Starting from the next academic year, the Cremona pole of the Politecnico di Milano will host the new master's degree course in Agricultural engineering , organized with in collaboration with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
The Politecnico di Milano is the first Italian university to propose a study course fit for the new challenges that companies and organizations in the agricultural sector have highlighted in recent years.
To do this, a training course specifically dedicated to the agricultural and agri-food sector was created, aimed at training professionals to face the future challenges of a fundamental and distinctive sector for Italy and the European Union.
This project is part of a rapidly developing context: in the last three years the average annual growth of Agriculture 4.0 (the so-called" precision agriculture", created thanks to the use of digital 4.0 technologies) in Italy was 104% (Smart Agrifood Observatory, 2021), while the search for ever greater sustainability, an area where the European Union is a leader, is creating new innovative pushes.
"Our goal is to train engineers working in the agro-industrial sector with a systems vision - declared Gianni Ferretti, Vice Rector of the Cremona Campus -, that is a approach to the study and implementation of application solutions based on an overall vision of the various multidisciplinary aspects of the technological, agronomic, environmental supply chain, on the ability to model and manage the interactions between the various components, supported by basic knowledge of the sector ".
The degree course in Agricultural engineering is one of the few of its kind in the world and stems from the desire to give the right attention to issues such as innovation and sustainability and from the interaction of hundreds of companies that have collaborated in research in recent years. in this context together with the Politecnico di Milano.
"More and more players in the sector, in all positions of the supply chain, - explains Filippo Renga , director of the Smart Agrifood Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano - highlighted the need for new skills capable of facing and combining the future challenges of the sector: technological innovation, sustainability and collaboration ”.
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