The White Paper SSD – Smart Sustainable District

Some practical guidelines to deal with urban transformation and processes of regeneration and ecological transition

The White Paper SSD – Smart Sustainable Districts has been published: the project, promoted by Politecnico di Milano and coordinated byConsorzio Poliedra,  aims to suggest actions for thesustainable development, the ecologic transition, and the resilience of places and communities  at a local scale, by defining a series of paths, actions and tools to deal with urban transformations at a local scale, considering sustainable and smart solutions.

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The White Paper drafts some practical guidelines to deal with the difference phases of urban transformation during processes of regeneration and ecological transition. It puts together technical-scientific approaches together with humanistic-social ones, proposing methods and solutions that works together at a different scale, considering material and immaterial assets and suggesting how to direct urban regeneration processes, coordinating different plans, proposing integrated tools to fulfil aggregated positive effects.

SSD - Smart Sustainable Districts project started in 2021, involving more than 100 researchers from all the departments and consortium of the University ( Polimi SystemIn particular, it speaks to local authorities and all the different figures active in urban and districts regeneration.
The project is one of the research activities that the Politecnico di Milano undertakes to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and, in particular, is among the activites related to the Sustainable Development Goal number 11 of the UN 2030 Agenda: "Sustainable Cities and Communities”.

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