Agreement with SNAM renewed

Collaboration on security and energy transition, innovation and training continues

Snam e Politecnico di Milano, anche attraverso la propria Fondazione, hanno rinnovato oggi l’accordo di collaborazione su attività congiunte di ricerca dedicate al ruolo del sistema gas per la sicurezza e la transizione energetica del Paese, con un focus specifico sulle potenzialità delle molecole verdi, come idrogeno e biometano, e sull’innovazione.

The framework agreement will focus primarily on the development of studies and projects in multiple areas: from infrastructures security, starting from monitoring and maintenance of assets, to green gases (hydrogen and biomethane) and to technologies for decarbonisation, such as CCS, i.e. Carbon Capture and Storage.

A key agreement in a context, that of the energy transition, which is central to the needs of companies, fundamental for the development of new skills, open to unexplored potential on the research front. A theme at the centre of every redevelopment policy in the country“.

comments Donatella Sciuto, rector of the Politecnico di Milano.

"Sustainability is one of the priorities of our university, at the forefront of green issues and technologies for decarbonization. The sharing of strategies, goals, and resources with a large leading company in the sector such as Snam traces a clear path of growth“.

Milano, 2 marzo 2023, aula magna sede centrale Tavola rotonda e rinnovo accordo tra Politecnico, Fondazione e SNAM. foto di Matteo Bergamini, © Lab Immagine Design POLIMI

The collaboration also includes joint research on innovative models for the development of biomethane, which will accelerate its large-scale production, and energy efficiency measures for the public administration, residential, tertiary, and industrial sectors.

On the hydrogen front, feasibility studies will be carried out on the technologies that can be used in the various phases of the value chain (production, transport, storage and use), in-depth studies on the impact of hydrogen and natural gas mixtures on the existing network, and market analysis on the potential uses of the clean energy carrier in the industrial, residential and mobility sectors.

The agreement also includes research initiatives on digitalization applied to gas infrastructures (radar and optical satellite data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive algorithms and robotic devices for inspections and monitoring), sustainable finance, staff training and talent attraction.

The agreement with Snam aims to reiterate the need to address the issues of energy transition in a synergistic way with a view to sustainability and innovation

underlines Andrea Sianesi, President of the Politecnico di Milano Foundation.

A partnership that aims to strengthen lasting relationships for the realization of cutting-edge research. The collaboration stems from the constant dialogue between business and university, a partnership that is becoming a consolidated practice for the Politecnico di Milano and its Foundation and that shares needs, strategies and visions with the companies involved“.