Politecnico drives forward cybersecurity in Italy

Meet the first graduates in the joint Politecnico-Bocconi course in Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance

In 2017, the European Commission anticipated the need for 350,000 cyber security experts by 2022, but today this number has already doubled. There is talk of millions of jobs that Europe needs to cover, a number that continues to grow with the increasing pervasiveness of technologies in our lives. The Politecnico is one of the spearheads of this transformation and hosts one of the most consolidated European centers of competence in IT security which, among other things, in recent years has given birth to the course in Cyber ​​Risk Strategy and Governance (we talked about it in MAP # 6, page 22), born from collaboration between Politecnico di Milano and Bocconi University, with the support of 6 business partners (Cisco, Kpmg, Intesa San Paolo, Ntt Data, Spike Reply and Vodafone). On 20 July, the first graduates of the course graduated: Rodrigo Messina, Alexandra Blia and Giacomo Minello . The first edition was attended by 38 students from all over Italy and various European countries, and when fully operational the course will be able to host 50. But the topic has been the subject of study since the 1990s also in computer engineering courses and beyond.

Today, as a target commented Donatella Sciuto, Vice Rector of the Politecnico di Milano , "the digital sector represents a strategic component of the PNRR and one of the areas in which Europe invests most to find unity and competitiveness. In a digital world, cybersecurity becomes fundamental for many sectors such as transport, energy, health and finance. We must face this with new skills that are able to analyze the risks and opportunities not only from a technical, but from an economic and social point of view".

Cyber ​​security is an area in which Italy offers “skills, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit” , according to Arturo di Corinto of La Repubblica, who published an Italian list of Who's Who of the cybersecurity industry . Among the 50 big names in cyber security there are 4 prominent Alumni of Politecnico , discover them here: Who are the 50 cybersecurity gurus in Italy?

Credits header: Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash
Credits home: Politecnico di Milano