able to play the role of university mediator able to connect and point the different players towards concrete action in the local area. (source AffariItaliani)

DISCOVER ALL THE DETAILS ABOUT POLISOCIAL: The Politecnico di Milano program for social intervention and responsibility

Amalia Ercoli Finzi and her daughter Elvina on Rai Play

“The Politecnico is a bit like home for me. Not only because this is where I graduated and where I did my doctorate. I came here as a child to play after school, while I waited for my mother to finish work”

The Alumnae Amalia Ercoli Finzi, the Lady of the Comets, and her daughter, Elvina Finzi tell their stories on Rai Play in the program “Tutto Su Mia Madre” (Everything About My Mother) against the backdrop of the Politecnico di Milano.

In different ways, the success stories of Amalia and Elvina show that girls can flourish in science and technology, without having to relinquish a private or family life full of satisfaction.

In the book “ALUMNAE, Engineer and Technologies” we have collected the stories of 67 engineers in our community. The target? Telling a set of positive examples for the “STEM” girls of today and tomorrow. This book is one of the many initiatives created by Alumni Politecnico di Milano. If you like our activities, you can donate to support them .

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Politecnico enrollments: international students are on the rise

There has been an increase in international student enrollments, in spite of the pandemic. This is the message from Ferruccio Resta, the Rector of the Politecnico di Milano, against the backdrop of the presentation of Arch Week.

“We have 2 percent in terms of engineers, in Architecture we have limited places, therefore we have been saturating places for many years, the same goes for Design. There is a growth in international students, a sign that the quality of the Politecnico and our city remain very attractive”, Resta affirms.

“It has been pleasant and moving to see students returning to the half full lecture halls. I must say that students are behaving very responsibility. They want to offload the energy they have accumulated, but they are complying with the rigid and very inflexible rules that we have imposed. It is important to have in person teaching. It is important to take the necessary precautions in compliance with the regulations, while keeping communication open. We owe it to our students, we owe it to our teachers, we owe it to Milan”.

However, online teaching cannot replace in person teaching, says the Rector of the Politecnico di Milano, in an interview with Affari Italiani: “Online teaching has been a life jacket during a stormy moment, but it is the responsibility of the Politecnico not to hand over the victory to Covid-19. That was the emergency and we have handled it. Today we need to understand what good came out of the emergency and how to take it forward into the future and what was simply necessary to manage the emergency. We need to live with the virus, without abandoning social interaction. This is why last Monday, 22 thousand students started to enter the Politecnico lecture halls”.

The Politecnico di Milano goes back into space with ESA

In 2024, the Politecnico di Milano will once again venture into deep space. ESA is planning the launch of the Hera space probe towards the Didymos binary asteroid, the smallest celestial body singled out for a mission, where it will release two mini CubeSat satellites.

The group led by Professor Francesco Topputo, will be responsible for calculating the trajectory and the guidance, navigation and control system of the second “Milani” CubeSat.

Hera is the European contribution to AIDA, a collaboration between ESA and NASA, whose aim is to test a defense system to protect against asteroids on a collision course with Earth.

According to the note issued by the Milanese University, “the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology of the Politecnico di Milano has just been selected to play a leading role in the mission. The team led by Professor Francesco Topputo will be responsible for calculating the trajectory and the guidance, navigation and control system of the second “Milani” CubeSat, dedicated to Andrea Milani, Professor of Orbital Mechanics at the University of Pisa, who passed away in 2018.” The note also underlines that “the use of CubeSat miniaturized satellites is extremely ambitious and represents a fundamental step in the exploration of the Solar System which is simultaneously low cost and features high technological and scientific content”.

For the very first time, the CubeSats will have to be autonomous at a distance of over 10 million kilometers from Earth, in the currently little known and unexplored environment of a binary asteroid.

One CubeSat will provide important information about the physical and dynamic properties of Didymos and Dimorphos. The other CubeSat will act as a fundamental cornerstone in the creation of the first interplanetary communication network between the mother satellite (Hera) and its two CubeSats, and it will experiment innovative autonomous guidance and control algorithms in deep space for the first time.

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The New Giuriati Sports Center

The Giuriati Sports Center lies at the heart of Politecnico di Milano Sport.

The future Politecnico Campus sports center - Reopening in January 2021

The Giuriati Sports Center is located inside the Politecnico di Milano Campus Leonardo. Built in 1931, it houses a rugby pitch, an athletics track and various spaces for light athletics, as well as a covered stand with 1,000 places and two 5-a-side soccer pitches: since 2008 it is the home of Politecnico di Milano sports and in 2019, new work started to make the Sports Center the beating heart of sports activities not just for students and Politecnico di Milano employees, but also for the entire city.

Another undertaking that will become part of the new campus project to build together the Milan of the future!

What restructuring is planned?

In the gallery you will find all the restructuring project renders which in detail concern:
– reconstruction of the athletics track,
– reconstruction of the multipurpose pitch for rugby and 11-a-side soccer,
– renovation of the indoor building, stands and changing rooms.

Two new sports structures are also being built:
– a brand new fitness center with more changing rooms,
– a multipurpose covered court for basketball and volleyball.

There is also a plan to create a new 5-a-side soccer pitch which will add to the existing two pitches, 3-a-side basketball and padel courts, as well as an outdoor space equipped for bodyweight gymnastics.

The work mainly concerns the refurbishing of the athletics track, the grass, changing rooms and the stand!
A new gym will be built on the outer edge of the field parallel to Via Celoria