The Alumni Politecnico di Milano Singapore Association was born in 2018 thanks to the enthusiasm of a bunch of people working locally who wanted to connect, in an unique and organized network, the biggest Politecnico di Milano professional community presents in South East Asia.

Nowadays the association counts 90 members working locally for Italian and foreign firms who are well connected and active in the Singaporean society.

Association’s main scopes are: 

Deepen the connection of our Alumni through events and workshops all year round
Create new relationships and develop new ideas in collaboration with Dual (Distinguished University Alumni League) Milan, in a spirit of collaboration and mutual support
Promote the University Politecnico di Milano’s image and reputation by attending dedicated “Orientation day” workshops across local inernational Schools
Cooperate with local institutions fostering academic collaboration and student program exchange
Organize, in collaboration with local National Institutions, dedicated events addressed to develop awareness of the “Italian Way” to Lifestyle, Culture and Society

If you are new in Singapore and want to get in touch with a well-connected and never resting community you might get in touch with us, we will be happy to warmly welcome you in our family.

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