The general QS World University Rankings places Politecnico di Milano 1st in Italy and 137th in the world. The analysis takes into account 6 indicators: Politecnico is particularly strong in Academic Reputation, i.e. the evaluation of the best universities by academics in that sector, and in Employer Reputation, an international survey in which 40,000 employers indicate which are the universities from which they prefer to hire talent. The other indicators are the ratio between the number of students and that of teachers, the number of scientific citations per researcher, the presence of international teachers and students.
"Politecnico di Milano grows in the international rankings and confirms its position of excellence. We are proud of this – comments the Rector, Ferruccio Resta - but we need to move forward. Covid has confronted us with choices that will change the university's future. Digital technology, international collaboration, and new teaching and research methods are the levers that we must use to reconfigure our global position and direct the growth of universities and the regions where they operate.”
QS World University Rankings also compares the university according to its disciplinary field: this approach is more relevant for Politecnico, because it is a technical university and not a generalist one and therefore deals with a smaller number of disciplines. In the Italian panorama, Politecnico di Milano is confirmed again first both in Engineering (in all the subjects analyzed by QS: Computer Science & Information Systems; Chemical Engineering; Civil & Structural Engineering; Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering ) and in Architecture and Design. In the global ranking, we are in 5th position for design, 10th for architecture and 20th for engineering & technology.
In making the QS Ranking one of the most relevant indicators is the Employer Reputation.
For this reason we invite our Alumni to express their opionion by participating in the QS Global Employer Survey – Sign Up 2021.
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