The charter for the National Centre for Sustainable Mobility: has been signed: 25 universities, with their research centres, and 24 large companies operating in mobility and infrastructure sectors joined forces with the aim of supporting the green and digital transition in a sustainable perspective, ensuring industrial transition and helping local institutions to implement modern, sustainable and inclusive solutions.
It is an ambitious project: it will involve 696 researchers from the partner institutions, together with 574 new recruits, and is intended to be a real tool of growth and development in a key sector such as mobility, which is estimated to reach a total national value of 220 billion euro in 2030, employing 12% of the workforce; the investment for the first 3 years (2023-2025) amounts to €394 million.
The activities of the National Centre for Sustainable Mobility will focus on five technological areas of greater interest: air mobility; sustainable road vehicles; waterborne transport; rail transport; light vehicles and active mobility, aiming to make the mobility system 'greener' as a whole and more 'digital' in its management.
According to the “Hub&Spoke” model, there will be a central “hub” in Milan and 14 “spoke” research facilities distributed throughout the country, to ensure the territorial rebalancing that is one of the priorities of the NRPP.
The National Mobility Centre responds to one of the key missions of the NRPP: to promote extended collaboration between the worlds of research and industry intended as part of a supply chain. Its strengths will be projects of high technological maturity with the precise intention of providing a concrete response to the country's needs in a long-term perspective that goes beyond the 2026 deadline. This is our commitment. This is the opportunity to implement structural reforms. A game that we are willing to play to the end
commented Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano, the proposing institution of the Centre for Sustainable Mobility.
The National Centre for Sustainable Mobility is the first to start among the five National Centres planned in the NRPP - National Recovery and Resilience Plan: they are widespread networks of universities, public research bodies and other public and private parties engaged in research activities that are recognised as being highly qualified in the development of infrastructure, projects and solutions that can be of immediate use for the entire social context. The areas in which the Research Centres will operate are in line with the priorities of the EU Research Agenda and the contents of the Italian National Research Program (NRP) 2021-27: High-performance simulations, calculations and data analysis; Agricultural Technologies (Agritech); Development of medicines with RNA technology and gene therapy; Sustainable mobility; Biodiversity.
Parties involved in the National Centre for Sustainable Mobility:
Politecnico di Milano, Cnr, Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Bari, Università di Bergamo, Università di Parma, Università di Torino, Università di Palermo, Università di Bologna, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università di Cagliari, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università di Salerno, Università Napoli Parthenope, Università del Salento, Università di Padova, Università di Pisa
Università Bicocca, Università di Brescia, Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Università di Firenze, Università di Genova, Università di Reggio Calabria, Università Politecnica delle Marche
A2A, Almaviva, Angelo Holding, Autostrade per l'Italia, Eni, Ferrari, Fincantieri, Fnm, Fs, Intesa Sanpaolo, Iveco Group, Leonardo, Pirelli, Poste Italiane, UnipolSai, Snam
Accenture, Atos, Avio Aero, Brembo, Hitachi Rail, Teoresi Group, Thales Alenia Spazio Italia Spa, Stellantis – crf