Huawei and Politecnico di Milano: scholarships for young researchers

The Joint lab, a joint laboratory developing cutting-edge wirless technology and where students and Phds are able to carry on their thesis with the assistance of professors of Politecnico and researchers of Huawai was created in 2019 thanks to the decade-long collaboration between Huawei and Politecnico, under the guidance of Umberto Spagnolini, Professor of Politecnico in the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB). On the trail of this collaboration today Politecnico and Huawei are setting up scholarships for young researchers in "Wirless Communications"; Huawei also gives to Spagnolini the tytle of Huawei Industry Chair, supporting the joint research projects for the next 10 years on high-value topics at the industrial and scientific level.

"The degree course in Telecommunications Engineering - says Professor Spagnolini - will have, thanks to this donation the chance to offer promising young resarchers the opportunity to study 5G/6G systems with scholarships and resarch position. This will foster the expertise and innovation of the Joint Lab between Politecnico di Milano e Huawei.”

In 2020, thanks to the support of the Community of Aumni we were able to create 87 scholarships to allow deserving students to study at Politenico di Milano.
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