Women’s Forum G20 - hosted at Politecnico di Milano

Proposal and solutions to make women the main characters of the new global challenges. For all Alumni and Alumnae the online partecipation is for free

The Politecnico di Milano on 18 and 19 October 2021 will host the Women's Forum G20 Italy "A She Covery for all", a series of events, conferences and discussions that bring center the female world as the engine of the pandemic recovery (read more about the program).

The G20 Italy Women's Forum was born on the occasion of the first Italian Presidency of the G20 to promote dialogue between public and private international decision-making leaders and develop concrete proposals and solutions under the banner of "She-Covery" .

The recommendations elaborated through the interventions of international speakers and participants will be discussed at the G20 tables where, in addition to gender issues, the main opportunities for relaunching the country will be addressed to make women protagonists of the new global challenges: from inclusive technology, new jobs of the future, ethical and responsible finance to urgent issues such as climate change and access to health.

Women’s Forum G20 Italy
Credits: www.events.womens-forum.com


The Politecnico di Milano will be the "home" of the Forum for its Milanese days. Diversity and equal opportunities have long been considered two strategic objectives for the University, as they are indispensable factors for the objectives of excellence in education, research and professional growth of students.

On Monday 18 October Rector Ferruccio Resta will participate in Educating in a disrupted world: the Champions who attract girls in STEM” , a panel that aims to deepen the gender gap that exists in the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and how to bridge it through school education and beyond.

ferruccio resta women's forum g20
Credits: www.facebook.com/womensforum

Women's Forum G20 Italy is a project that, as underlined Chiara Corazza , Special Delegate for the G7 and G20 of the Women's Forum for the Economy and Society: "aims at guiding economic and social recovery with strength and determination, promoting new models of public and private leadership that leave no one behind and focus on diversity and She Covery to propose a paradigm shift in which women will be increasingly protagonists, together with men, in the restart of the country ".

By virtue of the fundamental role that the Alumni community plays in spreading the principles of Politecnico ​​around the world, participation in the online Women’s Forum G20 Italy is free for all Alumni and Alumnae.

Credits header: Photo by Maksym Harbar on Unsplash


AlumniPolimi Association
Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci, 32
20133 Milano, MI
P.IVA: 11797980155
C.F: 80108350150

Building 1 - Ground Floor
9:30 - 12:30 | 14:30 - 17:30