A year in the Poli laboratories

Research studies and Politecnico scientists making history (or at least making 2022)

Telling you about all of our researchers’ achievements would clog up the internet, so here is a brief overview of the projects that made the headlines (or almost did). 


tombe giapponesi NintokuTomb
Daisen Kofun, aerial view (© Ministry of Territory, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
progetto rose
Credits: meafarma



massimo tavoni
Massimo Tavoni
  • ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Sara Bagherifard: with the ArcHIDep project, she deploys a revolutionary solid state deposition system in order to obtain heterogeneous materials with architecture structured on three levels of scale (micro, meso and macro) 
sara bagherifard
Sara Bagherifard
intellectual property award
Credits: Associazione Netval


  • An ERC Advanced Grant iss awarded to Manuela Raimondi for her BEACONSANDEGG study that combines mechanobiology, bioengineering, oncology, genetics, microtechnology, biophysics and pharmacology to develop a new method for treating breast cancer 
manuela raimondi
Manuela Raimondi
daniele ielmini
Daniele Ielmini


Credits: DEIB


appia gicarus


Photo_Mirko Trisolini MSCA
Credits: Mirko Trisolini


liciacube home
Credits: ansa


  • The European project UN-BIASED (UNcertainty quantification and modelling Bias Inhibition by an Agnostic Synergistic Exploitation of multi-fidelity Data), seeking to develop new modelling techniques for complex aerodynamic systems, kicks off
  • As part of the SOS-Water Project, the Environmental Intelligent lab will study the limits within which our planet will continue to be able to compensate for changes and provide us with life support


  • The European project ECOSENS (Economic and Social Considerations for the Future of Nuclear Energy in Society) kicks off: its aim is to analyse citizens’ opinions and perceptions on the risks, benefits and potential of using (current and future) nuclear technologies in relation to the main social challenges
  • Following the success of ‘phase A’, Politecnico di Milano and the European Space Agency are developing ‘phase B’ of the LUMIO (Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer) mission. The goal is to monitor the far side of the moon in order to detect flashes of light associated with meteor impacts.
  • Published in the journal “Nature Chemistry” the study that highlights a new class of chemical reactions whose speed is controlled by quantum phenomena.


*to be updated*

La ricerca al Politecnico di Milano è possibile anche grazie al supporto della Community degli Alumni. Scopri come diventare donatore.