Cardio Tech-Lab: Centro Cardiologico Monzino (CCM) and Politecnico join forces on heart research

The agreement provides for a new structure with laboratories and researchers dedicated to cutting-edge medicine applied to cardiology

Politecnico di Milano and Centro Cardiologico Monzino (CCM) signed a framework agreement for scientific research, which will strengthen the role of the two institutions in the panorama of high-tech medical science.

The agreement provides for the carrying out of scientific, technological, training and technology transfer activities aimed at research programs with shared personnel; the participation of Politecnico personnel in Monzino research programs funded by the Ministry of Health and, vice versa, the participation of Monzino personnel in Politecnico research programs funded by the Ministry of University and Research.

The creation of the new Research Center Joint "Cardio Tech-lab, Modeling and Application for Human Health" is also planned, which will welcome staff with double affiliation at two laboratories in Monzino: one dedicated to digital technology, imaging, sensoring projects ( LEGO - DigitaL t Echnologies for imaGing and sensOrs ) and one focused on tissue engineering and biomelecular sciences ( OASIS - Omics data, Analytics, System biology, Tissue engineering and cellS).

cardio tech lab
Credits: polimi

"The joint research center represents the culmination of a collaboration path between the two entities consolidated over the years and extremely profitable - declares Alberto Redaelli, Alumnus and full professor of Biomechanics and coordinator of the Research Area in Bioengineering at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano - The rapid technological evolution in the field of diagnosis and treatment has made the collaboration between doctor and engineer an element strategic for a conscious and efficient use of new digital and data analysis media, and of the so-called enabling technologies. The Joint Research Center sanctions this transformation and is a candidate as a laboratory for innovation in the field of training, research and care, testifying to the priority commitment that the Polytechnic of the third millennium places on the theme of health and 'man ”.

The agreement will make it possible to carry out joint projects with a high scientific and technological profile that are the subject of joint publications with a high impact factor, applications for funding for competitive calls such as Community programs such as Horizon Europe, to attract industry investments and to obtain joint patents.

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