Politecnico among the top 100 in the global impact rankings 2022

The only global rankings to assess university performance against the United Nations SDGS

The Politecnico di Milano is included for the first time this year in "THE Impact Rankings 2022", created by Times Higher Education (THE), which assesses university performance in relation to sustainable development, measured on the basis of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Despite this being our first participation, the results achieved are very good: third place in Italy and among the top 100 in the world. A total of 1,406 universities are included in the rankings, including 20 in Italy.

The applied methodology requires that each university independently select a minimum of 4 sustainable development goals against which it wishes to be assessed, with the only compulsory goal being SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals.

The rankings measure research performance and teaching on topics related to the SDGs, the responsible management of university resources by staff, professors and students, the active engagement of national stakeholders on the basis of both quantitative indicators (citations, publications etc.) and information on the programmes launched by the universities.

The Politecnico di Milano achieved its best result, 18th in the world, in SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; a result that testifies to the level of excellence reached by the university’s laboratories, facilities of fundamental importance for supporting the innovative processes developed by researchers and industry.

The Politecnico was also ranked 45th in the world in relation to SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities and 59th for SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Participation in THE Impact Rankings 2022 and the results achieved testify to the Politecnico's commitment to promoting a culture of sustainable development in all its institutional activities, teaching and research. Indeed, promoting the Sustainable Development Goals at global, national and local level is today an integral part of the mission of the Politecnico, which is firmly established both in the reference community context and in the international academic environment.

Leggi anche: https://www.polimi.it/dettaglio-apertura/article/10/politecnico-tra-i-primi-100-del-mondo-nel-ranking-dedicato-agli-sdgs-10212/

Credits home: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci – Milano