Launched in 2016, the project “ The Future Makers ” of the BCG - Boston Consulting Group has the ambition to offer 100 talents (50 boys and 50 girls) among the 23 and 26 years old, representative of the most prestigious universities, the tools to strengthen their leadership and prepare them to be authoritative voices of the future Italian ruling class.
During the fifth edition of this year, the boys and girls selected from over 10,000 applications had the opportunity to meet in Milan with the most authoritative voices of the economy and society, with a particular focus on personalities engaged in various forms of sustainability on a global level.
Among the talents of this year there are 10 politecnico , students and Alumni who have distinguished themselves not only for their academic curriculum, but also for resourcefulness, ability to work in groups, communication and listening.

Benedetta Beltrami - Alumna in Integrated Product Design 2020
“Two days full of insights shared together with international guests from the public and private sectors. We talked a lot about sustainability and how each of us is called to be an active agent of change in these delicate years of transition. "

Jacopo Farina – Alumnus magistrale Ingegneria Gestionale 2019
Having the other 99 best Under 26 talents, 49 boys and 50 girls, selected by the TFM team from over 10,000 applications received, in the same room is already an adrenaline or energy element that pushes you to do better and better.

Salvatore Pio Ferro - Master's Degree Student in Management Engineering
My main thought goes to the 99 under-26 people who took part in this edition with me: from the very first day, I sensed the very strong potential of these people, the commitment they devote to their training (academic and extracurricular), the extraordinary backgrounds they have and the wealth of thought they put at the disposal of the debate.

Alberto Gentili - Undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering 2018

Yiwei Huang - Alumna Master of Management Engineering 2019
What TFM taught me, however, goes far beyond my initial expectations. Being a future maker means having a growth mindset, an obsession with our passions and a determination to make them come true.

Valentina Jerusalmi - Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Engineering 2019
We had the chance to discuss with speakers in streaming from Glasgow’s #COP26, and with experts who deal with sustainable goals from a business, social and enviromental perspective..

Federico Lesca - Alumnus Master of Management Engineering 2020

Ksenija Maksimovic - Alumna master's degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2020
Thank you BCG for giving us the opportunity to become more conscious ambassadors of change.

Emma Marioni - Food Engineering graduate student
I'm honored to be part of this amazing group of a 100 talented Italian students and professionals that are trying to make sustainability a reality.

Lisa Marie Talia - Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Engineering 2019