Working in a joint research lab: Smart Eyewear Lab 

An opportunity for research and development together with the Politecnico di Milano and Essilor Luxottica.

Working as a PhD  

The Industrial PhD in SEL is a three-year, high-level research course launched by the University and funded with the contribution of EssilorLuxottica that participates in defining the research theme. The PhD is a recent graduate who acts as a driver of change and brings to the organization, after three years of training on a shared research topic, a young point of view and new methods. He or she will work in the research line group and generate results and publications. The doctoral student will then be able to pursue both academic and professional careers.

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Working as Researcher after your PhD 

You can pursue postdoctoral studies at SEL. As researcher, you help SEL professors, researchers and pm in the progress of research lines. To be a senior researcher, you must be supervised by one of our affiliated professors or Project Managers. 

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Are you a Polimi Student? 

As a Politecnico di Milano student in the lab you will be involved in teaching and project work activities related to your curriculum, but concretely connected to lab activities. As a student, you can bring your contribution to Smart Eyewear Lab supervised by one of its affiliated professors. 

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