Extraordinary Italians! Giuseppe Scionti and Novameat's cultivated meat

L’ingegnere biomedico dal Politecnico di Milano è stato selezionato da StartupItalia come uno degli italiani che si sono distinti nel mondo

MAP readers might remember him: we featured him in MAP's special issue on Politecnico’s achievements. Alumnus Giuseppe Scionti, a Politecnico di Milano biomedical engineer,⠀from Spain founded the start-up NovaMeat and is deeply engaged in the discussions surrounding fake meat.  

In an interview with StartupItalia, he explains that he is not a big fan and maintains an engineer's approach. 'I must admit, I would rather eat real meat. That's precisely why I began exploring ways to improve fake meat. With Novameat, our aim is to offer a flavourful, healthier and more affordable alternative to traditional meat.'

Click this link to read his story

'The advantage of this new approach, as opposed to conventional techniques, lies in its ability to use a variety of ingredients beyond just soy and wheat. This not only promotes biodiversity but also uses sustainable ingredients from different crops (products with zero or nearly zero food miles, Ed.): 'in India we will use local ingredients, in Africa we will collaborate with FAO-supported countries.' Calculations indicate a saving of 95% soil and 75% water, therefore decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by 87% compared to the production of the same amount of meat.

Find out more: https://www.yumpu.com/it/document/read/66092441/map-magazine-alumni-politecnico-di-milano-numero-speciale-best-of/72