Forbes choses for its cover Luca Colombo, Country Director Facebook Italy

What does it mean to "live social"? Now more than never it is a compelling question around the world. Luca Colombo, Italy's Country Director of Facebook and Alumnus of the Politecnico di Milano is one of the most influential voices in Italy with regards to the social portion of our lives. Forbes dedicates to him the cover of its #38  number, now in newsstandts, which tackles the topic of communication in the modern social landscape.

"Social platforms" comments Colombo to Forbes "have a social responsibility towards the public. To promote a better comunication Facebook has implemented the strategy of collaboration with 70 indipendent fact checking entities to remover more than 7 million content cointaining misinformation and fake news. In the light of this year this social responsibility has been more than ever crucial, expecially in relation to the smart working condition within the italian socio-economical situation.

Even back in 2015 in occasion of the Convention Alumni Politecnico di Milano, Luca Colombo described people as the real engine of change. In a rapidly evolving environment technologies are more of an instrument and not a deus ex machina to generate culture and innovation: to live socially is not an exception.

L’intervento di Luca Colombo all’AlumniPolimi Convention 2015

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VIDEO Round Table - A NEW EQUILIBRIUM BETWEEN PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL | Convention Alumni Politecnico di Milano 2020

More than 1.500 Alumni followed the livestreaming of the 9th edition of the Convention Alumni Politecnico di Milano.

What will be the new equilibrium? Around this topic the speakers have shared their views among themselves and in relation to the university, sharing their vision and their global expertise.


Moderator: Emilio FaroldiRector's delegate of the Politecnico di Milano, Professor of Architecture Technology

  • Alessandro Adamo – Partner, LOMBARDINI22
  • Fabiana Alcaino – Head of Digital and AI, VODAFONE
  • Fabio Moioli – Head Consulting & Services, MICROSOFT

The Convention is free for all and one of the many projects for the Community of Alumni
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ViruSurf : a research engine to study the genoma of Coronavirus

ViruSurf has been developed at the Politecnico di Milano from the resarch group directed by Stefano Ceri. It collects the data related to the sequencing of the Coronavirus (among other projects) to study it and anticipate its mutations. .

From the beginning of the pandemic, labs around the world collect and sequence the genetic material of the virus via the swabs of people affected by COVID-19. It is a huge amount of data which will be fundamental in knowing how the virus will behave in the future. To collect this data in a single database available to all, a research group, directed by Prof. Stefano Ceri developed ViruSurf, a research engine on a database of the Politecnico which contains up to today 200.516 sequences of SARS-CoV-2 (together with 33.256 sequences of other viral species such as SARS, MERS, Ebola and dengue). The web interface of ViruSurf is open access (you can findit at  this link) and you can compute many different research queries. Is also able to implement an algorithm to compute viral mutations, via cloud computing.

ViruSurf has been born within the project GeCo, financed by the European Research Council (read more about it in the MAP#5). Professor Ceri comments for Science Business: “We already had developed a research engine for datasets describing the human genoma, called GenoSurf; at the beginning of the pandemic there was not such a system for viral sequences. We interviewed around 20 virologists around the world to understand their needs. The system is now very easy to use: any researcher can connect and enter queries, to know when a mutation started and when it started to spread around the world.(source).

A paper on this project is available at Nucleic Acids Research.

Discover the project GeCo on the MAP #5

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13 new Scholarships for equal gender opportunities

The new donation campaign for GIRLS@POLIMI: a Politecnico di Milano's project that involves companies in supporting female engineering students with scholarships has now been successfully concluded. The initative is one of the concrete measures in action to favour the inclusion and equal gender opportunities within the framework of the Project POP (Politecnico's Equal Opportunities), which has the objective of increasing the number of girls in STEM projects.

This first foundraising round has reached 4 big donors: three companies, Intesa Sanpaolo and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Snam, Boston Consulting Group and a private donor, for a total of 13 scholarships for 13 students. Each student will recieve a 8.000 euro scholarship per year to support their studies at Politecnico.

The Scholarships Girls@Polimi are dedicated to the best students enrolled in one of the 14 undergraduate and 20 graduate courses in Engineering, courses that still have a low presence of women (less than 35%).

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Boeri: the communication and the project of the pavilions for the Anti-Covid Vaccine Plan

Architect Stefano Boeri, Alumnus of the Politecnico di Milano, has been made in charge by the emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri of planning the vaccine strategy against COvid-19, both on the communication side and on the architectonic and design planning of the facilities.

Boeri and his team worked on this project for free: as declared by Boeri in in an interview with Corriere della Sera "we worked pro-bono. Our design studio and the architecture one were involved, as well as other consultants I invoved in the project: Mario Piazza for graphics, The Blink Fish for video and Ingrid Paoletti and Niccolò Aste of the Politecnico di Milano for the engineering part. 20 people in total. This year has been terrible and that's the reason why no one of us hesitated in joining the project, trying to make sense of this crisis.

The chosen logo for the campaign is a primrose, a spring flower that represent regeneration and re-start. "If the virus has forced us to close in hospitals and houses, the vaccine will finaly start to make us begin again to join the social life and nature around us" said Boeri in the press conference to present the project "To get a vaccine will be a step towards the future, civil responsibility and love towards others. The challenge is to make the pavillions a symbol for the country, the first to be struck by the pandemic and that can describe more beauty in such a difficoult time" he concluded.

According to the project the somministration of the vaccin will be inside temporary pavillions placed in 1500 italian plazas. The pavillions will be constructed with pre-fabricated pieces and re-assembled easly, with a wooden skeleeton and covered with hydro-repellant materials, recyclable and biodegradable. Each pavillion will host a system of photo-voltaic panels to cover its energetic needs. Internally the pavillions will have the spaces to give the vaccine, to wait and to register, as well as areas for the administrative and operative staff.

ABB and Politecnico sign a three-year research agreement

2021-2023: ABB and Politecnico di Milano will work jointly at 360°. The agreement involves all Departments of the Politecnico and is geared towards the development of new technologies, mostly digital, applied to the energy and automatization context of Industry 4.0 The Joint Research Platform is the home of many other research centers of the Politecnico, which have in-depth knowledge in sectors such as meterology, automathization, robotics, statistics, artificial intelligence and electric systems for energy.

Some of the most promising application developed in this existing cooperation are the real time diagnostics and prediction of issues in industrial machinery; the Electric systems with protective adaptation that allow machines to adapt to different functions, the energy optimisation through systems of collection and analysis of data.

Unconventional Digital Talks – an interview with Elisabetta Corazza (Head of Digital Marketing – Danone)

“Unconventional Digital Talks” is a series of interviews with our Alumni with an "unconventional" role with respect to their academic degree.

Live on our social channels, we show to the community the possible evolution of professional paths interconnecting different sectors.

From graduate in Architecture, to Head of Digital Marketing for Danone. Alessandro Mambrini, Alumnus Civil Engineering 2018, interview Elisabetta Corazza, Alumna Architecture 1999.

Ice in space: Professor Finzi comments on the latest discovery of Philae

It's been more than 6 anni that Philae has landed on comet 67P (also known as Churyumov-Gerasimenko, from the name of the scientists who found it). It reached its destination in 2014, after a long journey with space probe Rosetta, who left the earth in 2004. On the 12th of november 2014, Philae descended on the comet with a rocky landing, recoiled from its original site of landing, Agilkia and went on a 2 hour journey, then crashing in an unknown site. Philae then landed in a protected corner of the comet (read more about the journey of Philae ).  

The second landing site has been long uknown for the scientist, that have just got the information after years of research. Philae has been under 25 cm of ice in the slope of a crevass, leaving traces of the passage of its components. For the scientists is an important discovery, which will allow us to study pure ice, never been exposed to the sunlight.

Philae has a DNA made in Politecnico. In its center of control there is the work of many Alumni of the Politecnico di Milano and many components have been made by italian companies in collaboration with the Politecnico, such as the electric drill and the solar panels. To learn more about it read the interview that we made in 2014 to Andrea Accomazzo, Alumnus of Areaonatical Engineering in 1995 and Flight Director ESA for mission Rosetta, taken during the landing phase of Philae.

"Philae is saying he has found ice" says Professor Amalia Ercoli Finzi the "mother" of the mission Rosetta, in an interview to the Sole 24 Ore (see the video interview). “We knew already that comets are made of ice, but we have found a special, ancient ice from 4 billion years ago, when the comet has formed. Over the ice theres is a a thin sheet of ice that looks like the foam of a wave. Is wonderful".

We spoke about Rosetta and Professor Amalia Ercoli Finzi in the 1st number of the Magazine Alumni Politecnico di Milano

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A resilient agriculture to cope with climate change

Lorenzo Rosa, Alumnus of the Politecnico di Milano, has analysed global patterns of irrigation, water demand and availability in 3 °C warmer climates. The paper has been published on PNAS

The paper has been published by PNAS.

A paper published in the prestigeous scientific magazine PNAS (the official magazine of the National Academy of Sciences) has analysed global patterns of irrigation, water demand and availability in 3 °C warmer climates. The main researcher has been Lorenzo Rosa, Alumnus of the Politecnico and researcher of the ETH Zurich, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria of the  Politecnico di Milano (DEIB).

The study, with the title “Potential for sustainable irrigation expansion in a 3 °C warmer climate”, a has analysed global patterns of irrigation, water demand and availability between 1.5 and 3 °C warmer climates, and has the objective of finding adapting strategies of irrigation with the goal of protectin the water reservoirs. These strategies could increase fields productivity to feed one billion and 400 thousand people more.

In 2020 Lorenzo Rosa has been selected by Forbes in the list of “30 under 30” young innovators in the field of science&healthcare..

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IMQ and Politecnico, together for training and research

IMQ e Politecnico saranno partner in specifici progetti di ricerca su prodotti e tecnologie innovativi; inoltre, IMQ parteciperà con i propri esperti al percorso formativo degli studenti del Politecnico su tematiche relative alla valutazione di conformità di prodotti e processi. Questo prevede l’intesa firmata dall’ing. Antonella Scaglia, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di IMQ e Alumna PhD del Politecnico di Milano, e dal rettore Ferruccio Resta

L’accordo troverà applicazione in numerosi ambiti: bioingegneria e dispositivi medici, compatibilità elettromagnetica, connettività, interoperabilità dei sistemi, tecnologia 5G, Internet of Things, caratterizzazione di componenti e sistemi.

“L’accordo con IMQ intensifica lo stretto legame tra il Politecnico di Milano e le imprese. È questa la dimostrazione di come le organizzazioni più complesse e leader di settore possano trovare nell’università un interlocutore attento per rispondere alle evoluzioni del mercato del lavoro e alle nuove sfide nel settore della ricerca”, commenta Ferruccio Resta.

“Questo accordo permetterà di individuare nuovi investimenti finalizzati a una tempestiva valutazione delle nuove tecnologie, consentendo così di disporre gli strumenti per la creazione di valore nell’ambito della produzione industriale. Al tempo stesso siamo fieri di diventare partner di un ateneo tra i più prestigiosi a livello internazionale, collaborando nella formazione e nella creazione di nuove opportunità per gli studenti dell’ateneo, che consideriamo da sempre una fonte preziosa di nuovi talenti”, conclude Scaglia.

Credits: pixabay

VIDEO Convention Alumni Politecnico di Milano 2020

More than 1.500 Alumni followed the livestreaming of the 9th edition of the Convention Alumni Politecnico di Milano.

What will be the new equilibrium? Around this topic the speakers have shared their views among themselves and in relation to the university, sharing their vision and their global expertise.

The panelists of the 9th edition


Moderator: Emilio FaroldiRector's delegate of the Politecnico di Milano, Professor of Architecture Technology

  • Alessandro Adamo – Partner, LOMBARDINI22
  • Fabiana Alcaino – Head of Digital and AI, VODAFONE
  • Fabio Moioli – Head Consulting & Services, MICROSOFT


Moderator: Andrea Sianesi, President Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Maurizia Calò – OiC of the Logistics Division, Office of Supply Chain Management, NAZIONI UNITE
  • Fabio Cannavale – Founder & CEO, LASTMINUTE.COM


Introduced by the Professor Enrico Zio |, Presidente Alumni Politecnico di Milano, Delegato del Rettore per gli Alumni

The Convention is free for all and one of the many projects for the Community of Alumni
Support the convention and other projects