Design Education Student Talk – 004 Yang Yeqiu: Rebellious Journey


We need to seek changes to today’s design education, as scholar Don Norman appealed.

In the process of traditional education, teachers usually play the role of the “subject” who spreads knowledge, while the students serve as the “object” that takes in the ideas. From a pedagogical point of view, “teachers” and “students” are two equally important ends of the educational activity. However, it is obvious that teachers usually have more opportunities to speak for themselves, while students have limited opportunities to voice.

As design students, we also never stop producing and expressing ideas. How is our thinking pattern evolving as we grow up in an environment where technology and social concepts change rapidly? How do we move forward in face of volatile social situations and life uncertainty? In the increasingly complicated design context, are we actually acting synchronously despite the different time and space contexts we live in?

Design Education Student Talk” was created by a group of students from Politecnico di Milano, who were later joined by students from the University of Cambridge, Royal College of Art, University of the Arts London, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art and other universities. We are committed to providing a platform for all design students to voice and discuss, to record every unique experience of exploration, and to feel all the surging moments in perception.

Turn around. Witness with us.

Speaker: Yang Yeqiu, Ph.D. candidate in Design, Politecnico di Milano

Organizer: Alumni Politecnico di Milano China Association, Nanjing Alumni Association of Politecnico di Milano

Director: Yang Yeqiu

Editorial team:Qian KexinLuo Chenmin, Feng Yimin, Wang Aiqi, Miao Yumeng, Zhao Shuting, Zhou Yiyi, Shen Tianyu, Wu Yueqing, Li Tong









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Design Education Student Talk – 003 Ma Yuke: Linking the past and the future from a design perspective


We need to seek changes to today’s design education, as scholar Don Norman appealed.

In the process of traditional education, teachers usually play the role of the “subject” who spreads knowledge, while the students serve as the “object” that takes in the ideas. From a pedagogical point of view, “teachers” and “students” are two equally important ends of the educational activity. However, it is obvious that teachers usually have more opportunities to speak for themselves, while students have limited opportunities to voice.

As design students, we also never stop producing and expressing ideas. How is our thinking pattern evolving as we grow up in an environment where technology and social concepts change rapidly? How do we move forward in face of volatile social situations and life uncertainty? In the increasingly complicated design context, are we actually acting synchronously despite the different time and space contexts we live in?

Design Education Student Talk” was created by a group of students from Politecnico di Milano, who were later joined by students from the University of Cambridge, Royal College of Art, University of the Arts London, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art and other universities. We are committed to providing a platform for all design students to voice and discuss, to record every unique experience of exploration, and to feel all the surging moments in perception.

Turn around. Witness with us.

Speaker: Ma Yuke, Ph.D. candidate in Design, Tsinghua University

Organizer: Alumni Politecnico di Milano China Association, Nanjing Alumni Association of Politecnico di Milano

Director: Yang Yeqiu

Editorial team:Qian KexinLuo Chenmin, Feng Yimin, Wang Aiqi, Miao Yumeng, Zhao Shuting, Zhou Yiyi, Shen Tianyu, Wu Yueqing, Li Tong









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Design Education Student Talk – 002 Zhong Hongfei: No designer is an isolated island


We need to seek changes to today’s design education, as scholar Don Norman appealed.

In the process of traditional education, teachers usually play the role of the “subject” who spreads knowledge, while the students serve as the “object” that takes in the ideas. From a pedagogical point of view, “teachers” and “students” are two equally important ends of the educational activity. However, it is obvious that teachers usually have more opportunities to speak for themselves, while students have limited opportunities to voice.

As design students, we also never stop producing and expressing ideas. How is our thinking pattern evolving as we grow up in an environment where technology and social concepts change rapidly? How do we move forward in face of volatile social situations and life uncertainty? In the increasingly complicated design context, are we actually acting synchronously despite the different time and space contexts we live in?

Design Education Student Talk” was created by a group of students from Politecnico di Milano, who were later joined by students from the University of Cambridge, Royal College of Art, University of the Arts London, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art and other universities. We are committed to providing a platform for all design students to voice and discuss, to record every unique experience of exploration, and to feel all the surging moments in perception.

Turn around. Witness with us.

Speaker: Zhong Hongfei, master of Politecnico di Milano (Landscape Architecture – Land Landscape Heritage)

Organizer: Alumni Politecnico di Milano China Association, Nanjing Alumni Association of Politecnico di Milano

Director: Yang Yeqiu

Editorial team:Liu Qianyu, Qian Kexin, Liu Ziyang, Ying Yilong, Luo Chenmin, Feng Yimin, Wang Aiqi, Li Jiaxiang, Shi Yanghongyi, Zheng Zhiben, Miao Yumeng, Hou Yuenan









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Design Education Student Talk – 001 Liu Qianyu: In Polimi, everyone is a polyhedron of freedom


We need to seek changes to today’s design education, as scholar Don Norman appealed.

In the process of traditional education, teachers usually play the role of the “subject” who spreads knowledge, while the students serve as the “object” that takes in the ideas. From a pedagogical point of view, “teachers” and “students” are two equally important ends of the educational activity. However, it is obvious that teachers usually have more opportunities to speak for themselves, while students have limited opportunities to voice.

As design students, we also never stop producing and expressing ideas. How is our thinking pattern evolving as we grow up in an environment where technology and social concepts change rapidly? How do we move forward in face of volatile social situations and life uncertainty? In the increasingly complicated design context, are we actually acting synchronously despite the different time and space contexts we live in?

Design Education Student Talk” was created by a group of students from Politecnico di Milano, who were later joined by students from the University of Cambridge, Royal College of Art, University of the Arts London, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art and other universities. We are committed to providing a platform for all design students to voice and discuss, to record every unique experience of exploration, and to feel all the surging moments in perception.

Turn around. Witness with us.

Speaker: Liu Qianyu, double master degree candidate of Politecnico di Milano (product-service system design and management engineering)

Organizer: Alumni Politecnico di Milano China Association, Nanjing Alumni Association of Politecnico di Milano

Director: Yang Yeqiu

Editorial team:Liu Qianyu, Qian Kexin, Liu Ziyang, Ying Yilong, Luo Chenmin, Feng Yimin, Wang Aiqi, Li Jiaxiang, Shi Yanghongyi, Zheng Zhiben, Miao Yumeng, Hou Yuenan









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Happy Chinese New Year 2022 : A greeting from the Dean of the Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering


Cari ragazzi e ragazze, Nǐ hǎo.

Mi chiamo Alberto Taliercio e sono il Preside della Scuola di Ingegneria civile, ambientale e territoriale del Politecnico.

I legami fra la Cina e il Politecnico, e la nostra Scuola in particolare, sono sempre più stretti. Esistono già numerosi accordi di doppia laurea e di scambio studenti con università cinesi, e probabilmente voi avete studiato al Politecnico sfruttando uno di questi accordi. Attualmente stiamo lavorando a un ulteriore nuovo progetto di collaborazione con la Cina ancora più ambizioso: una joint school con la Tianjin University nella sede di Fuzhou, in cui docenti del Politecnico insegneranno agli studenti cinesi ingegneria civile e architettura insieme ai colleghi di Tianjin.

Nella nostra Scuola, gli studenti cinesi sono ormai una presenza costante e significativa. Da quando sono partite le lauree magistrali in inglese, c’è stato un sensibile aumento di studenti stranieri, molti dei quali sono cinesi. Devo dire, con grande soddisfazione, che la loro preparazione e i loro risultati agli esami sono in costante miglioramento.

Grazie all’attivazione di un percorso di laurea in ingegneria civile di primo livello in lingua inglese, speriamo di diventare ancora più attrattivi per gli quegli studenti cinesi che, finora, non hanno potuto iscriversi a corsi di bachelor in ingegneria a causa della barriera linguistica.

Volevo fare a tutti voi i miei migliori auguri per un felice anno nuovo, sperando che con l’anno della tigre spariscano tutte le difficoltà che abbiamo dovuto affrontare negli ultimi due anni. Speriamo di potere tornare a spostarci liberamente, in modo da potervi accogliere in presenza e sempre più numerosi.

Vi auguro di tutto cuore, Guò hǎo nián !

Prof. Alberto Taliercio

Dean of School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering



我叫Alberto Taliercio,我是米兰理工大学土木、环境和领土工程学院的院长。







Alberto Taliercio教授


Tradotto da: Yang Yeqiu, Luo Chenmin


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Happy Chinese New Year 2022 : A greeting from the Dean of the School of Design


Nihao! Sono Francesco Zurlo, sono il nuovo Preside della Scuola del Design del Politecnico di Milano. Sono molto lieto di porre i miei auguri alla comunità degli alunni cinesi del Politecnico di Milano. 

Questa comunità è molto importante per la Scuola ed è la comunità internazionale più numerosa. Io ho avuto diversi di questi studenti, che adesso lavorano in Cina, in altre parti del mondo ed anche in Italia. Abbiamo anche visto una crescita negli ultimi anni della qualità di questi studenti. Abbiamo anche capito che questa relazione è molto importante proprio perché ci consente di far crescere anche il nostro modo di comunicare con altre culture e programmi.  Sono molto contento di questa relazione con i studenti cinesi perché loro portano un punto di vista diverso e grazie al contatto tra culture si riesce a fare innovazione nel design come anche nella didattica. 

Siamo molto vicini al nuovo anno cinese che quest’anno sarà l’anno della tigre. Auspico che sia un anno positivo per tutti quanti noi con la possibilità di potervi accogliere nuovamente a Milano in presenza, sperando che le condizioni lo consentano. 

Grazie per il vostro invito e spero di poter incontrarvi presto.  

Prof. Francesco Zurlo

Dean of School of Design at Politecnico di Milano


你好!我是Francesco Zurlo, 米兰理工大学设计学院的新任院长。我诚挚地向米兰理工大学中国校友会致以最美好的祝福。




Francesco Zurlo教授


Tradotto da: Yang Yeqiu, Luo Chenmin, Arianna Bellini

翻译校对:杨叶秋、罗琛旻、Arianna Bellini

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Photo by Glenn Villas on Unsplash