The Gian Paolo Chiusoli Medal goes to prof. Matteo Maestri 

The prestigious award bestowed by the italian chemical society

"For contributions of particular scientific importance in the field of multiscale analysis of catalytic processes". With this justification Prof. Matteo Maestri – Department of Energy of the Politecnico di Milano - was awarded the 2022 Gian Paolo Chiusoli Gold Medal.

matteo maestri
Credits: Matteo Maestri on Linkedin

The prestigious award, established by the Italian Chemical Society on the initiative of the Industrial Chemical Division and the Interdivisional Catalysis Group, is awarded to Italian scientists no older than 45 years of age – working in university or industrial research centres – for contributions of particular scientific, innovative or applicative importance in the catalysis sector

I am very honored and grateful to have been awarded the “Gian Paolo Chiusoli” Gold Medal in Catalysis by the Italian Chemical Society (Division of Industrial Chemistry and Interdivisional Group of Catalysis).
This medal is bestowed upon an Italian scientist, with a maximum age of 45 years, who has made contributions of particular scientific relevance in catalysis. This award is the result of the last ten years of work on multiscale analysis of catalytic reactions. I am very thankful and indebted to the colleagues and collaborators that I had interacted with during these research activities and, in particular, to the several brilliant, and motivated students that I had supervised on these topics at the Politecnico di Milano. 

says the professor on Linkedin

The award was presented on 7 November during the XXII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society, Industrial Chemical Division held in Catania.