Snam and Politecnico di Milano unite for energy transition and hydrogen development

Snam and Politecnico di Milano (also thanks to the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano) have undersigned a collaboration agreement to start conjoined research regarding the role of the gas system in energy transition, with specific focus on the potential of hydrogen and other green gases in the fight again climate change.

“Investing in research and development at the present time is a positive signal not only for the university system but also for overall economic recovery. Sharing skills and fruitful collaboration between the public and private sectors will provide credible answers to social needs and the demand for sustainable growth. The relationship between Politecnico di Milano and Snam to deal with concerns such as energy transition and the fight against climate change is a positive example where technology can operate in the midterm to invest in shared research and educate people, the top resource for any long-lasting innovation”, Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano.

As part of the collaboration, Snam and Fondazione Snam will also contribute towards the Politecnico di Milano Pari Opportunità Politecniche (POP - Polytechnic Equal Opportunities), thanks to the “Girls@Polimi” project which donates three scholarships lasting three years to encourage the study of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) by girls, destined for female students that enroll on engineering courses.

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