QS World University Rankings 2023: in the general ranking of universities around the world the Politecnico officially enters the top 10% of excellent universities, ranking 139th, and is the first in Italy. The best results concern two very important indicators: the Academic Reputation, where we rank 96th, and theEmployer Reputation, i.e., the employers’ opinion on our Alumni, where we are ranked80th in the world..
The QS University Ranking analysis evaluates almost 2500 among the best universities in the world considering various indicators. As already mentioned, the Politecnico has a high score in Employer Reputation according to an international survey asking 40,000 employers which are the universities from which they prefer to hire talents, and in Academic Reputation, the most important indicator of the analysis regarding the international relevance of the University as a research centre, which measures the reputation of the Politecnico based on the evaluation of over 150,000 academics from around the world.
QS World University Rankings 2023
Over 1,300 universities analysed
Employer Reputation 2023
Which universities companies prefer to hire talent from
Academic Reputation 2023
Reputation of the Politecnico based on the evaluation of over 130,000 academics from all over the world
The indicators measuring the Politecnico's attractiveness for professors and researchers (+48 positions earned in 3 years) and international students (+25 positions earned in 3 years) and the strength of collaborations with companies and academies in wide-ranging research projects are also improving. The relationship between the University, the local area, businesses and the international community, fundamental connections of the Politecnico's DNA, plays an important role on these elements.
According to the QS Graduate Employability 2022 ranking that evaluates the ability of universities to prepare students for work , we rank once again first among Italian universities, 9th in Europe and 43rd in the world . The QS Graduate Employability 2022 ranking ha analizzato 679 università, classificandole in base a 5 parametri: il numero di partnership aziendali, il numero di incontri organizzati tra aziende e studenti, il dato occupazionale, numero di aziende che indicano l’ateneo in analisi come università da cui reclutano, la percentuale di Alumni e Alumnae con carriere di grande impatto. Ottimi risultati in tutti gli indicatori e, in particolare, spiccano l’indicatore occupazionale e quello delle partnership con le imprese, in cui il Politecnico supera i 95 punti su 100.
679 universities examined
It considers 5 metrics: the number of corporate partnerships, the number of meetings organized between companies and students, the employment data, number of companies mentioning a specific university for recruitment, the percentage of Alumni and Alumnae with important careers.
The Rankings by Subject, the ranking of universities by subject area, also supports the growth trend of the Politecnico di Milano.
As far as Engineering, is concerned, our University moved up 11 positions in the last 6 years, and is now ranked 13th in the world (compared to 24th place in 2016). In the areas Architecture and Design it moved up 5 positions: from 15th and 10th in 2016 to 10th and 5th in the last year, respectively. In Europe we rank 7th in Engineering and Technology, 3rd in Art & Design and 5th in Architecture & Built Environment.
In Italy, the Politecnico di Milano is still first in Architecture, Design and almost all Engineering subjects (Computer Science & Information Systems, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Structural Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering).
These results reflect, among the various metrics taken into consideration, the assessment of the Alumni on the skills they acquired in relation to the working context and the consolidation of the relationship with companies, which also includes support for start-ups and business development, with the creation of numerous Joint Research Centers. There is also a strong improvement in academic reputation (an indicator based on the evaluations by over 130,000 academics from all over the world).
Ranking of the best universities in the world by subject area