A European Award for Alumna Elena Crespi

Hydrogen sector’s Scientist of the Year, she states: "I’m working for a less polluted Earth." The interview in La Repubblica

Researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento, Politecnico alumna and energy engineer Elena Crespi is the new "Young Scientist of the Year": the award was presented to her in Brussels by Hydrogen Europe Research, an international organization comprising 150 universities and research centers from 29 countries. Journalist Eleonora Chioda wrote about it in La Repubblica, for the Beautiful Minds column: "I want to make a contribution to this sector. I’m working to create a better world. A less polluted planet," Crespi says.

Read the interview in La Repubblica https://www.repubblica.it/tecnologia/2023/12/17/news/elena_crespi_scienziata_dellanno_nel_settore_idrogeno_sto_lavorando_per_un_pianeta_meno_inquinato-421669953/