Paralympics and more: the fourth edition of the Fight Camp was held in a hot summer in Milan. The intensive rehabilitation camp through sport organized by the foundation FightTheStroke is dedicated to children with cerebral palsy.
Politecnico di Milano joined the camp with ACCEPT (Adaptive Climbing for CErebral Palsy Training) , an adapted and sensorized climbing wall designed to assist in the rehabilitation and analyze the rehabilitation progress of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and more generally of children with motor problems.
The project has allowed children at Fight Camp to use climbing as a tool for training, inclusion and analysis of rehabilitation progress, combining sport with a recreational and inclusive activity .
Together with ACCEPT, the boys and girls also joined the project of accessible video games through Playable, supported by the Cariplo Foundation and in collaboration with the Policlinico di Milano, La Nostra Famiglia by Bosisio Parini, Fifth Ingenium, CNR; Other activities at Fight Camp were the “Magic club” program in collaboration with Dido Green, UK; fencing training adapted in wheelchair, in collaboration with Federscherma .
ACCEPT, in prototype version, will remain in use at FightTheStroke, and will be hosted in the PlayMore spaces (sports center in Milan, Moscova area) even after the end of the project.
Sport climbing is a physically demanding activity that requires, among other skills, concentration, motor planning and sequential thinking. ACCEPT responds to the need to rehabilitate but also to practice sports in an inclusive manner , in routes with difficulty adaptable to participants: from able-bodied subjects to a possible replicability even in children with autism, where climbing allows independent movements and which therefore do not involve physical contact.
In the future, this tool can be developed as a scalable product and installed in gyms and schools in other neighborhoods, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, also thanks to its modular structure and low implementation costs.
The goal is to encourage the spread of this sport in an inclusive way and to be able to create meeting places open to all (eg inclusive playgrounds).
Wishing to support project ACCEPT? Give now.