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Who are the 10 "Future Makers" of Politecnico according to Boston Consulting Group

Launched in 2016, the project “ The Future Makers ” of the BCG - Boston Consulting Group has the ambition to offer 100 talents (50 boys and 50 girls) among the 23 and 26 years old, representative of the most prestigious universities, the tools to strengthen their leadership and prepare them to be authoritative voices of the future Italian ruling class.

During the fifth edition of this year, the boys and girls selected from over 10,000 applications had the opportunity to meet in Milan with the most authoritative voices of the economy and society, with a particular focus on personalities engaged in various forms of sustainability on a global level.

Among the talents of this year there are 10 politecnico , students and Alumni who have distinguished themselves not only for their academic curriculum, but also for resourcefulness, ability to work in groups, communication and listening.

future makers
Credits: Jacopo Farina


Benedetta Beltrami - Alumna in Integrated Product Design 2020  

“Two days full of insights shared together with international guests from the public and private sectors. We talked a lot about sustainability and how each of us is called to be an active agent of change in these delicate years of transition. "

benedetta beltrami
Source: Linkedin

Jacopo Farina – Alumnus magistrale Ingegneria Gestionale 2019

Having the other 99 best Under 26 talents, 49 boys and 50 girls, selected by the TFM team from over 10,000 applications received, in the same room is already an adrenaline or energy element that pushes you to do better and better. 

jacopo farina
Source: Linkedin

Salvatore Pio Ferro - Master's Degree Student in Management Engineering

My main thought goes to the 99 under-26 people who took part in this edition with me: from the very first day, I sensed the very strong potential of these people, the commitment they devote to their training (academic and extracurricular), the extraordinary backgrounds they have and the wealth of thought they put at the disposal of the debate.

salvatore pio ferro
Source: Linkedin

Alberto Gentili - Undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering 2018 

alberto gentili
Source: Linkedin

Yiwei Huang - Alumna Master of Management Engineering 2019 

What TFM taught me, however, goes far beyond my initial expectations. Being a future maker means having a growth mindset, an obsession with our passions and a determination to make them come true. 

yiwei huang
Source: Linkedin

Valentina Jerusalmi - Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Engineering 2019   

We had the chance to discuss with speakers in streaming from Glasgow’s #COP26, and with experts who deal with sustainable goals from a business, social and enviromental perspective..

valentina jerusalmi
Source: Linkedin

Federico Lesca - Alumnus Master of Management Engineering 2020 

federico lesca
Source: Linkedin

Ksenija Maksimovic - Alumna master's degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2020  

Thank you BCG for giving us the opportunity to become more conscious ambassadors of change.

ksenia Maksimovic
Source: Linkedin

Emma Marioni - Food Engineering graduate student  

I'm honored to be part of this amazing group of a 100 talented Italian students and professionals that are trying to make sustainability a reality.

emma marioni
Source: Linkedin

Lisa Marie Talia - Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Engineering 2019 

lisa marie Talia
Source: Linkedin
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Alumna Marzia Bolpagni receives "Women of the Future" award in the United Kingdom

The 2021 of Marzia Bolpagni, PhD Alumna of Politecnico di Milano in 2018, was full of prizes and awards: the last one won was the British Women of the Future Award in the Real Estate, Infrastructure & Construction .

marzia bolpagni
Credits: www.womenofthefuture.co.uk

Bolpagni has been living in the UK for 4 years and, after her apprenticeship, she became the guide of international digital implementation in Mace, a construction and consultancy company that, among other projects, has also built the famous London Eye. In a very short time she has made herself known in the sector becoming - as Forbes defines her in a recent interview -" a star in England ".

In addition to the recognition as Woman of the Future, also the nomination as engineer of the year for the Royal Academy of Engineering, the victory as emerging professional decreed by the English Consulting and Engineering Association (Ace), the Sir George Macfarlane medal for the excellence of her work in the digitization of buildings and the presence in the list of 50 women most influential in technology in the UK according to the Financial Times were added to the Alumna palmarès

"My intent is to continue to motivate young people and change their perception of the construction sector, to make them understand that it is a sector open to everyone and there is a lot to do not only in the pipeline. but can also be at the level of information management and digitization during the entire life cycle of the works ", comments Bolpagni in an interview.

The Alumna is making a reference to digitization that is not limited to the transition from paper to virtual, but also to a process that becomes crucial in terms of sustainability , since the construction sector is responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions .

marzia bolpagni
Credits: forbes.it

“By 2050 the planet will have 10 billion people , of which 70% in cities. The impact of the construction sector will be very strong - continue Bolpagni on Forbes - I give an example. Cop26 explained that, for a nine-story commercial building, replacing an aluminum facade with an aluminum-wood mixture has the same environmental impact as 350 people who switch to a vegan diet for two and a half years. the construction sector is very unpredictable , while a predictable and controlled process, similar to what happens in manufacturing, is required to respond to the climate crisis. Digitization makes it possible to manage and control this process. "

In practice, it is an evolution of designing and building that passes from information management through a digital approach.

In front of the observation that "When it comes to engineers, the mind goes to a middle-aged man in a yellow bib" , the Alumna has no doubts:

“Precisely for this reason we must change this perception. We need to make sure that the new generations see our industry as welcoming. We need to attract new talent to tackle complex problems like climate change. "

Girls@Polimi: with a voluntary donation (you choose the amount!) you can contribute alongside other donors to the creation of scholarships that support one or more female students enrolling on the first year of the Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent to Master of Science) programmes in Engineering, which currently have low female representation. Give now

Credits header: BIM portale

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Yasmine Granata, a young entrepreneur from Milan to Sicily

The startup "FRIDA" is one of the startups awarded during the competition "Your business idea in Sicily", launched by the Presidency of the Sicilian Region and by Irfis, dedicated to the ten best self-entrepreneurship proposals presented by young Sicilians.

Frida was created at Politecnico di Milano , from the idea and the patent of Yasmine Granata , 32 years old, Alumna in Product Design for Innovation: it is an orthosis (i.e. a corrective appliance) for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis , made with an innovative and patented material to be lighter and more comfortable, specifically designed to adapt to the habits of adolescents who have to wear a corrective brace for medical reasons.


“From the age of 12 I had to wear an orthopedic corset, a plastic armor that didn't allow me to fully experience my adolescence”, Granata tells 98Zero ( watch the video interview at this link ). During the thesis at the Poli she then started a project, involving the orthopedic workshops in the area, which led her to develop the project of a "corset" for teenagers : "characterized by greater comfort than the classic ones, thanks to a material that I have patented, it has greater breathability and lightness".

The shape and structure of the corset also increase its effectiveness , adapting to the wearer and accelerating the care process, thanks to an internal posterior electrode for stimulation of the paravertebral tissue and a dynamic element of thrust configured to exert an action on the user's rib hump.

The project was incubated by PoliHub ( read on MAP 8 how the incubator of the Politecnico di Milano works ): " I was able to test and verify all the hypotheses on which the project was based on. I will start my business in Sicily, hoping to be able to give work especially to the people of my country".

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Artiness: the Poli spin off to to operate on the heart remotely with 5G

At San Raffaele Hospital the innovative clinical trial for percutaneous mitral valve repair has begun, involving the use of a remote proctoring system - which is a remote support to doctors for either learning opportunities or assistance in the operating room - using the 5G network and augmented reality software .

The remote proctoring system was developed by Artiness, a spin off of Politecnico di Milano incubated by Polihub and founded in 2018 by researchers and professors from the Department of Electronics, information and bioengineering of our University (DEIB).

By winning the second Vodafone tender “Action for 5G” (more info on the tender on MAP 9, page 34), Artiness has managed to develop its proprietary solution that allows it to be supported by remote the first operator during the execution of percutaneous procedures, integrating patient-specific medical images and detailed 3D models viewable, through the use of viewers, by the medical team in form of holograms in Mixed Reality.

From its inception to today, Artiness has embarked on a path of experimentation with the software developed for the surgical field in collaboration with some hospitals, testing its clinical value. 

The technology we have developed will enter all operating rooms in the world" - says Filippo Piatti, CEO and co-founder of Artiness - "We are already seeing this with our collaborations and experiments and with the consensus it has aroused also from large companies such as Vodafone and Microsoft that through their programs will help us further to achieve our goals. Among these, we aim to become one of the major international players. "


Normally, proctoring takes place in the presence, with the support of experienced staff within the operating room. The remote proctoring system created by Artiness makes this support possible remotely thanks to software installed on two augmented reality viewers connected and managed on the edge computing architecture (MEC ) of the Vodafone 5G network.

During the execution of the clinical trial at San Raffaele, the remote proctoring system is available to the first operator in the operating room and to the proctor, which the medical device specialist, remotely. During the trial the proctor, thanks to the viewer, visualizes in augmented reality both the medical signals coming from the operating room and a 3D model of the patient's heart , created thanks to the Artiness software.

Credits: www.corriere.it./

"In the clinical trial conducted at the San Raffaele Hospital, the Vodafone 5G network, edge computing and augmented reality are allowing the medical team to conduct real surgical interventions remotely - comments Sabrina Baggioni, director of the 5G program at Vodafone Italy -. 5G and technology are writing a new page in the history of medicine and healthcare: the future is increasingly within reach ". 

Credits header: https://www.aziendeinformano.it/
Credits home: https://www.innovation-nation.it/

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3 Alumnae of Politecnico to receive the Nellie Award, the award for woman of excellence

An award addressed to young women graduates and PhDs who have distinguished themselves not only for their academic results, but also for their involment in the social field: the Nellie Award Italia , which in its first edition was given to three winners, girls "with extraordinary talents who cultivate their dream as scientists with strength and determination, with a strong vocation to develop innovative solutions for the benefit of others.

Tracy Bassil , Marine Kerdaffrec and Elena Redaelli presented very different dissertations, but all joined by the desire to promote female empowerment and an ever increasing sensitivity towards the environment and to society, perfectly chenneling the values of the initiative.

Nellie awards
Credits: Alessandro Bianchi

The awarding of the awards was approved by a Commission composed of members of The Circle Italia Onlus , of Tiffany & Co. Italia and of Politecnico di Milano . The commission identified the three graduates who received the award from over seventy applications received.

"The commitment of the Politecnico di Milano in favor of merit - comments Donatella Sciuto, Vice Rector of the Politecnico di Milano - is enriched thanks to this initiative which, not surprisingly, has met with great success within of our university. In fact, over seventy girls who are involved in research and study projects have responded, expressing not only their talent, but also and above all the ability and willingness to put it at the service of others.
The success of the announcement shows the desire to affirmation of a new generation of graduates and doctoral students aware of their ambitions and ready to get involved. It is time for women to give a voice to women and this collaboration with The Circle Italia and Tiffany & Co. Italia is the clear demonstration of this".

Nellie awards
Credits: Alessandro Bianchi


“In addition to the degree thesis, to participate I had to send a video and a motivation letter. - explains Tracy Bassil , Alumna Product Service Design and Management Engineering from Lebanon -. The jury's criteria were not limited only to the academic achievements of the participants but also to their role in the social field and how their solutions applied in helping others ".

In his thesis " AFTERMATH ", Bassil focused on coming up with a solution capable of addressing the housing crisis after the explosion of the Beirut harbour in 2020.

“I have many plans for the future , but one of the things I would like to accomplish is to develop my thesis project into a fully functional platform. This could be possible by joining forces and finding the right team that can make it a reality. "

Nellie awards
Credits: Alessandro Bianchi

Elena Redaelli , Alumna biomedical engineering, with her thesis has developed a method to improve the lives of people operated on with the TEVAR technique (a surgical operation that consists in inserting a self-expandable stent-graft inside the aorta), choosing the device suitable for the particularity of the person. The method is in fact patient-specific, that is, applicable to each patient based on his own clinical parameters.

"I decided to participate because from the experiences of volunteering in the educational-parish field and in the Ambrosian Caritas I understood how essential it is to operate with an open gaze to the individuality of the other - adds Redaelli - Furthermore, working with others and for others brings out the best in me in every field ”.
Alumna is currently continuing her path with a doctorate in Zaragoza, with the aim of studying the biomechanical properties of the eye using the same computational method on which she began working during her thesis.

Nellie awards
Credits: Alessandro Bianchi

Marine Kerdaffrec, Alumna in Integrated Product Design, won the award thanks to her thesis that explored the links between the environment and health : designing a device that serves to link asthma monitoring and air pollution detection, to joint control of air quality levels and asthma symptoms.

Nellie awards
Credits: Alessandro Bianchi

The three Alumnae won for being deserving "from a professional point of view and for having great sensitivity", as Adelaide Corbetta, president of The Circle Italia states:

"Thanks to them, to all the candidates and their commitment, we find hope and enthusiasm; they are the best witnesses of the future for The Circle Italia Onlus, the network of women committed to helping women ”. 

By supporting the GIRLS @ POLIMI project you can contribute together with other donors to create scholarships to support girls enrolling in engineering degree courses with low female attendance. Donate now .

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Milanese universities join forces for research and training in artificial intelligence

The Milanese universities of Bocconi, Università Statale di Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca and Politecnico di Milano have joined forces to establish a campus of excellence for research and training in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in Milan. The four universities have become one of the units of ELLIS, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.

Established in 2018, ELLIS is the association that brings together Europe's best artificial intelligence scientists and academics with the objective of promoting continent-wide scientific development on this crucial topic, unsurprisingly also considered fundamental by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) for Italian recovery.

Along with Mayor Giuseppe Sala, the initiative was presented by the Rector of Bocconi University, Gianmario Verona, the Executive Vice Rector of the State University, Maria Pia Abbracchio, the Rector of Bicocca University, Giovanna Iannantuoni, and the Rector of the Politecnico, Ferruccio Resta.

Credits: www.facebook.com/beppesalasindaco

The new ELLIS unit will have the task of establishing Milan as one of Europe's leading scientific centres for AI and machine learning. This research focuses on four areas: interactive machine learning, which examines how an algorithm interacts with the environment; neural networks and deep learning; health and computational biology, which applies AI to medicine; and the use of AI for the analysis and processing of natural language. The Rector of the Politecnico, Ferruccio Resta, remarked:

“The central role of artificial intelligence and machine learning issues, their uses and consequences on the economic and social fronts give technical and scientific universities a great responsibility. Technological development is anything but neutral: it is a complex process, as the four lines of research we have decided to outline illustrate: interaction with the environment; neural networks and deep learning; medicine; language. Consequently, it must be anticipated, managed and shared. Combining the best academic resources and developing Milan into a campus of excellence is our duty towards the development and growth, not only of our city, but also of the country and the university system, which is called upon more and more to operate according to a concept of interaction and exchange. The Politecnico di Milano is taking part in this initiative as part of a mutually beneficial partnership with other universities. A winning model to aspire to in a European context”.

The Unit will be led by four proponents and scientific coordinators, one from each university, who will manage the Unit in rotation: Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi (Full Professor of Computer Science, Università Statale di Milano, who will lead the group as Director for the first year), Nicola Gatti (Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Politecnico di Milano), Gabriella Pasi (Full Professor of Computer Science, Università di Milano-Bicocca Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca) and Riccardo Zecchina (Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, Università Bocconi).

Find out all about frontier research at Politecnico and on the topics defined by the European Commission as part of the Recovery Plan. Visit the Next Generation EU website of the Politecnico di Milano .