5 per mille: the Politecnico is No 1 in Italy for donations received

Almost €1 million donated by Alumni, at the top of the ranking of Italian research centres

The data relating to your 5 per mille donations in 2020have been released for a total sum of 985.530 €, 7.921 taxpayers, mostly Alumni, donated their 5 per mille to the Poli. In the ranking of entities eligible to receive the donation, the Politecnico ranks 1st among universities, for amount of donations.

Among the research institutions, including non-university facilities, the Poli climbs three positions, from 9th (2019) to 6th place. In the last 9 years, the Politecnico di Milano has received around €5 million from donations of 5 per mille.

Grafico 5 Per Mille 2020 Ita


The University has invested these funds in high-impact social research projects, supplementing them with a part of co-funding allocated by the departments themselves or by public bodies and sponsors, according to the Politecnico’s vision of sustainable development that promotes the engagement of private and public sectors, civil society, researchers and financial institutions.

Environment, energy, health, urban regeneration, support for vulnerable populations and regions (and the list goes on) are global challenges that concern everyone and that pose questions that scientific research is called upon to answer. This commitment is part of the Politecnico di Milano’s DNA.

Funded research projects are selected each year through a research proposal competition: the Polisocial Award. First in Italy among academic initiatives of this type, it aims to support and launch research projects and an ethical approach to academic work that enhance the social impact of polytechnic skills, with a view to sustainability over time and with the goal of giving space to young researchers.


The projects funded in 2021, which started in last few months, focus on methods, strategies and tools to reduce the social imbalances aggravated by the COVID-19 emergency, favouring access to resources and opportunities by vulnerable people, groups or communities, with a view to equity and sustainability. In 2020, we focused on contexts of fragile health and the connected social consequences.

In 2020, we focused on contexts of fragile health and the connected social consequences. Going even further back, we have worked on projects examining sport as a lever of inclusion: to counteract youth malaise and exclusion of diversity, promote dialogue between cultures and promote the social and environmental regeneration of neighbourhoods. Over the years, we have talked about many more research projects in MAP, the Politecnico di Milano Alumni Magazine: discover all the projects financed thanks to your 5 per mille.

dona al 5 per mille