This week's number of D - La Repubblica talks about us...

... and about the women of the Politecnico, from the study of STEM subjects from a young age to the future and about "superpowers"

The female engineer students at the Politecnico di Milano are 24% in the undergraduate courses, and 27% in graduate courses, while in PHD courses they are around 28%. We have photographed their presence in the BGender Balance Report; The University is doing a lot of effort in keeping the path towards the gender parity. And is working: in the past 5 years the number of female students in the undergraduate courses has increased by 8%.

A lot still has to be done. D – la Repubblica has dedicated a special number this week to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects. The number is available at this link for the whole community of the Politecnico).

In un interessante viaggio tra i laboratori, le aule e i campus del Politecnico di Milano (la prima università tecnologica in Italia, secondo il Censis), la redazione di D – la Repubblica ha incontrato e intervistato tante docenti, ricercatrici e studentesse del Politecnico di Milano guidate da 4 capofila d’eccezione come Bianca Maria Colosimo, Mariapia Pedeferri, Michèle Lavagna e Donatella Sciuto, che commenta: «Servono modelli in grado di esemplificare i possibili percorsi e carriere».

To this purpose we highlight the book “Alumnae: engineers and technology”, 67 stories from the Politecnico to understand what is like to be a woman engineer.

Credits home/header: ©hanninen